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Everything posted by Elvenking

  1. Spock is a ver good spirited bird to be flying around so happily dispite his issues. I hope he will shake it off and prosper. Love hearing about him. Plus I am a Star Trek fan...lol. Wishing you the best to stay healthy Spock
  2. A little late this week with my posting. Super busy at work because I have been given a new opportunity to develop code for our application, so I have been heads down big time trying to impress. Anyway, over the last weekend, Issac said his first...welll...second hand word. You see...my Conure says his own name, Pedro in the best way a Conure can I suppose. So yes, Issac picked up on that little one and started repeating this sunday evening. I was laughing quite a bit when he did that. I am hoping that attempting to say Pedro's name will make that connection to him saying words that come from me. He seems to be slightly less of an attention getter lately. He still loves to perch on my shoulder and preeen away, but he is not interfering with my activities as he typically had. I can get computer time pretty comfortably at home now, (he's on my shoulder now preening). So at the very least, there is a trend toward knowing his boundries for the week. In case you hadn't caught my drift from past posts, I love this bird so much. He is so my friend and I will stay home on an evening just so he can have out-time. There is nothing like coming home to him. I let him out and tell him how beautiful he is and that I love him. Here are some new pictures of him.
  3. Can I get a 'What the heck is goin on 'round here?'
  4. I had originally planned to clip per my breeders recommendation. Then I came here and read all I could about it. In the end, I decided to leave him flighted and I am thankful every day that he can fly. It really is a beautiful thing. I wouldn't dream of taking his flight from him. You are right in your gut feeling not to clip him.
  5. Has anyone asked what the diet of your Grey friend is? What do you feed? I know you say you haven't changed the diet...but I am curious.
  6. I have my Conure and Grey in the same room. Most of the time Issac respects my Conures cage space and leaves him alone. However, they have met on the cage top and it doesn't look like much good would come from me leaving them to work it out. So I always remove Issac from Pedro's (my Conure) cage top. Pedro can fly but doesn't do it much so i don;t have to worry too much about him going over to Issacs cage. It is my guess that if Pedro were to try to bite Issac (which he does try...cheeky little guy) that Issac would eventually show him who is boss. I have to keep an eye on these two for sure.
  7. Okay...I am dying for a picture of this. That sounds super cute. I can't say that Issac has any position specific behaviors.
  8. It does feel like a special moment that we share. I will get that most recent video up soon.
  9. Ohh gosh...how old is the baby birdie? Not sure if it's a baby nut it's ate in the evening here..and I assume. Ohh I love hearing about moments like this. I cannot wait till you get your bird...and do us all a favor here..and post your experience..i think we all find it to be the most gratifying things to hear how others have this wonderful ride. Many wishes for love with your bird.!!
  10. I love how much people on these forums love their birds....PERIOD! What a wonderful parront you are Britanny!
  11. Wow...big change for birdie. Here is what I recommend with my limited experience..and since I live alone with my birdie. I have not yet relocated, but moving from a house with lots of social activity into a place with les...might be an adjustment. So there is going to be a bit of natural adjustment to the change..and its only been a month...so it will need time. Just try to play with him a bit. It might take a little time. I do peek-a-boo when i don't know what else to do. It is important for yourself to maintain high spirits..make a fun environment. It doesn't take much. Just talk to him and let him know you are there for him. How old is Sasha? Were you the 'bonded one' when living with your parents. Compare your previous home and contrast with the current. Is there anything that he might be missing? I would just try to be as interactive as you can in these first few months in the different environment. Get new toys..always get new toys. Talk to him lots. Show him how to play...do crazy stuff..it pays off. New environments change our little feathered friends for a little time.
  12. There is a bit of piece-of-mind to be had with it. Especially in Spocks case! I am so happy with Spocks progress!
  13. If I say, "Wanna Eat?" (which is what I say when it's forumla time) he would come out a dead sleep of scilence and start with his whooping whistles and microwave beeps like a crazy bird. I love the moment of seeing him so excited. I am on a steady flow of 'formula' myself. Maybe with a bit less celebration though.
  14. Wonderful! So glad that Aoodi is getting the attention he needs. Here's hoping for a swift recovery. Kudos for doing what it takes to get him well.
  15. Yeah, I cannot find anything that says it would be bad to continue his formula, but I also have never read a story similar to Issac's. Where he just loves, loves, loves it. I will have to record an updated video to show you just how proficient he is at getting it. The actual feeding of 50cc's is done in about 1-2 minutes. Also, if I allowed it...he would not stop there! He makes the cutest little noise every time he opens for the nozzle. I adore it.
