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Posts posted by Loki'sMinion

  1. Morning everyone or afternoon to all you in the UK,

    Just registered and figured I would introduce myself. I just brought home my new baby TAG yesterday evening. Yes he/she is a youngster and unweaned, but we will get to that later. I had wanted a Grey for years and finally things all came together for me yesterday perfectly. Right time, right price, location, financial situation, etc. I brought home my new little 4 1/2 week old TAG. He is so adorable and I love those HUGE feet!! I love the fact that I will be able to be a part of the process of rearing him and watching him grow. Also, I will be able to ensure that he gets a good start in life and gets started on a good diet from a young and impressionable age.

    I just want to set your minds at ease here regarding the purchase of an unweaned baby. I am experienced and quite aware of the risks involved with hand rearing. I currently breed and rear several species of small hookbills myself. I am not saying that I know everything, because honestly I don't think anyone could ever possibly know everything..... We all learn something new every day it seems. I will probably have a few questions here and there since this is my first TAG and just wanted to say hello and give you all a brief introduction before I jumped on the forums asking questions :P

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