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Everything posted by Georgiesmum

  1. I understand your sadness as only a few weeks ago i posted about a nest which fall out side my bedroom window by the time i had seen this the 3 little chicks were already dead Bless them ... We buried them in the garden too. I was thinking about them for days after... Best of luck with names
  2. If i was you id make my own... look into the homemade playstands thread on this forum and youll get some ideas much more fun and alot cheaper
  3. Yeah it sounds like she's hoping to keep the little fella
  4. we used wooden handle off a shovel and a sweeping brush not sure what type it was put all sweeping brush handles have the same wood i think
  5. Oh this sounds interesting. Might pick it up next time im in town
  6. Ah thats good he will get used to it soon so
  7. Oh your so lucky to have that little cutie
  8. Have you tried misting with a spray bottle? He might prefer this. George would freak out if he thought he had to get a bath Lol
  9. What is a fig?? Never heard of one here in Ireland... We are way behind on cool stuff over here!! LOL
  10. Great news!!! Many more to come
  11. This is really disgusting! I can't understand how some people can be so cruel towards helpless creatures!!! They should be ashamed of themselves! I hope they are well punished!!
  12. Oh thats good to hear Thanks... I thought they were chew marks cos they were kinda flat at the end.another 2 at end of cage now so hopefully some nice new ones to take there place soon
  13. Georgiesmum

    Avian Game

    owl parrot or night parrot is a flightless parrot from new Zealand... Which type of Parrot gives off the most dusk?
  14. Hmm hopefully thats all it is he could do with new tail feathers anyway so its no harm he's moulting out the old ones!
  15. Yes welcome:) You will find all the info you need here!
  16. Would you try contacts?
  17. Ok here's the thing... I'm finding little feathers at the end of Georgie's cage everyday. I'm not sure if he is plucking, I don't think he is but then again I can't be sure as i never see him pluck out a feather i just see him chewing on them so i'm not sure if they are falling out while preening and he chews them then or if he's plucking. The ends do looked chewed but that could be from chewing on them after they fall out right?
  18. Welcome Andy! Great that your doing your research before hand. Your grey will be very lucky when you find him or her. I would suggest buying from a good breeder rather than a pet shop. They would usually be younger and more sociable as they would be handled more ( this is the case in Ireland anyway) Also much cheaper too. Best of look finding your life companion
  19. Just thought id share these few interesting parrot facts i found online... 1.Ancient parrots. Most parrot fossils were excavated in Europe. The earliest dates back to the Eocene, and are 50 million years old. Most of the complete skeletons were found in Germany and England. These birds are considered the great “parrot ancestors.” However, fossils of modern parrots—with the same bone structure and appearance as the ones we see today, are about 23 million years old. 2.Two beautiful families. There are actually two major groups of parrots: the psittacidae, and the cacutaidae. The latter has a movable head crest while the psittacidae have brighter, more vibrant colors. There are also enormous skeletal differences. For example, the cacatuidae have a gall bladder and a different type of skull bone. 3.Parrots in danger. Some parrots are in danger of extinction. This includes the Spixs Macaw, of which only 7 survive in captivity. Naturalists once thought they had completely disappeared from the wild, but one was seen spotted flying in the South American rainforest. Breeding efforts have been stepped out to increase the parrots’ numbers. 4.Parrot owners unite! Most parrot conservation efforts are actually spearheaded by pet owners who love the birds and want to make sure they thrive. Efforts include fund raisers and information campaigns. Their projects have helped fund zoo and wild life centers, and have led to brochures and other important collaterals distributed to schools nationwide. 5.Jailed for smuggling parrots! Tony Silva, former director of Europe’s largest parrot park, was actually jailed for 82 months and fined over a hundred thousand dollars for smuggling Hyacinth macaws. Silva was a highly respected parrot expert. The case started an outcry for stricter parrot protection laws. 6.Parrots and poets. These colorful birds have been mentioned in ancient texts, magazines, and even Hollywood films. This includes movies like the comedy Paulie and documentaries like The Wild Parrots of Telegraph Hill. 7.White is right. Parrots come in almost every color of the rainbow, but the eggs are always a simple white. 8.Shout out! Parrots don’t have vocal cords, so they actually “trumpet” the sound by pushing air out of their trachea. They can control the pitch of the sound by manipulating the shape and depth of the trachea. Experts say that when parrots talk, they are actually making variations on whistling. 9.Eat meat. Most parrots will love seed and flowers, but there are some that don’t mind a little “steak”. The Golden-winged Parakeets like to eat water snails, while the New Zealand Kees even scavenge abandoned sheep carcasses.
  20. So glad this little birdie found a happy ending
  21. If been told a few times that Male greys prefer women and vice versa. I dont know if this is actually the way it is though. I think It might be more so with the female electus that they dont take to women very well. Im sure someone with more knowledge will help you out here
  22. Just wanted to let ye all know that i have changed my username. It used to be Zzzelama and is now Georgiesmum
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