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Everything posted by Elvenking

  1. Issac gets along with anyone I bring in so far. Really, I was just wondering the occasions on which someone might consider caging their grey for the better of the situation. I heard a couple examples and am satisfied that I have a course of action to try for now. So far...I ahve not had to cage him for more than 5-10 mins with anyone else over.
  2. Love to hear about your exploration of the world Spock. Continue on your journey.
  3. Lol...that is kind of how I came upon this thought. I was thinking, "He's funny, gentle, and can sometimes get tempermental when things don't go his way and maybe over react a little." OMG...that's me...lol. Then the way he seems to be what ever mood I am in at the majority of times.
  4. It just seems to ring true to me and inspires thought at the same time.
  5. If a movie ever is made, I would hope that they showed what a dedicated person you have to be to let a Grey into your life. Like others have said, these birds are already underestimated as pets and get rehomed way too often.
  6. What ever is in your heart, will be in your Grey.
  7. The photo was truly adoreable.
  8. It's absolutely true! Last night I was intentionally being totally cheerful with Issac and he was making all the noises he knew how to make. We were doing them back and forth, him copying me and me copying him sometimes. I ask for kisses and he gives the little smootches. Then I would put my hand up on the top of the couch and he would run over eagerly for scratches and lower beak rubs.....eyes rolling with happiness. All while watching TV on the couch comfortably. What a bird.
  9. LOL...cute description of Dayo getting excited. As much as I like to have him out all the time, I will have to try some of your approaches with the arrival of any unsure company. This is very helpful. As far as the doors go, I am currently manning the doors like you do, but i think i am going to hang something in front of the main entry way to prevent him for accidentally getting out again. I would die if I had to go through him getting away again.
  10. This is a great idea that I have been meaning to do. A voice activated recorder, because I swear sometimes I hear a word come from him but I will either not be listening too closely or not be in the room. He loves to make noises, and I love to hear them all. He does such a good microwave now and a perfect wolf whistle among many other things. I feel like any day he is going to come out with a word.
  11. Yep...settling in for a nice nap for sure.
  12. Yeah..if Issac ever bites my daughter...my ex will have the fit of a lifetime and..well..things will go down...she is not a bird person. So I really have to be careful...she does well around him and she ducks when he flys...so she is pretty good about it. We will see how it goes and I will keep all aware
  13. Ah yes..thank you for answering. The hardest thing for me to get over is the caging. I hate it. So please reassure me that he won;t want to bite my nose off if I have to do it sometimes for his and others best interest. Everytime you describe Dayo, he is just like Issac in every way and form. It's amazing and I thank you for your advice. PS: I hope he ends up talking like Dayo too...that would rock. Love to hear stories of your Grey. Thank you for sharing your tactics. Hey...do you employ door protection of some sort to prevent him from flying out..can't remember...but lemmie know.
  14. Yep, yer definitely up for the task of being a bird-mom.
  15. I think JayD is looking out for you being the one Rambo bonds with instead of another bird. It does make life a lot easier, as they will be protective of each other if they bond together and could make some situations slightly more difficult. Elvis appears to have taken to Rambo more so and may be a little miffed that his buddy is gone.
  16. Elvenking


    Yeah...if he was a young clip and he has to learn flying as an adult, it will be a bit slower. As JayD says...Pad pad pad.
  17. I will let the experts chime in, but you can bet that those birds like each other. I have been regurgitated on by Issac about 3 times and the first was at about 12 weeks or so. Apparantly they understand the ability to share at an early age.
  18. Elvenking


    Is Jasper a fledgling or is he an older bird getting his wings back. If he is young, this will get sooo much better very quickly...you watch. I think Issac's first week of flying was the most precarious. I would run under him to catch the possible fall. Pad as much of everything as you can. Nature allows for some mistakes at this stage, but you can be certain that they master this quickly.
  19. Oh heck yeah, I was so proud of Issac for the first 5 months I smothered everyone with my love for him. And still if the conversation gets started about my Grey, I am more than happy to gush rediculously. Non-bird people will not understand. And you will probably back off of the facebook posts regarding him when you see the responses starting to drop off. But this is perfectly normal and you will find that many have made this exact post questioning their own sanity for loving a bird so fully. There are so many things about him that send a smile to my face. I love the tail flutters, the way the little legs move when they run, the way their wings flutter lightly when they are trying to maintain balance on something they are climbing on. Certified bird lover. (Or maybe certifiable...lol)
  20. The other day my daughter was eating and I had to cage him for about 10 minutes while she peacefully finished. It was the most excrutiating 10 minutes ever! I don;t like him in his cage...probably more than he doesn't like to be there. In fact...he just gets all playful when he is in there so I know he is probably cool...just so long as he sees me. When and if I have a greater number of people over, I will probably have to balance some cage time and out time carefully. If not just for his own safety.
  21. Though some don't end up talking, it does appear that the odds are in favor of them ending up saying something at some point in English. I have always been worried that since I give him so much attention no matter what he does, that he may not be inspired to talk. Nevertheless, I can't help but talk to the little guy. He's my only roommate and my best little friend.
  22. Seven months is still young, so I wouldn't fret. I pretty much do the same thing. I use association, "Wanna Eat?", "Good Morning" and "Ni-Night", "Whatcha doin?" "Uh oh" (when somethign falls or an accident happens), "Good Boy!" and of course "I Love You" (that one I tend to say a lot..hehehe). Even if he didn't end up talking, I still love all the sounds he makes. I would be super happy to hear him say something though.
  23. Does Tui fly? It is much different when they can satisfy their curiosities that way. Though an interesting note, the last time my brother came over, Issac just sat high up on his atom and watched us. But I do notice that when he gets more comfortable, he starts coming down. I really have little problem with this so far. However, I just want to have some course of action should I get guests that might be less tollerant of the things that I really have no problem with normally. Thanks for your suggestion I suppose Issac's perching point is typically his atom, it's nice and high and he feels safe there.
  24. This was really meant for a specific member who has a Grey that seems to closely resemble the behaviors of Issac but they seem to have run out of space in the inbox. (I would be refering to danmcq and his Grey, Dayo). He seems to have Issac's twin. However, I will throw this out there for everyone. Is it ever the case that you have guests over that are not exactly....say....into birds as much as you are and you have to somehow manage both your relationship with your bird and your friend or family member? If so, how do you do this? An example might be, I am fine with Issac flying down to me while I am eating or doing whatever, but some of my family members could be a bit uncomfortable with this. My daughter was over the other day, and Issac is fine with her, he seems to be a very trusting bird and shares himself with everyone that comes in. Sometimes more than expected. He is getting really comfortable around my daughter and will fly to where we both are, and I think together we manage this quite well. For example, say I had some people over for dinner and they don't exactly like birds flying down to the dinner table attempting to pick food off or maybe they just have an aversion to the way he craps all over the place. (Toilet training seems to be infinite but I actually get him to poop in the toilet on occasions) Help me with more of your great suggestions.
  25. Well, I know it isn't saying too much, but Issac has been quite well behaved. He did get a little wild a couple days back and I just started talking to him and giving him things to play with, and he was fine. I find if I keep myself controlled and speak calmly, he rolls right along with that same mood. The trick is always having the tact to do this, no matter what else may be stressing you out. A lot tougher than it sounds at times, but certainly worth the product of being able to do it. Thanks for all the advice guys.
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