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Everything posted by emlee

  1. I want to thank you all for your advise. I think your right we are going to run the self clean cycle. Like you LG is of no use. I just wanted to know if its baked in the ceramic like some cookware or just a coating. A stove never crossed my mind? I'm so thankful to all of you for your quick kind advise!
  2. I'm patiently waiting agin thanks so much just to talk helps. Dave I did hear about that that's awful. Your right I will too check everything. after last nights education it makes you wonder about what manufactures get away with. FYI the PFOA or perfluorooctanoic acid gets placed on or in many surfaces not just cookware or kitchen appliances. The danger comes from when its heated it forms a particle that can no longer be broken down so it remains in that state. As you birds resp sys is different which is why they die almost immediately. Humans are exposed to PFOA all the time it is just within the past few years the EPA has got involved. Studies have shown it to cause cancer, blood pressure issues, strokes, nervous sys disorders and the list goes on. They did blood work on humans and house hold pets and found that every human tested showed PFOA in their system animal were at 52%. They state that mammals other than humans and of course birds can eliminate PFOA three times faster. Believe me humans are exposed. You are correct though if its surface applied then I can burn it off but if its baked in then it's reoccurring every time it's used just like non stick cookware.
  3. Thank You Judygram for your quick reply. It's just soothing to know people are listening. The oven never occurred to me!!
  4. Sorry for the long post but our birds are in DANGER! It's been a while since I visited, but I need help, advise from the true experts here. We just purchased a new electric range, double oven convection. Brand LG, Model LDE3037ST. It was delivered last night. I thought now I would get new cookware as well. I know about the non stick PFOA toxins for birds, so I was researching other types of cookware on consumer research for the qualities i wanted. I came across some with ceramic, not really wanting ceramic I read the review anyway. Now here starts the panic! It stated that the majority of ceramic cookware has some of these ( PFOA )non stick properties either coated on it or baked in it! Alarms are now going off big time. This led me on a massive search about PFOA. I got quite the education from at least 15-20 sources including EPA. This is my panic, concern question. I found out its not only the cookware it used on a lot of things including open heart surgery which is safe. The comes when PFOA is heated then it becomes toxic. So I read warnings about toasters, coffee makers, toaster ovens, cappichino makers and yes stoves and ranges. My new oven has the blue interior ceramic coating has any one seen these or own one? Im worried about the PFOA, is it coated on or baked in the ceramic? if coated on ill just remove the birds for a day and bake it off all day. if it baked in i cant use this range. I'm afraid to use my oven. I contacted LG by e mail, instant chat and left messages at corporate. Does any one have one of these or know anything about this? I'm scared! Thanks Eileen
  5. All three of my birds, CAG, U2 and conure have sleep cages in another room. They are covered half way so they can see they are safe if they hear a noise they are not used to. I find the birds to better rested therefore better behaved. I see a big difference from when I used to keep them in the family room to the sleep room. Which is really just another room with smaller sleep cages. Birds need 10-12 hrs of sleep a day. During hormonal season up to 14 hrs is recomended.
  6. Thank you all for the compliments. I just love them so much!!!! Eileen
  7. I wanted to post some pics of my babies. I'm proud of them. What do you think? I will try to get the funny video's soon. http://photobucket.com/emlee65
  8. Hi Semion and welcome to our greyt nation. You will learn so much here as this site has a plethra of knowledge. Ask all the questions you need to and look up and read about greys. I like the idea of your voice for gandalf. I would also use music for him. I put cartoons on for my birds, it's entertaining even the comercials are comical.
  9. Im glad for Buddy. The AV told you this because of what he does, Im sure well intentioned. Well buddy is special and needs nourishment and slow changes. Good for you.
  10. Thanks, I really, really like it. Next spring I'm going with an outdoor avairy and would like to get the stuff I need early rather than rush around. We spend march-oct in the pool and we cook out doors so the birds love to be with us for all family events, soon they can. Eileen
  11. emlee


    Thank You for your understanding the dangers that different species just might be prey to something else you own. It can be prevented and still be fair for all babies! I just dont want anything thats avoidable to happen to others. It's an aweful weight to carry. Eileen
  12. emlee


