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Everything posted by Elvenking

  1. I am curious about something. If you have a Grey that talks, and it seems that most do, I have a few questions... Were the first words he\she said to you something that you always repeated to them or was it something that they picked up quickly. Did you drill words in with much repitition or did you just talk to them in passing and they picked things up. Did you set aside training time specifically for talk training? I pretty much just talk to Issac most of the time. I do have things I say often to him, but I usually don't specifically sit him down for a training session. If I do see that I have his attention, I may repeat, "Hello" or "Whatcha doin?" a few times while he listens. Among other common phrases. He seems to be really sharp picking up noises for sure, sounds from video games, creaks from cabinets and doors, pop, whoops and whistles. I will also catch him giving attempts at words. I love it all. So let me know your experience with this, it is much appreciated. Thanks.
  2. If it's really true, that is very cool. I still am a bit gun shy with this stuff on the internet though.
  3. LOL...I don;t send any money to anyone with a 'GMAIL' account. What a joke. It's 2010 and there is not a lot of 'good faith' left unfortuantely. I mean what is the differnece between me starting a campaign for myself with no recourse or eveidence that anything is legit. You can't just expect the momentum of this community to generate funds for an undocumented project. Anyone in the world can set up a webpage like you did and it could be a total farce. So prove it! And maybe we listen.
  4. Everytime I come home from work and walk through the front door, there is a little part of me that is incredibly happy to see that Issac is still sitting up on his perch waiting for me. There are times I imagine how I would feel if he weren't, so I can understand how you feel about your loss. My sincerest condolences for your loss. I am sure Vree is in a better place.
  5. 'For the Love Of Greys' looks awesome...its getting ordered now. Thanks.
  6. I read the title and I had to laugh and think, "Ohh yes...they have big feet!" I chuckle many a time when Issac starts running with those big things...its funny!
  7. Issac is not into pellets either. However, he is at close to 9 months and still loves formula. If I try to give him one of those Coarse Harrisons pellets, he just drops it like it's not even food. I have tried wetting them and everything...he just doesn't go for it. I do see some dust on the floor of the cage sometimes from him grinding up the pellets in his seed and nut mix...but nothing major.
  8. What a couple of performers. LOL...great video.
  9. I always love this.... though I don't think its an amazon
  10. This is super sweet. I would have to be revived if Issac ever did such a thing. Though I have never been sad around him yet. My saddest moment since I got him was when he was missing. I do always tell him that I love him and ask for kisses. So hopefully when he gets around to talking, he will say these things. They are so amazing. Yay for Emma.
  11. Issac loves the peek-a-boo games and the noise making back and forth. Sometimes I feel like I have the same bird Dan does. LOL. As you spend more time with them, other things will surface that you find they enjoy. Issac's latest joy is, for some reason, my toes. Lately, if he sees my bare feet kick up on the couch or a table, he comes flying down to rub his head on my big toe and to ask my toes to scratch his neck. I keep telling him that my hands can do better but he doesn't care.
  12. I also have one Congo African Grey and a Green Cheek Conure. My Grey, Issac, will sometimes tease my Conure, Pedro, by landing on his cage, and then flying off before Pedro nips his feet. Sometimes he will do a few jumps around on the top of the cage to keep it going. They aren't exactly buddies....LOL.
  13. I am right on the same page with you Dan. I enjoy having him being able to come and get involved on what ever it is I am doing too much to just prohibit him. So I will attempt to manage it. I can get a pretty good reading on his moods enough to know when I am not going to let him sit on my shoulder. When the battle cries start...then it's a definite no. Lay low...and get the hell out of the way. LOL. He was just curling his head into my neck and rubbing his head up against my face. Both times he nipped at my ear, I knew he was in a different mood...he gets all twitchy and shifty...like hyper-aware. These Greys are certainly a unique experience.
  14. Thanks Dan. I pay loads of attention to Issac, and naturally, he gets my attention when he is letting me know he wants it. Or I willset him off with something that keeps him busy. Love the 'football shuffle' reference. They are shifty little guys and move fast when they want. I also have a perch I use when i feel my hands might be put in jeapordy. He usually ends up flying away from it. I will master ninja mode for sure.
  15. I sent a request for more information to the company who makes the Feather Lite devices for the study of birds. They seem to be designed to track the movements and migration of flighted animals. Some of their devices look to be as if they are approaching the size you would need to keep the bird safe and comfortable. I sent a very good message that explained how all of us in the Parrot loving community would love to see something come to market for locating lost birds. I eagerly await their response, as this is a market that would really be profitable to get into. I can;t begin to tell you what i would pay for such a device, and i won;t be telling them that either. LOL. I shall keep all aware of the communication. Here is the site if you want to send your own request. http://www.telemetrysolutions.com/quantum-4000-feather-lite.php
  16. It adds a little personal touch I must say. LOL So Dan how did you deal with each of the 5 points you mentioned in your earlier post. Can you give some detailed tips or examples? Thanks
  17. C'mon nano-technology. The day that they make a device small enough....I will get one...it'll happen. I actually asked this a couple weeks after I got Issac. This would be so helpful. The ones I have seen for dogs are rather large...least the ones I have seen. If you have an image of one that is the size of a pill...now that is inspiring.
