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Everything posted by AbbysDaddy

  1. IM still waiting for over a year for Abbys last clipped feather to come out ! ... then maybe they will all grow back and stay in!
  2. Also i think the myth that hot things make them more vocal is a myth lol .... at least for my bird
  3. does any one else' bird like only hot sauce and not hot peppers them self's?
  4. Oddly enough Abby is not a fan of the actual hot peppers them self's but just the hot sauce ... I thought that was kind of weird ... Right now I think Abby's Favorite is McDonald's hot sauce ... then Franks ... then Franks Extra Hot ...
  5. OH i dont know i have seen a few greys fall while sleeping lol !
  6. Well Abby finally got her new toy broke in after a few months .... actually quite a few months lol .... its a cylinder puzzle that slides up and down the tube to give access to spots to hide treats or food .... well since she loves french fry's and hot sauce i put one in there and sure enough she spent almost 20 mins trying to get it and finally figured it out .... her playing with the toy is not why i posted though ... i was wondering if any one else bird loves hot sauce .... Abby still wont talk in front of me but if i have hot sauce or french fry's she goes nuts ... unlocks her cage and reaches as far as she can to get to me ... she has even climbed on some chairs and worked her way over to me lol ... sneaky lil girl!
  7. I know she is missing it ... she is going out now then per doctors orders ( doc being me lol small joke for those over worried lol )
  8. Its been a while since i have taken Abby out side at all and was having a brain fart ..... 66 degrees Fahrenheit is warm enough for the to enjoy the outside for a few mins at a time right ?
  9. great idea but its only 4$ worth of parts from LOWES! lol
  10. Abby got her wings clipped by me after i got her cause her flight was not the best and she kept hitting my fish bowls and almost knocking them off the counters .... (not to mention not bad it must have hurt) and breaking feathers .... when she broke over 3 feathers in a row on her left wing and she could not change altitude or anything easly she started to hit more things when she flew so i felt for her own saftey i had to clip them ... now over a year later she has one wing fully flighted and fixed .... but she keeps breaking the ones on her left wing and they never ALL grow back in ... she might get a few long fully flighted ones ... butshe gets excited and trys flying too soon .... falls and breaks the few strong full flight feathers she does have .... its crazy ... I cant figure out what to do exactly ....
  11. well we are at about a year now i guess a year and half is the normal for feathers to grow back .... abby still has a few more i think 2 or 3 on one wing to get back to a full wing but ... she has the out side two on that win and all of the other ... i never really paid attention to this post as much be for but now abby is doing the same thing ..... standing on top of her cage flapping and flapping and flapping .... just going at it trying so hard to fly ... and eventually she will jump off the top of her cage clear the kitchen table and then land on the carpet ... and heaven for bid she hits the kitchen floor she slides and spins .... its quite funny ... so i guess we are close to flight ? ... again ... she was 8 when she had her wings clipped but that was only because she broke so many feathers she could not fly with out hitting things ... im getting excited here i hope she gets the rest of her flight feathers back !
  12. I will be adding toys and what not ect. I am just waiting for her to get used to it now and trying to figure out what ones are best to put on ... still not sure exactly how i want to secure it to the ceiling and floor
  13. You didn't know birds molt?
  14. I would maybe all some vets around and make sure they have some kind of experience in birds if they do then ask them if they know of any kind of GPS transponder ... i be live they have them for dogs and are as small as a pill so i would think if you wanted one ... one would be out there some where .... might have to get it over seas ... but if you do that then unless you can check it online there would be now way to use it over here ... good question....lets see what pops up in this thread!
  15. Yes i did use hula hoops and vet wrap and some twine to hold it together till it was wrapped and then the bar across the middle is half inch pvc pipe with a T fitting that cut to fit around the hula hoop and then wrapped it so you couldnt see it and when you make yours you will need 4-8 rolls of 15yrds of vet wrap depending on how thick you wrap it ... at least 4 i would say though
  16. oh and if you think a couple of rolls of Vet tape is enough lol its not I think to cover it and make it look great it would take at least 100 yards or about 4 to 5 rolls
  17. I was going to try and find like a thick self sticking tape used for like grip on hockey sticks or something but i decided to go with what everyone seems to be using and that is Vet Wrap. Kind of like what you would use to wrap up your wrist or fingers if they were sprained or broken. Seems to work ok ..... and as far as for her to get used to it lol .... well let just say she sits on it now lol .... at first when it was just hanging from the ceiling she would get on the edge of it and try and flap her wings to her cage ( she cant fly or glide very well ) but this would just send the whole atom into a tornado so as soon as i stoped it for her she would just jump off to any where from the atom .... after putting her back up there the second time i just stood right there for a little bit and then would take her back off and put her in her cage .... she would only be on it for maybe 1 min at first.... then some cage time for a hour or so then i would get her back out and put her back on it for maybe 2 mins and then back in her cage or where ever she wanted to go and then back out and i would leave her on it while i was in the kitchen .... after she stoped trying to jump off of it i added the rope off of the bottom of the atom going to the base of her bird stand i took apart for now so it would stop swinging so much and moved it by her cage so she could climb down and get back to her cage .... it didnt take long for her to get to stand on it maybe a night .... but saying she is used to it is probably a stretch for now ! if any one wants better pics of it or just a part of it let me know ill take them and post them for you .... its still a work in progress lol i think i might make a bigger one ..... and if some one were to see this at a Flea Market ... how much would you pay ? ..... just wondering thanks for taking the time to let me know !
  18. I will be adding toys and what not ect. I am just waiting for her to get used to it now and trying to figure out what ones are best to put on ... still not sure exactly how i want to secure it to the ceiling and floor
  19. still trying to get the pics from my comp to the web site with out using photobucket ... lets try again today !
  20. Ha that's great at least hes ok ..... i came home one time with Abby back in her cage and the cage shut but a huge bird poop in the middle of my kitchen floor .... she had to have got out of her cage walked across the floor and pooped and then not only went back in her cage but shut it lol ... it was truly amazing lol .... you should post a pic of the lock he picked!
  21. But now our site is saying its not able to upload my pics .... this is sucking lol lets try photo bucket
  22. Ok I have one made and though Abby is not too fond of it Thinking its because its so unstabel .... how does everyone else balance theirs and hang toys from it ....ect ..... I have it from the ceiling but its so wobbly shes afraid.
  23. Still has clipped feathers after a year and a half? Abby is taking for ever for her feathers to grow back Im starting to get worried
  24. how long have you had your bird that was wild caught?
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