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Posts posted by Loki'sMinion

  1. My Moussa did the wing-drooping, panting, oh, I love you, I love you, I love you s-o-o-o much thing to me when he was just about 5 months old. Surely not hormonal yet! I think he's just been watching too much TV; it's such a bad influence on the kids! :)


    Believe it or not, Loki is doing this already too and she is just a wee baby! I get the whole thing, wing drooping, panting, weird noises, grabbing my finger and pulling it to her mouth, etc. I try to distract her but if that doesn't work I usually place her on a gym or the top of her cage or something and go about my business for a few minutes.

  2. Glad you two enjoyed it. :)


    Judy - I do get a break now and then. :P I am also not so old, that I have become multi-tasking deficient. I can talking to users needing technical support, answer support emails, live chat for support, eat a sandwich, shoo off dayo and watch youtube at the same time without any one of those tasks suffering...................... That I am aware of anyway. :P :p :P:p


    You forgot to mention posting on here in your long list of multi-tasking skills :)

  3. Wow! Has it really been 21 days since I have been on here?!?! lol


    Anyway, I must apologize yet again for my absence. I recently went back to work, kids went back to school, etc. and I simply don't know if I am coming or going most days it seems.


    Loki is doing fantastic! She has a daily routine and will let you know if it is out of sync. She has dinner with us every day and always gets a little bit of what we are having to eat..... last night it was pizza! She does a perfect imitation of a cockatiel chirp and talks back and forth with the cockatiels that are in the other room. She is already mumbling something too, so I expect a word to pop out at any time. She is such a good girl and I can scoop her up from just about anywhere and roll her over onto her back in the palm of my hand.


    I am going to try and manage my time a little better and be on here a bit more than I have been.

  4. Hey everyone, sorry I haven't been around much lately. I have been having some "issues" at home.


    Anyway, Loki is doing great! She helped me wash the dishes the other day and as a result she got to take her first "shower". We used the spray nozzle in the kitchen sink. She didn't seem to mind it at all. Her weight is holding steady and she continues to eat everything I put in front of her. She is a pro at being harnessed and acts like it is a normal everyday thing. She loves to get out and play and will willingly go to anyone who asks her to step up. She has started biting down a little hard every now and again but it isn't a mean thing, just exploring what she can and can't do. All in all I think she is turning out to be a pretty well rounded girl and I love her to pieces.

  5. She is a flying fool already! Won't stay put anywhere for long now :P Dogs are terrified of her LOL


    Oh and I forgot to mention... she is 11 weeks old tomorrow and is pretty much weaned. She has refused her bedtime feed for 5 days now. Her weight is still around 276 grams. My lil devil is all grown up ... not sure if I am happy or sad about that :confused:

  6. My personal opinion: I don't feed our fids,,, Lima beans, butter beans, pinto and navy beans White beans or soy. Large beans need to be cooked before feeding! I would be careful feeding the herbs, and if you do, the amount you feed is less than a pinch, occasionally. The mix you made,is a treat, minus the beans. it should be given as a treat, very little, I see no veggies or fresh fruits? Our fids need a balanced diet, some foods help other foods absorb the nutrients! Her's some links, http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?190489-Welcome-PROSPECTIVE-and-NEW-GREY-Owner-s.. http://www.theparrotsocietyuk.org/index.php/Article_22/92 Thanks Jayd


    Forgive me if I am wrong and I don't mean to pick, but what is wrong with beans as long as they are cooked? I am aware that certain beans are not good if they are not cooked because they are proteolytic enzyme inhibitors but when cooked it destroys these inhibitors. The bird mash I feed my birds every morning starts out with a bag of those mixed beans you buy for making bean soup and those bags contain just about every bean. I have fed this mash practically forever with no ill effects and it is always well received by the birds.

  7. Well Loki can officially fly! :) She has been flying to me from her play gym this afternoon and she flew into the kitchen while I was cooking dinner this evening! Everyone in the house has been made aware and a sign has been posted on the front door for all visitors to be careful LOL

  8. Loki kinda, sorta flew today. She was running around on the floor flapping like always and she got some lift and forward motion. I would say she got about 6 inches off the floor and went about 2 feet :) Then she proceeded to try and dig under my daughter's leg to get at her toes (Which she was purposely hiding)

  9. Tarm,

    In my situation that would not work since I don't have any walls where a pressure rod could be mounted (Door is on a long flat wall in living room), but for other people where the walls allow and they wish to keep their birds flighted, it is a pretty good idea.

  10. What an exciting adventure for Loki. :)


    The harness may be a little too big for her, not certain. Normally the harness buckles are made in such a way, that once you cinch them to where you want, they do not move. Perhaps there is a defect?


    Thanks for sharing this first outing. :)


    I am wondering if it was my fault and I was afraid of over tightening it on her or something

  11. I like that you have people back out of the door. Unfortunately for me, I have people like my mother who happen to just "pop over for a visit" without prior knowledge and she would "forget" from one visit to the next LOL :P She honestly thought Loki was a "tropical penguin" I was rehabbing from the gulf oil spill when Loki was about 5 weeks old haha

  12. OK, I wasn't going to post but decided to anyway. Forums always have a majority and a minority no matter what and it always has one particular subject that causes a very heated debate. This forum it tends to be clipping.....


    I am part of the minority here in that my Loki WILL be clipped. Why? Because I strongly believe it will be safer for her in the long run. I have 3 children in the house ranging from 10 to 16 years old. I constantly have other children coming and going because of this. My doors are always opening and closing, sometimes they stand there chatting at an open door while my air conditioning is batting away and I am telling them to close the darn door :P . I have ceiling fans in every room which run constantly and I have other dangers that can not be bird proofed. Since she will be spending 95% of her time outside of her cage, Loki will have a clip as to allow her to gently glide downward but not attain any upward lift as I feel this is the safest way to keep her from flying out an open doorway or flying into spinning fan blades.


    I know this isn't generally accepted by the majority here but this is my decision for my bird. I consider all aspects before I commit to anything and this is the safest solution I find for my baby.

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