  16. My what a little character I have. Issac has been a total dream this week. Other than one particular day where he seemed to think that it was desired by me to have him poop on me. I mean, there were times he would fly to me, crap, and then fly off. I was like....what the...??? I can only imagine how he is interpreting the time I take him somewhere where it is okay to poop, and tell him to poop. Praise him. And then have him poop on me and have it not go down so well. Usually the instant warm shock of having a bird crap on me startles me a little and I go "Ahht" out loud. So he knows I am startled by it. LOL...another funny one was when he flew to my shoulder, pooped, heard me say "Ahht" and then tucked his head in my neck for scratches like, 'I'm sorry'. LOL....that was too cute. Anyway, to update you on the formula feeding. He is still clammering for it twice a day. He lets not a drop fall and actually latches on to that syringe tip, pumping his neck. If a drop falls, I see him strying to scoop it off the counter with his lower beak. He is fanatical! One question would be, do you think I am holding him back development-wise by continuing this? He still eats his Paradise Ultimate Blend mix, and his vegetables. He is also in love with palm nuts and pasta which I give him in limited doses. I can be certain that he is well fed. Let me know your thoughts pros. This last week he has been a total cuddle muffin offering up lots of head tucks into my neck and a peaceful presence. Got him more toys to play with over the weekend and they keep him busy. He is all of the bird I wanted, and much, much more. I feel very lucky. The adventure continues. Thanks for reading all.
  17. You know, it is a shame that we are brought to decisions like this. I find it absolutely stunning that enough oversight was in place that no one ever asked, 'What do we do if this goes wrong?'. The shame is that, nothing but money drives decisions at the most important levels of humanity. This world is covered with people in power who could care less about the birds on our shores. The people with the most power, abuse it...plain and simple. They are just worried about their houses and lavish lifestyles. I am personally convinced that humanity will go to hell in a hand cart, and there isn't a damned thing we can do about it. Which is why, I find my apartment to be the best place for Issac and me, right now. I feel most sorry for my daughter, who will likely see the worst of humanity to come. Because I notice nothing other than this world getting worse, building up like an earthquake, ready to slip. Sorry for my grim outlook, but it never took a disater like this to see what we are certainly headed for. I would say that 90% of people who have power, could give a crap less about anyone beneath them. I am sick and tired of class division in this world, because it is exactly what is going to drive us into the ground. Admittedly, we are all a part of the problem. We are all short scoped in our day to day life. It's an honest way to be, how can you carry the weight of the world on your shoulders right? And really, what are you going to do anyway? Gonna quit your job and revolt full time? Good luck with that one. However, if a revolution should start soon, and support my family, I am alll in. Until then, we wait for someone prosperous, and good willed at the same time. There are some out there, but they are just a drop in the bucket, even if they do make millions. Chaos is the way of the world, and it isn't gonna change overnight. I sincerely admire those who have taken up environmental science and serach for ways to defeat our current methods of petrolium use, there are no others that know this battle better. They take on the ultimate battle every day. And sure...you'll see a few oil companies in on that...just so long as they get a piece of that action. Yep...money. Beautiful thing eh? Or great idea out of control? Anyway, that is all I am going to submit on the subject of oil. Truth be told, this is one of the big monsters in our society, but it isn't the only one. Good luck world. Peace.
  18. You are going to get to hear more than your share of noises. Issac was still pretty quiet and only making one particular sound between 10-15 weeks...with little gremlin sessions for time to time. He is six months now and he still only has a few noises he likes to go through. But then he will totally amaze me with an array of sounds I have never heard before, and sound like he is making attempts at talking. Don't worry at all, it's still early yet.
  19. I saw images on the news earlier where you cannot identify the species of bird under all the crude. It is indeed a horrifying sight and I avoid watching these things. Super sad.
  20. I did notice that design flaw, and while I was trying to get Issac used to the Aviator (which I cannot get him back in it for the life of me) he was whittling away at that very clip. Thank you for sharing this and letting us know of the possibilities.
  21. Yep, I typically get a beak grinding when Issac is ready to nap.
  22. Perfect images of a Grey doing his normal balancing act. I do always wonder they prefer to stand on one foot. But you can bet they are comfortable when they are doing this. It's a pleasent sign.
  23. LOL....oh yes, Issac has those moments too. He will often throw in the prehistoric battle cries as he does a fly by on my head....occasionally kicking off the top of my head or shoulder as he passes. It is simply impossible to explain to someone who doesn't have a Grey, what you deal with to be a proper parront. It does make you appriciate those times when they have decided to give you a break, and play by themselvs or preen. (Thinking) "OMG he's preeening, maybe I can get a few mins on the computer" Ohhh my...I get so much less time on the computer....I won't even attempt certain things anymore before certain times when i think of what i will have to do to keep Issac entertained as I try.
  24. Issac loves to fly, and most of the time, I love for him to do it. As far as keeping him on his cage, he usually decides to hang out there after a bit of exercise. No matter the efforts I must go through to keep him flighted, in the end they are all worth it. There is something majestic about being somewhere in the house, hearing a contact call, and then hearing the fluttering of wings to your location (my shoulder for Issac). Even if you do clip them, they will probably choose to do a bit of floor walking and then you have to mind your steps very carefully. Just my view on the subject, both clipping and not have pros and cons, but the bird makes out the best when you choose flight and can manage the cons of that decision. Anyway, it sounds like things are moving along nicely with socializing him with the family. I can also agree that a Grey is like no other bird I have owned. Certainly nothing at all like my Conure. Enjoy a fantastic ride with your Grey.
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