    I agree with the majoritiy. I have three dogs and they are always put away when the birds are out. When they are caged the dogs are free to roam. I know with cats they can and will jump on the locked cage to get what they want. You cant unteach their instinct. Ive owned, seen and heard of dogs and cats killing birds and pocket pets either loose or in their cages. I had a dog along time ago that was part Jack Russell and part white shepard the sweetest dog in the world. Her instinct of being a terrior she went after every thing except other dogs. I also had two cats at the time. One day I came home and found the cat cage torn apart and both cats dead. I was and i'm still heartbroken over that. I felt I took all precautions by putting the cats in the cage. I should have put them in another room. I'll never get over that, it was my fault. It wont happen again. My sister's cat lunged from the curtain rod to get her bird. I think that you putting the cats down stairs while you are away is the best thing to do. Good for you. Eileen
  13. Thank You Shanlung for sharing that. It just might haved saved some birds and their owners horrible tradgity. I know I learned something new!
  14. i love these new pics of Grimm, he is turning into quite the young man. The wait does seem like for ever, I waited 16 wks for Quinn. I like the idea of a photo life journey, you can always go back. Keep sending those pics. Eileen
  15. Chickie is so beautiful. I can tell your over joyed! I remember those days, what fun we had. Enjoy them and get lots of videos they are always doing something funny or crazy. As LuvParrots stated this is the foundation for the rest of her long healthy life, I know it's hard not to give in to those adorable eyes. BTW where did you get that tree, I just love it? On a second note, please, please, please be very careful of the dogs and cat. I know it seems as though all is greyt but Chickie has no fear and one day at any moment one of the dogs or cat might just bite or worse to Chickie. I have seen far to many birds and pocket pets killed as a result of dogs and cats that always gotten along. It happens so fast and usually out of nowhere. I have three dogs myself and all are so sweet and they to have licked my birds and seemed to get along, but I still put my dogs away when the birds are out. I am a huge dog lover to I just have a schedule where it's fair for all of my babies. I would'nt want anything to happen to Chickie. Just my opinion. Please keep us updated with Chickie, Im very happy for you and her. BTW Happy Birthday! Eileen
  16. WOW, Buddy looks greyt. Mom always told us to eat our veggies, lol. He looks content and proud. Did the AV tell you to remove the food for a health reason? If not as long as the food dosent go bad I would leave it for his comfort but maybe less in the eve. Does he get pellets as well? Those can sit in the bowl all day to munch on.
  17. I like his new name! I think in time after not hearing those bad words he will replace them with loving, caring and funny words.
  18. Happy Birthday Corkey. Your a handsome fella!
  19. Mariesa & Dave, You are such wonderful people to bring this poor baby into your home. Im glad he found you. Those people should have the same thing done to them. I can only repeat what everyone has said already. Im glad he is going to the vet, it's an avian vet right? They will be able to tell you more about his health which comes first. Then all of us here along with you guys can help you on your road to having and keeping a great grey what ever his exterior package looks like. They are awesome birds! Keep us posted, and whats his name? Eileen
  20. Hi Jim, welcome to the grey family. There is so much knowledge here on this site, better than most books. Remember the birds dont read the books, lol. Your bird will pick you, somehow they just do. Just as Luvparrots posted listen to what your grey is saying, figure out his/her body language it can save you from those bites that don't hurt. he he he. lol. Seriously though I have gotten nipped a few times but it was because I didn't listen to Quinn (CAG), I listen now. They are special birds, a world of their own. I just love my Quinn to death! Now my U2 has drawn blood and stitches, another story. Now I also have dogs and I am a firm beleaver and very dilligent about putting the dogs away when birds are out! I have seen even the most mild mannored dog destroy birds or pocket pets that they had ALWAYS gotten along with. I am a dog lover my self, I have three Doberman, Lab, poodle. The dobie and Lab are the sweetest but away they go, no chances for me. The bird could actually be the one to provoke the dog. A baby Grey will not have developed a sence of fear of the dog which make it curious, bad idea IMHO. We are all here for you through it all, please keep us posted. Im sure your CAG will find you soon!
  21. Oh boy I can relate to the vertical blinds. I have blinds on my sliding doors. One day I came in with groceries and the bird that normally talks a mile a min was dead quiet. Upon investigating the silence I came up to his cage, his back was turned to me. I realized he had reached out of the cage and pulled several blinds into his cage and was chewing them. I said to him "What are you doing" he turned and looked at me and said "Hello" It was like he got caught in the cookie jar. He was so cute. The blinds have light holes coming through. It looks like shot gun pellett.
  22. I hope and pray things turn around soon for you. I know it's easy for us to say but quite different when it's you it's happening to. I have been there myself. Remember nothing is forever and god will open another door for you. Did you try the local churches, they will usually help out.
  23. She is so cute and she looks happy. Im glad the baths are going well. Quinn never liked baths he screams his head off, then gets mad at me. I spend the day trying to make it up to him. I think he just pretends to be mad, when he really likes me sucking up to him. lol
  24. Hello Petiteone, I also have dogs and my birds and dogs seem to get along great. However it only takes one time from either dog or bird and it's over. I always put my dogs away when the birds are out. Ive seen to many pocket pets ,cats and birds killed from dogs that always got along with the said animal. Also you stated that Buddy is clipped and his perch is high. Greys are prone to breaking their breastbone from landing on it when they leap off their perch. Their landing gear dosent work right, lol No seriously alot of experienced members and your Avian Vet will explain that to you. I had Quinn my CAG clipped untill he landed really hard one to many times. I would cringe and quickley check his breast bone. It's up to you entirely, thats just my opinion. Im glad to hear from you! Eileen
  25. Welcome Susan, I am so happy for Skooter and Clarisse to be in a better situation where they can flourish. I understand about taking time and going at their pace. I have a 2 yo CAG named Quinn. I have had him from when he was weaned. We had a greyt relation ship. One day while I was at work my husband was feeding him and he jumped out of the cage onto the floor. Well he tried everything to get him back and they ended up cornering him and toweking him to get him back. After that he was terrorized. All our progress went backwards, I was heartbroken when Quinn would not come to me. He would thrash and scream. So now we are taking it at his pace. He too is a chow hound, loves his food. I can now give him treats and occasionally scratch his head. His vocabulary steadly increases. All is well but I miss my Quinn. You will find alot of great stuff on this site, I learn everyday. I use alot of information for my other birds as well a U2 and conure. I look forward to hearing of your progress with Skooter and Clarisse. Eileen
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