  18. LOL...I had to laugh when I read that. Certainly I will go on the best awareness regarding his child parrot behavior. It is quite obvious that Issac is trying to have fun in most of these cases. So would you say that when he is in a nippy mood, to just maybe shoo him away. Or make myself unlandable? Like Dan said, sometimes they will be possessive, and you are not always able to take away an item without his protest that comes in the form of lashing out at your hand. Sometimes, I am able to calmly talk him off of it. What would you say the correct approach to take reagrding the 5 points that Dan raised? I certainly don't expect instant success, and fortunately, I have not let this issue go very far. He has done this behavior on two occasions and that is when I had to bring it up. (I was wondering when I would have something to come here and ask about again...LOL) The flying around calling out like a pterodactyl thing, I just stay out of his way. He is obviously getting his 'parrot' on and I stay clear. Like I said, i always respect his space and never forcefully invade. Only the times where he actively seeks me out and push his boundries do I need to figure out how to giude him if you will.
  19. To all of your points: 1. Check 2. Check 3. Check 4. Check 5. Check All of these, Issac does. So are you telling me he is like a spoiled lil child? LOL. He almost always acts up when I am not paying enough attention to him. And it's always around the same time of day...towards the end of daylight and early evening. It sounds like I have to do exactly what you have done. Both you and Dave give a lot of insigt as to what to do and you have had success. So I will start managing this behavior of his.
  20. Okay Dave...you say...time in the cage Dave...and i really understand where you are going with that. But...when he gets in those moods...he is combative...and he will further attack if I try to take him to the cage...I am sure to get really messed up. LOL... So what do i do then?
  21. okay...so...to answer my own question...after much thought..I think i know what is going on here. I think he is used to me fawning over him. This beahvior never happens when i am totally engaged with the little guy. It's when i am concentrating on something else. So my guess is that he is a little miffed if I am not paying attention to him..and he feels like he has nothing else to do. LOL....and even an hour into putting that understanding to practice...boy is he his old sweet self. Okay..so knowing it is an attention issue....anyones responses would be interesting. LOL...as of yet...I am talking to myself...but hey..I am answering back too.....uh ohh.
  22. Okay...so sometimes a wild hair gets into Issac...he starts flying about getting all excited and getting into things. During this hyperactive state, he will think it's sometimes okay to nip at my ear. Like..land on my shoulder..nip at my ear and such and maybe fly off. I can hurt. This majorly annoys me to understate. I mean...it is all I can do to not get angry with him. If he lands and nips at my hand..I will just fling him up and he flys away. This happens when I have something he cannot have in most cases...it could hurt him to have it...otherwise i would happily give in. But what is with the fly by ear nip. Sometimes it hurts..and I get angry ideas. I cannot help it..this bird will not dominate me...I will not have it. So...tell me what to do? Because I cannot predict my actions if i get hurt. I pay a ton of attention to him. Say tonight...I gave him treats...took good care of him..he was all happy. And then at some random time...he decides to get all rambunctious and nip at my ear...or bite at my hand. The occasions are rare..but when he does...I get super upset. and if it hurts...I can become enraged becasue i do nothing but care for his every need and if he bites me...I dont get it. It's not like I am invading his space and wondering why he is biting. I am going about my business and he just ups and bites my ear or something. WTF? You all know I love my birdie...he is the sweetest little thing on the majority of occasions. The things I know are that you cannot punish them, and he is obviously trying to tell me something...but he has to know that biting me is not good. And if he ever clamped down and hurt me severely...I cannot tell you what would happen. So it scares me. All my love for my baby will not override a natural instinct to STOP what ever is hurting me by any means. I live as an equal with Issac. I have to be careful not to make this seem like a huge deal about him...but he can seemingly turn on me at times...and pretend like he runs the show...and that just will not fly..so how do you deal with this in a Grey? Incideantally...he is back to tucking his head into my neck..asking for scratches...and being a sweetheart. ???? If I had to describe it...I would say its like he is momentarily possesed by a demon. Oh, he just put his head upside mine..and made a kiss noise. I have to think that he is not trying to hurt me....so what does it mean? Damn....(okay so I keep adding to this post) lol...could he be....spoiled?? Like, if I am not giving him all the attention he thinks he deserves? Is it like that?
  23. This is no joke! I had some people that lived 3 BLOCKS AWAY (or about 500 yards away) with a macaw....and it was incredibly loud from there. I am fully vested in my venture to have a AG in my life...and I would never...EVER chance a Macaw. It scares me.
  24. LOL..."...terrified cats..." I love it!
  25. Hello and welcome...you have certainly found the most active and best resource for grey information and community interaction. WELCOME!
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