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Everything posted by Elvenking

  1. We all know that they grow up and stop looking to us for every little thing. But I really do know how to enjoy his sweet moments.
  2. Does anyone find that when they come home, they have to put on a special shirt for the sake of their bird? I have a few bird shirts that I don't care about getting pooped on or holes bit into them. After having holes bit into a couple of nice shirts, this seems the only way. PS: Yes...I am really bored right now.
  3. Jay...don't do that...you make me cry.
  4. I only hope he gets a second chance to learn that lesson. For Yoshi's sake. Do everything you can to find her.
  5. It is a shame that the bird trade is not populated with really honest representations of these special beings and what they require of us. I liken it to somewhere between having a dog and having a small human toddler. Money drives the worst behavior in humanity and that is at the root of misplaced birds. I have to honestly say that having a bird has actually made a more responsible person out of me. The beauty, majesty, and intellegence is what drives my love for Issac.
  6. Maybe I chose the wrong word there. And oh I definitely see the wild side come out of Issac sometimes.
  7. Lol...I don't think you forgot a life change that I have made since i got my baby. Sure...it was slightly more than I thought it was going to be, but in both good ways and bad ways. However, i wouldn't say that watching a movie is totally out of the question, you just can't give your undivided attention to the movie and you might be pressing pause a few times. You did say 'uninterrupted' though..and that cannot be the case. Often, Issac will sometimes preen while I am playing a video game or watching a movie. That is usually good for 30-40 minutes of relaxation. Also, i would love one of those little handheld vacuums, I still have to break out the big upright for now. I also rip through bottles of Woolite Oxy Clean for the carpet. I actually have a stain removal method perfected. (Thankfully the carpet is tan though...that helps. As far as pre work rediness, I actually get up early enough to spend about 1.5 hours with my baby. Talking to him like another person, trying to play with him when he is into it...and ohh the showers. I probably waste a bit of water because I know that when I trun it off, Issac will stop chatting. So I will sit there listening to him just a little bit longer. There can be no doubt, anyone who has a concept that you buy one of these guys, throw them some seed, and wait for words is going to have a serious awakening. A parrot is seriously the most underestimated pet of all time. They are clever enough to try you in ways you never thought possible. That said, if you can come to terms with the responsibility, they are the best of friends and offer a lifetime of rewards for good care.
  8. This feeling of taking something away from a domesticated animal seems to be the stongest among the subject of birds. Also, it can be a factor that comes into deciding whether to clip their wings or not as well. I can only tell you how I wrap my head around this. Firstly, as people, we are able to manifest an understanding of feelings in a way that we put our birds in shoes that are far to large for them to fill. What I mean is that it is highly unlikely that our little friends spend their time with us in wonder of what lies beyond or what might be missing. Given that if they were born in human captivity, this is all they know. Regardless of whether we are referring to birds in the wild or home with us, there are ups and downs to both situations, and in the end, it really makes no difference to the bird. Just as there are those of us who live in huge mansions, and those of us that live in smaller, less lavish lifestyles, somehow we all have our ups and downs, there is no all-positive situation that can be had. That said, you can only hold yourself to the responsability within your grasp at this point...being a bird owner that is. Lots of toys, treats, talking, and playing..and everything you can do to involve your bird is great. Heck, these Greys probably feel like kings among people. When I watch a video of a Grey babbling away, playing, or cleverly taunting their owners with tricks and games....I can hardly think that they feel like they are missing something. That's my 2 cents, if it makes sense.
  9. It is so funny to hear them talk. I never tire of it. I like to look out the window with Issac and talk to him too. Thanks for sharing the video.
  10. What a beautiful Grey! Love to see them fly.
  11. Yeah....this is why he has so captured my heart. He was still all wobbly at this age and clinging to me like a life line. I guess I was his comfort in his transition from breeder to home. I love him soooooo much! Words don't do it justice.
  12. Too cute! Issac would come up by my face at night and make sounds like this. He still does when he is on my shower curtain. Take heart...they are calibrating and it takes somewhere between 6-12 months to hear words...but there can always be suprises!!
  13. Super cute baby pics, I can still remember Issac at 7 weeks. Thanks for posting. Those Macaws get big quick!
  14. This is by far my favorite picture of Issac. He only did this twice when I first brought him home at a tender 10 weeks old. He constantly wanted to be by my face, and one night he just fell right off to sleep and I was able to snag this sweet little photo with my phone. This is the most precious moment...ever. It just looks like he is saying, "I love you daddy". You just can't look at it without smiling.
  15. Wow...that is one vocal parakeet...this is rare to see these little guys talk for sure. My Conure makes sounds that I call demon noises where I can hear things but cannot make out what he is saying. I am pretty sure he says "Yer a good boy" among other things. I have been meaning to record them so I can play them back and figure it out.
  16. Dangit, I wanna go home and play with him now. This work thing is really prohibitive of extracurricular activities...such as hanging out with my baby.
  17. Now that is funny! I would die if Issac ever spoke with such assertion. Well get your videos up, I wanna se Cosmo!
  18. Yaaaayyyy Spock!! I knew you would prosper! Stay well and give daddy a run for his money!!
  19. I am sure the first few days with a Grey that has lived elsewhere for quite a while will be a somewhat random and exploritory experience. But I am sure with the patience that you describe yourself as having, things are going to be just fine. I love hearing about how peoples new greys behave. It is going to be a fun experience for sure and it's nice to have you share it.
  20. The great thing about Issac is that he always wants to be with me. There are not many things that I do not find endearing about Issac. I love all his little calls and coos as he is growing and trying to learn mimicing. He is more than anything I had in mind when first looking for a bird, and in a very big way. His is so my friend and companion. It is truly frightening sometimes, as I have never loved anything so fragile, so much. I would have to say that he has found a couple ways to push my buttons. He tries to get at my plants and chew the leaves no matter how often I remove him from them. Working on the computer has become a task requiring a lot of strategy. And for some reason, everytime I open the refrigerator (the one in my apartment that I do not own), he wants to bite the seal that goes around the door. He is such a rascal. Even given that, he is impossible to get mad at. All I have to do is look at that little inquisitive head of his, and I melt into love for him. I have to honestly say that Greys are the best kept secret in the pet world, and they are also more than the majority of people in this world understand. I am a very proud Grey owner!
  21. That is strange about the image, I attached like I always do. But yes, I especially love it when he is trying to pry his head under my fingers to get in there. He makes me love him.
  22. LOL...now there is a 'foot' toy! Also, it does seem that when Issac hangs upsidedown, he also wants to squawk like some kind of dinosaur. It freaks me out when he does it from my shirt sleeve, because he gets all 'beaky' when he is doing that. @Jayd: I will have to look for the little wicker balls. He loves plastic he can break. These little balls, the caps to bottles and containers...if it can be turned into pieces, he seems to like it. @Dan: They do seem to want to communicate and do things with you so much. I constantly find how interactive they are amazing.
  23. He absolutely cannot resist this game. Even if I am sitting on the couch while he is over on his cage. If I say 'peek-a-boo' and cover my eyes, he comes fluttering over to my face to try and get his head under my hands. It is the sweetest thing ever. I can also play on the ground and tuck my head on the ground while kneeling. Then he will try to pry in between my arms and my chest to crawl into the little space where I am hiding my head, making little coo noises. I used to play this game really early in his life (about 11 weeks) and just picked it up again. He is so sweet.
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