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Everything posted by Ozzysmom

  1. He has come so far. He no longer bites much I am so happy with him
  2. Finally got a picture of Ozzy playing on his back. He is doing much better, we are able to have him step up, he gives kisses, makes a ton of different noises and is just a gem. This picture we were playing with him he was on my daughters hand and she put it down to let him get off and he rolled onto his back.
  3. Sure will just got back from my computer being broken so I will post pics and really figured a lot out about him lately and he is doing much better.

  4. Not here, he is a rehome so I am not sure what all he has heard, they lived on a farm if that helps. Maybe he is trying to impersonate an owl lol
  5. Now I have to check ozzy lol never noticed them but now curious
  6. Listen to all these guys at this sanctuary
  7. That is horrid, those poor babies I found this too
  8. So I recorded Ozzy when he was on a roll, he makes two noises and the first one i think is our smoke detector when it is low on batteries or hammer what do you think. I have no clue what the second one is any ideas? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CDVyBcrTbXg
  9. Good news! A beautiful species thought to be endangered is not. The yellow-eared parrot of Colombia was thought to be extinct until 1998 when a tiny population of 81 was discovered in the Andes mountains. Equally surprising and welcome, is the very recent news that population has grown to 1,000. Because of the rebound, IUCN announced the rare bird's conservation status has been downgraded from critically endangered to just endangered. Moving the bar in such a positive direction has been no easy feat, and has involved the efforts of 47 organizations around the world and 180 individuals. Over the last eleven years they have collaborated to protect the few remaining yellow-eared parrots, to conserve their natural habitat and increase their numbers in the wild. ABC's President George Fenwick said, "This stunning and truly remarkable success shows what can be achieved when committed organizations, institutions and individuals come together with a clear and common purpose — to save a species." In Colombia, the leading conservation organization Fundación ProAves played a key role. They designated a Parrot Conservation Corridor to protect the land where they live, and acquired 10,000 acres critical to their survival. Also they assisted with reforestation of those areas to rejuvenate their habitat. For the last seven years they managed a Next Box program which created nesting sites for the parrots. The additional nesting sites helped increase the parrot population directly. Another program to reduce consumption of the wax palm tree, which is a very important part of the parrot's habitat, was begun. (The parrots live in these trees.) Wax palm tree conservation was supported also by the Catholic Church there, and it was effective. For now, the parrots are doing much better, but even with a population rejuvenated to its current status, it remains endangered and still requires help. The following organizations assisted in bringing the parrot population back from nearly dying out. ProAves Fundacion American Bird Conservancy Loro Parque
  10. Ivan has been found! He is now at home safe and sound, eating blueberries
  11. I feel terrible for Ozzy his foot from the ankle down is completely sideways. I was told it was fixed as a baby but what vet would splint a foot sideways? Anyway I am considering saving up some money ( I am assuming it will be costly) to have it fixed if it can be has anyone had a bird have his leg fixed after it has been set a certain way for years?
  12. I have permission to cross post this per the owner, If you can cross post anywhere please do so.
  13. Oh I hope you can find him. At least if he can fly he can get away from predators and stay safer then if he was on the ground flopping around. I hope you find him.
  14. My birds love cheerios one thing to remember about vets is they are rewarded by the large companies of food they reccomend, its the same for dogs Science Diet rewards them for recommending and selling their product.
  15. First let me say I am over it and am moving on BUT wanted to suggest something to the moderators and admin. Take it or leave it lock or dont lock just trying to be helpful. Let some of these threads move forward dont lock so many less people will be angry if we are allowed to hash it out. When I ran a forum for mothers things got heated and I would watch them for cussing or general attacks to make sure it stayed civil and by the time it was over worse enemies were friends and all was fine also the members felt not so controlled, and they appreciated that. I mean if a member asks what is going on no need to lock her thread and tell her to move on we as adults can let her know what is going on and she will be happy
  16. Hmm ok well I enjoyed it here but really dont think a forum should be run with an iron fist and I dont think members should be treated like children and told to shut up. I think we should all be able to voice our opinions and question what we dont understand or think is right! have a good day
  17. Sp I assume that he has proved in some way that he is not Kevin? Just wondering because that is what was asked for either party to prove their point. I am still not convinced but its not my board and so I have no say. So he obviously proved his 20 plus years experience and that he is NOT this other guy right because I would hate to lose people when this just kinda got messy.
  18. OMG too funny wish I was there to see that I would have died laughing
  19. I am not sure I have not seen it its the one she was in in her old home, I was thinking of buying this one http://www.drsfostersmith.com/product/prod_display.cfm?pcatid=16502 or something like it because I dont want babies and I could put them in the same cage and still be able to pull the divider out but I dunno yet.
  20. Thanks for the compliments, her name is sunny but we will be renaming her Martini so we will have Mai Tai and Martini I thought the name went well together. I cant wait until her big cage gets here on wed its going to be so fun to set up a cage again. She was shy at first but she is now grooming me, giving me kisses and playing with the kids.
  21. oh those are huge I was hoping the site would resize sorry I will fix them later oh and that is newspaper on the floor not poop lol
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