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Posts posted by Loki'sMinion

  1. Loki went for her first outdoor walk yesterday :) My husband and I have been walking in the evenings because I think I am fat and need the exercise :P So yesterday we took Loki along with us to see how she would do. Nothing fazed her, she was calm about everything but her balance needs quite a bit of work. She would try to adjust how she was standing and would fall more often than not. I also noticed that my harness kept loosening up and she kept getting her foot through it. When we got home she climbed up to her favorite perch and took an hour long nap :)

  2. I swear Youtube has gotten worse and worse for their buffering of videos :mad: You would think a Google company would be better than that, but oh well :rolleyes:


    Anyway.... After sitting through all the buffering lol I found it to be a very nice video of Tattletale. I LOVE the chicken he does :) Thanks for posting it!

  3. Tagurit,

    I just wanted to mention that birds in the wild usually eat their main meals when they rise in the morning and then again before they settle down for the night. That is why a lot of people feed two main meals to their birds around those times as well as leaving pellets and such in the cage at all times. When I mentioned my schedule I should have added this little tid bit of info along with it..... So because of that, I have added some approximate times to the schedule I gave you earlier. Please remember though that this is what works for me and everyone and their birds are different.


    Pellets available at all times.

    Morning feed they get their mash. - 8 am (Loki doesn't seem to stir until around 7:30 or else this would be earlier)

    Afternoon feed they get their veggies - 4 pm (Most would feed this 2nd meal later than I do)

    Evening I add a few seeds to their pellets as a treat. - 6 pm

  4. Hi Lauren, welcome to the board :) I wanted to take time out and Thank you for taking in a re-home Grey. I bet the excitement is just about killing you! I know I wouldn't be able to concentrate on work waiting until Sunday :P I can't wait to hear more about Greystone once you get him home and settled in.


    I hope the transition goes smoothly for you both. If you have any problems or questions though just be sure to post them and I am sure someone here can offer some advice. We have many knowledgeable people here on the board.

  5. Kodi sure looks like a lil cutie pie :)


    I can't wait to hear about your baby grow and learn. I don't think you will have any issues with the weigh in and such. Just offer good wholesome foods and clean water. Keep an eye on Kodi to make sure the food is being eaten. I am sure the pet store where you got Kodi will let you know if something is amiss.


    Please feel free to post any and ALL questions. We are always ready to help when we can. Lots of different people on here with different styles and such, so I am sure the advice you get will be varied. Just find what works for you and Kodi and all will be good.


    Below you will see what I posted over in another thread this morning....


    "Here I have different schedules for different birds.


    My outside birds are fed as follows:

    Morning feed they get their mash.

    Noon they get their pellets.

    Evening I add some seed to the remaining pellets as a treat.


    My indoor birds get fed as follows:

    Pellets available at all times.

    Morning feed they get their mash.

    Afternoon feed they get their veggies

    Evening I add a few seeds to their pellets as a treat.



    My outdoor bird's dishes are open to ant invasion, so I have found that I can't leave a dish of pellets out for them 24/7. The schedule I have for them seems to be working well though and every one of them is healthy and happy."

  6. Thanks Dan,

    it is always better to get a more in depth feel for someone through another who has known that person for a long time. As I mentioned in my post, I don't think he intentionally comes across that way most of the time, it just reads that way at times.

  7. Sorry I haven't updated in a while.....


    Loki turned 10 weeks old this past Saturday. She is doing fantastic. Eats anything and everything I put in front of her. Still hasn't taken flight but I guess she will do it on her own time. She still weighs around 274 grams, so that makes her on the smaller end of the Timneh scale (as I predicted). I think she is already trying to form a word and I could have swore she said her name the other day! Climbs all over her cage like a pro now and loves to be picked up and carried around from room to room. She bit one of the dogs this morning LOL. It was funny because the dog ran off and Loki just sat there like she was so proud of herself. It's cute to watch her hang upside down from her rope perch and reach down to grab a bite to eat from a dish. She has already developed a foot fetish and will run across the floor to grab at any visible toe.


    My toy supplies are supposed to arrive today and I can hardly contain myself LOL. Can't wait to make her some new and interesting toys to play with.

  8. Here I have different schedules for different birds.


    My outside birds are fed as follows:

    Morning feed they get their mash.

    Noon they get their pellets.

    Evening I add some seed to the remaining pellets as a treat.


    My indoor birds get fed as follows:

    Pellets available at all times.

    Morning feed they get their mash.

    Afternoon feed they get their veggies

    Evening I add a few seeds to their pellets as a treat.



    My outdoor bird's dishes are open to ant invasion, so I have found that I can't leave a dish of pellets out for them 24/7. The schedule I have for them seems to be working well though and every one of them is healthy and happy.

  9. well im with you on that one tagurit, i have noticed this before myself, i dont doubt the guys knowledge on greys but i cant help thinking he could come across a little better, he is a mod after all


    Normally I don't respond to anything that could lead to drama or trouble on the board but this one struck a nerve with me. I have to agree with both of you on this one. I have also noticed this. I feel his knowledge is vast but the way he sometimes expresses that knowledge leaves a lot to be desired. I don't think he intentionally comes across that way at times though.

  10. Sorry, didn't mean anything bad, were sure you'll have good luck with birdnest, We've never had problems with either one. Birdnerds apologized for there vacation, 1st in years they said. Sorry!

    Maggie, Jayd, Spock and the Flock.


    Oh I know :) No worries!!!


    I was just anxious to get started on making Loki some new toys is all and wanted my parts now LOL (I can be a tad inpatient at times LOL)

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