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Everything posted by Ozzysmom

  1. Well here is our new addition she is so sweet! I love her already. Here she is with Mai Tai she is on the left Here is she and Mai Tai and my daughter please excuse the hair she had been napping. here she is with my Daughter
  2. well he does come to me to hang out sometimes I can let him sometimes he will sit on my shoulder and sometimes he just wants to be near me but hands off. I can kiss him when he on his cage and he has started to kiss me he is so cute.
  3. Thanks guys you are the best!
  4. Just wish he would trust me and I could cuddle him and kiss him and love him oh I cant wait for the day. I know we will get there but just had to type it out I LOVE MY OZZY there I feel better. I cant wait until I can cuddle him!
  5. Of course I have not seen him do it again yet I may try to sneak up early one day.
  6. Ozzy has a deformed leg too, it is side to side in stead of out infront of him. What we have done that worked well is we have low perches and some half way up the cage, we also line the bottom of the cage with paper ecause it makes it easier for him to walk and not be on bars. He has 2 rope perches and will be getting another. He also has some more natural type perches. Lots of toys all over and a bunch of foot toys ontop of and on the bottom of the cage. He loves the foot toys great to work with his feet too. When we got him he hard a hard time lifting is bad leg at all more dragged it, he now has a harder grip and can lift it up 3 times as far. He has a ladder from the ground to his cage and we will be getting a rope that will go from the top perch ontop of his cage down through the cage bars through the cage and down to the ground. We also have flat perches and will be putting a flat perch attached to the wall with rope to get from cage to that one. You are in for some great fun and Ozzy amazes us daily on what he can do and yoru baby will too.
  7. I have to get better at updating it but here is ours, please enjoy! http://caliparrots.wordpress.com/
  8. We were watching the 10th Kingdom and who should come off his cage and waltzing in but ozzy, here is what he did. Please excuse the 3 year old, lol Guess he was trying to pick a better movie lol :rolleyes:
  9. I have caught Ozzy sleeping on his back a few times, he seems to enjoy it and if we wake him up he rolls over and gets up. I have never heard of birds sleeping on their backs but a friend googled it and seems other people's greys sleep this way too.
  10. As soon as I find my tape measure I will let you know.
  11. So I took a video of him playing his guitar at the end I put the camera down on his cage thining he would play more without me right there. But then in the end of this video he figured out my trick lol
  12. here you go Jilly http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ACQTddaIO2s there is a huge difference lol. I was wondering if it would be horrid to rename him Moulder lol He has been Ozzy for 3 weeks now
  13. I let him on my shoulder and had one of the kids watch him close, when he started to go for the ear I took him down back to my lap for a few minutes he then would be allowed to go back up I just did this a bunch of times, also when he was on my lap he would chew my shirt but now I give him a foot toy and no more shirt chewing he also has gained weight when we got hi myou could feel his chest bone a lot now you cant feel it as much. I am so proud of him he is coming along great
  14. Thanks guys! You all are to kind, I like to stay busy and this does the trick Glad to be here and you guys are great and helpful
  15. So if you remember I was having issues with Ozzy wanting to be on my shoulder then wanting to shred my ear. Well since then we have worked on it, he will now ride on my shoulder (have to walk slow or sit he has hard time gripping tight) and he no longer even looks at my ear, He also loves to give me kisses, the first time I tried it he nailed me but since then I have been working on gentle and offering the back of my hand, when he would kiss it he got a treat when he would bite he didnt and he now gives me kisses without tearing off my lip and he will put his head down for me to kiss his head. Man I love this bird! He also plays the piano (a barbie sized one) I also have videos I have to upload.
  16. but I think Ozzy is trying to learn a new song. So Ozzy and I were watching hulu and he came in late to the show which was the X-files. Well the show ended and the theme song came on and he went nuts (so much so I am wondering if it would be horrible to change his name), head turning head bobbing and really appeared to enjoy it, so I went to Youtube and pulled up the Andy Griffith theme song and he just sat there, I put xfiles back on and he went back to dancing, the third time I played the song for him he would listen, turn hid head upside down and then whistle different pitches until it matched it was great I hope he picks up a song. I plan to make him a mixed cd with this and other songs he likes.
  17. I hope you can fix this, let us know how it goes. Ozzy has actually gotten louder since we got him. when we got him he was so calm and almost silent, now he will do contact calls very loud for long time (we always answer him, he does other noises that are crazy sounding even the squeaky door and dog barking of course I love all his noises, makes me think he is happy. I hope your husband can get some more patience for this guy, you are very lucky to have a grey in your life and I think that if you get rid of him because hubby made you it will make you bitter.
  18. http://www.facebook.com/topic.php?uid=15914437539&topic=8408#!/group.php?gid=120306368002591
  19. Its not going to happen anytime soon I dont think I am not in a huge hurry. I will let you guys know though if I get one.
  20. Ozzy my grey does this only with his zupreem the water sure is pretty when he is done lol
  21. wow thanks she is right next to me I could pick the baby up!
  22. I have come to the conclusion that if I want a grey I may have to buy one from a breeder. Are there any highly recommend ones that will keep me posted on the babies progress and that are not over priced? Thanks
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