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Everything posted by emlee

  1. I wanted to give you a link. at first it's a real eye opener then once you've decided they have all sorts of support for Too's http://www.mytoos.com/forum/ubbthreads.php
  2. oh yes, we had a great time. He even enjoyed going out in his stroller. lol Good news though, he let me give him a goody and scratch his head tonight!
  3. You know, I'm in the same boat. That's a really good question. I have three birds, my Grey Quinn, my Too Chuckles, my Conure Mango. Chuckles seems to like all the animals, he hitches a ride on the dogs needless to say the ride is not long. lol. I have had Mango on my finger and Quinn on my shoulder. I held Mango higher and away, I don't know what they would do either? Will they eventually get along? How do I go about introducing them? I would love for them all to hang out together!!
  4. All of these stories are great. This site takes me right out of reality and calms me down from stress. Quinn makes lots of imitating sounds and has suckered me a few times into thinking my cell phone was dead, or the dog whining and even the ringer on the home phone I tell him Quinn you got me again. He picked up got you from that. His vocabulary is very large for his age, he will be 3 on the 12th, which I can't wait to post on that room!! The real amazing thing is that he speaks in three voices. Now when I say this I mean my voice of corse but the amazing part is my husband speaks with an electronic voice due to Agent Orange during the Vietnam War. So Quinn copies this and sounds just like him, the third voice is also my husband who will sometimes speak esophageal speech without the speaking device. So we hear all that he has to say three times each. This was beyond my expectations it's sooooo cool! I just love him so much. :cool::rolleyes:
  5. My little green cheek absolutely loves bells. He rubs all over his as well. Sometimes he wears it like a hat and he looks like a china man. He does ring it for attention and when he wants a piece of our food. He was my first parrot. My grey hates bells he pulls the bottom out so it makes no noise. They are particular about their bells. It's funny.
  6. Hello, I have a too named chuckles. He is three, he was a rescue. He was neglected more than abused. He is a love muffin, as most are. He loves to cuddle, and when he turns his head resting it on my chest staring up at me with those big black eyes I just melt They are extremely loud, I mean the decibel level is just below a 747. He has chosen me as his mate so he is very protective. They can and will bite very hard and deep. I'm working on his screaming, getting a lot of advice. Toys and training and more training as they are very smart. They will always have the maturity level of a three year old. He is a lot of fun. The biggest problem is the screaming.He talks little and has learned more since I have him, from me and my grey. My little conure yells back. My Doberman howls, its quite the zoo at my house.
  7. That is so amazing. All of your babies are adorable.
  8. Quinn is going to be three on Nov. 12th. He such a sweet boy. The times I do get to touch are so precious to me. I miss him.
  9. Hello to all my helpful fellow people who are owned by those great greys. I joined this site two years ago and now I'm back. I just need a connection by all of you again. You were all so very helpful and supportive when I first got Quinn. He is doing great physically. He and I used to have a great relationship. Now due to a big scare he had he is afraid of me. My husband was cleaning up his papers and he got out, I was not home at the time. He wouldn't come to anyone. He was running around the floor screaming. My husband and son's cornered him and toweled him, which took several tries. He ended up with a blood wing and had a trip to the vet. This was almost a year ago. I have been taking my time with him, still talking to him through the cage. Once in a while he will let me pet him and give him treats ,but through the cage only. He talks up a storm and will learn from me or my voice I should say. The thing that hurts me is the very people who scared him he isn't afraid of? Any advice would be appreciated.
  10. Yes they started off that way, however Mango decided to get fresh and nip Quinn. Now that didn't go over well at all with Quinn. So They tend to get nippy with each other. I have to watch them at all times. Just like my two sons who are 8 & 9, they fight fight fight. Are those pics your babies? They are awesome!
  11. Hello Russ, we are new here as well. Winston is beautiful! Yor house sounds like mine a zoo. I have 4 dogs, CAG named Quinn, Conure named Mango and a lake full of ducks who knock on my door and think I have a never ending supply of food. LOL I wouldnt have it any other way. I also live in FL. New Smyrna Bch. I really like that stand. I will look that up, great job. I had my husband build Quinn's shower stand out of PVC, so I will make this his next project, with a little coaxing, LOL. Thanks for being here. Isnt this site great!
  12. Some more pictures of Quinn. I didnt know five was the limit per post. See Im learning. Lol. Sorry if there are some repeats.
  13. WOW, I was reading through all the posts and there is alot of info here for Quinn and myself. I can tell that its compassionate and caring posts even if its not always what we want to hear! Thanks for all the welcomes we recieved :cool: Today we remembered and celebrated the lives of veterens past outside as a family having lots of fun in the pool. Quinn and mango (conure) got to play on their playstand. What fun they had. I laughed so hard because Quinn is still adjusting to his HUGE feet LOL. Everytime he would get into trouble he would scream for momma, and of course I came to his aid. Mango looked at him as if to say " what are you yelling at just climb" I also discovered how much Quinn loves watermelon. Im having a blast. Ok now im going to try and attempt to put up some pictures. If I dont do this right please tell me. I am not a computer person and advise will not hurt my feelings, I promise. Also do I continue to post here or any forum? Do the photos go here or in the photo section? Sorry for all the questions, I will get the hang of this soon:o I hope this works with the pictures, here goes.
  14. Thank you for the link. Thats a good plan He is proven to be as stubborn as a Doberman. Oh he will know whos who in this house; my dogs ha ha. He is saying words but not clear kind of raspy when will his words be clear? I think he says goodboy clear once or twice. This site is great! Eileen
  15. :)Hello everyone, We are new to this site as well as a new grey owner. My boys name is Quinn and he is 6 months old. I enjoy him so much. I have so many questions for you guys. I was delighted to see such a site for greys. I got Quinn when he was 12 weeks. he was abundance weened. Can someone tell me in depth what that means, I have a general idea but not fully. He has also starting nipping. How do I stop this. I have a conure who did this as well at Quinns age. Is this a stage? What do I need to do for this? Thanks in advance, look foward to talking with you guys. Eileen
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