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Everything posted by Ozzysmom

  1. Ozzysmom


    Lol that is great!
  2. Mai Tai regurgitates on his tail he pulls it out under him and goes to town.
  3. I am here because I love to talk about parrots and love the great advice that is offered here too.
  4. Ok he loves being out of his cage and can get out fine. I have been letting him be out all day from 6 am until about 9ish at night. He can not or will not go back in so I have to put him in. I dont want to break any trust nor do I want to stress him. I was thinking do you think having to physically put him in his cage will cause any damage to me gaining his trust? Sometimes i have to put a long sleeve coat on to not get bit he doesn't like this at all. If he is on the ground I can pick him up no problem just when he is on his cage do I need to do this. Should I be leaving him in his cage until he leans step up? He doesnt know what this means because I dont think he was handled much if at all his whole life. any input is great.
  5. Ozzy's is pretty big but he doesnt spend any time in it lol he actually has 2 rope perches but its not in this pic.
  6. Does anyone here have face books that they share with other bird owners?
  7. Thanks guys I love to hear positive things about him since most of the people I know ask my why I just didnt get a "normal" grey. Sure if I got a baby (which i will in the future) I could probably be holding it and it would not have the baggage but I just cant resist an animal that needs extra love. I cant imagine how many times he would be bounced around and resold due to him not being the loving talkative stereotypical grey.
  8. oh I am jealous I want a macaw so bad
  9. well i have decided that it never hurts to try anything so I have been workign with Ozzy on words. Everything I hand him I tell him what it is. When I change his water I say "fresh water" stuff like that. Not sure if he will pick any of it up but cant hurt to try.
  10. Yes he is still confused about the camera. He is great and I love him so much. I cant wait until he trusts me enough to give him lots of lovings.
  11. Here is the video, at the end you can see he has trouble lifting his foot but this is twice as good as before so hopefuly it will get easier and easier. He takes breaks but refuses help from anyone. I love him. I am trying to figure out maye something I can do so he can help disabled kids see that no matter what they can over come their disability.
  12. All of my babies are Craigslist babies. I just dont understand why people want to cash in on birds and reptiles its sad because love and a safe home are so much more important then money.
  13. I have noticed a huge difference in Ozzy with just a few hours outside every day that it is nice and warm. After the first time he seemed happier he started cleaning himself better and moving around and exploring a lot more.
  14. So last night I was sitting watching tv and Ozzy got down from his cage and walked over to me and tried to climb my leg. This is very exciting to me because he came over on his own will and wanted to see me. Now to the problems. He chews no stop holes I just have a towel or old sweatshirt covering my shirts. He wants to be on my shoulder and will fight to get there. problem being he bites my ear and it hurts. last night he got up there and was playing with my hair then bent down and bit my forehead OUCH! Anyone have these problems and been able to correct them? he doesnt seem to be doing it to be mean, like with my hand he will nibble lightly then bite down. I think he just has not been handle so he doesnt know how to interact with people? Does this make sense?
  15. I agree that being alone at night in a lab could be scary or lonely Too bad she couldn't take him home every night.
  16. I watched some videos and liked what I saw I think she loved him a lot. its like school he is in and I saw on two videos that he asked to go back and she let him. He seemed happy to me. I enjoyed the videos.
  17. These babies are so cute and currently awake moving around http://www.beakersaviary.com:8081/
  18. Oh yeah I would never condone the hybrid breedings but this one was so pretty thought maybe someone would want to give her a home.
  19. I got a video of him going all the way up to the top. Its kinda long though 6 minutes he takes breaks will post tomorrow..
  20. I will try to get it tonight. He has lasered me a few times already but never when I have my camera.
  21. lol glad the music finally loaded. Had tell my son to do his chores in my mom voice lol
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