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Everything posted by AbbysDaddy

  1. Well she is 8 maybe almost 9 yrs old she was born in 01. I am her 3rd owner and she is warming up to me more and more every month we got her in December for X mas and she has her wings clipped but only because she was not so good at flying around the appartment and was breaking to many feathers in a row on the same wing wich caused her to fly even worse and knock stuff of of the counters and into the sink. Here is a pic of her cage.
  2. This is just a theory I have but lately Abby has been getting very very "excited?" in the morning so much so that she is jumping out of her cage on to the floor and landing with a rather loud thud when I uncover her in the mornings or when I come home from work and the house has been empty. Well with that being said she is jumping from her perch and flapping her wings before she is out of the cage and slapping them against the door and cage its self before she makes it out and is breaking new wing feathers and some that have been broken for months are just so ever slowly growing out if at all I cant tell for sure. She seems in no pain and I know they are the feather experts but if shes so smart why is she doing this and breaking new healthy feathers ones that aren't clipped like this one in the pic.
  3. its nice you sleep with your birds but be careful i have heard of people loving their birds so much and when they are asleep they roll over on the bird and kill it waking up feeling horrible ... so be careful for that reason abby will never sleep with me
  4. Ok everyone I have the aviator harness for my Abby and she finally let me get it put on her last night ...(the word let is used very loosely) but once i got it on her she could get her beak and feet inside of it and get tangled so after getting bit a lot and being as careful as I could I finally got it off of her ... my only question is if i step down one size from a med to a small is that going to be big enough ..... I know they are adjustable but its just not adjusting small enough for her so im almost positive i need to step down a size and make the small as big as it can get for her ... any one else have this problem with buying a medium and then finding out that its too big?
  5. well .... lets just say that mine might not be the aviator lol .... ill have to look at the box but its confusing as hell thats for sure
  6. WOW well lets just say I bought one for Abby at a local bird shop here around St. Louis and well its still hanging on the wall next to Abby's cage ... I hung it on her cage and she just chewed on it its not that shes afraid of it ... just me handling her the way we need to to put it on ..... plus its confusing as all hell......!
  7. I have my atom made now too so I will be getting pictures of it up here hopefully soon. Abby doesn't quite know what to think of it yet lol and the hula hoop was the best way to go by far.
  8. madisimmons wrote: it comes in different widths and size rolls ... mainly for laying down along walls .... its usually put down with tape along one edge used kind of like a drop cloth
  9. Ya this explains the other night when we came home and found bird poo on the floor ten feet a way from her cage lol .... but here is the kicker part her cage was closed and locked again she got it open (not uncommonly heard of i know) and then got out did something pooed on the floor and then got back in her cage but then closed it again lol.....!!!!
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xuUjgBMIrrE Well here is my first video post of Abby and of course she does this while I am at work ... it would never happen while I am around to see it .... my wife gets to see all the cool stuff lol oh well .... and you know what else this explains... the poop that was across the kitchen on the floor the other night but her cage was closed when we got home .... duh duh dunnnnn....! Post edited by: AbbysDaddy, at: 2010/03/30 04:03 Post edited by: AbbysDaddy, at: 2010/03/30 04:05<br><br>Post edited by: AbbysDaddy, at: 2010/03/30 04:05
  11. Well when I took Abby to get her leg band off she vet knew where she was bred at and knew the breeder. Well when I found that out I just had to get her number so I can get Abby a Sister of course their will be about a 9 or 10 yr age difference lol but its still exciting that i know where I am going to buy my next bird!!!!!
  12. Well believe me I was not gone by choice just had to make some cuts in the budget and internet was it and tv were it but obviously we have them back now lol .... Ill try and get the wife to take a video of Abby TRYN to fly lol ..... the visit went fine ... all feathers seem ok and should grow back into full flight feathers so we will see how she is able to maneuver when the come back and drum roll please ........... her leg band is off lol ... she kept waving her foot and trying to bite it cause she always used to do that and now seems lost lol.
  13. Well now that we have the internet back I guess I should post that Abby and I are getting ready to go to the vet here and get things checked out and get this dreaded leg band cut off .... poor girl chews at it all the time. Well now its going to be gone and we are also getting her wing flight feathers checked out and make sure they are growing in back properly and hopefully she can fly again here in a few months .... well I will keep you all posted here in a few hours when we get back!
  14. ya it was just an idea im sure the board has room on the server
  15. Thanks for all the advice ... sorry I have not been on alot lately its not that I don't want to but I lost the internet at my house for a little while so I can only get on here periodically. I cant find any games she likes to play with me seems that she just content seeing me but I will keep trying. The down side to being in another room is that the only other rooms in my apartment are my bed room the spare room which we dont use and the bathroom lol all others are connected by sight. Its great and makes the place seem bigger but even when im the the bath room or bed room she knows im home and wont talk its when i walk out the front door that she goes wild alot of times ill still be walking to my car and my wife will open up the door and say shes talking now lol hahahaha .... thanks for all the great encouragement everyone and I will keep you posted next time i get online
  16. Well its has been a while since I have been on line .... I will be loosing my internet for awhile because I am currently getting it for free from my neighbour lol. Well Abby officially clams up when she is around me. Last night I managed to sneak in my Apt. (its on the second floor so I have to walk in the door cant climb in the back or I would lol) and since Abby didn't see me she was playing games with my wife (who she wont even step up for) I got to hear her talk and make some new noises that I had never heard be for .... and after about 45 mins of hiding behind the kitchen counter and peeking around corners I came out and of course she clammed back up. One game my wife was playing was the knocking game ...my wife would tapp her finger or nail against the wall and then Abby would tap her beak against something usually the wall or cage ... on top of bobbing her head up and down like she was dancing my wife would ask "do you wana dance" and they would both stop bobbing their heads. I did get her do the head bob dance once and I literally had to beat my head against the wall like Abby does for 5 mins to get her to play the knocking game and then she finally did lol it was so cute ..... ahhhh the lenghts i go threw for Abby ... does any one have any ideas why she clams up so much around me ? I cant beat my head agains the wall every time she wants to play a game lol. It would hurt too much.<br><br>Post edited by: AbbysDaddy, at: 2010/01/20 17:21
  17. Just a quick question .... what times of the year are moulting season and how long does it last .... and what feathers are the ones they loose .... I guess direction to a moulting thread would be helpful lol thanks.
  18. Any one can read this obviously but please only post if you live in Missouri. The reasoning behind this is that if we can keep it to something close to this then the post can be used for a reference for people to look at and find ACTIVE people that live near them for what ever reason be it bird sitting, vet suggestions, or just meeting new people. If any one else wants to start one for their part of the USA or what ever country they are in can simply just start a new topic with their "Location" in the subject bar ... thanks and let see how this goes..... sorry if its in a bad location on the board I didn't know where to put this. PS If you do post and don't live in the same state or country as the topic is please make this obvious for people by stating it some where in your post ( yes I know people should check profiles but lets face it if your doing this post then your as lazy as me lol )
  19. dsk wrote: cool I am from O'fallon MO about 45 mins or so from you approximately
  20. Did he get this grey ... does any one live in st louis that is active?
  21. what part of Missouri are you from I am just out side of St. Louis.
  22. Acappella wrote: hahahah lol ya no memo with that purchase huh lol
  23. BMustee wrote: This is a VERY bad idea. If you grey (or any parrot) had a leg tether and took off flying as soon as there is no more slack in the line it can and will pull the leg out of it's socket...a very serious injury. So how does the Aviator stop your bird from flying then? I mean when the slack runs out
  24. Are you really playing with genetics though if you are just picking which birds "look good" as far as I have found there are no bad traits that come along with this NATURAL mutation ... and the only out come is that their is a beautiful bird now ... it would have happened in nature any ways eventually presuming that the bird didnt go extinct do to other cause's ... now if that red bird were to stay alive in the wild and make more is another question ....! Probably not lol but its still a beautiful bird ... I wish I could call Germany and see how much this guy wants for them. And I would love to her more on this topic lol
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