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Everything posted by Greywings

  1. Another Quaker here sharing a cage with a rather small yellow parakeet, Tanner was also found and turned in at a Vet Clinic. He is living with us until other arrangement can be made. Loves to get attention and does cosmetic surgery to remove and hang nails, freckles, scabs and moles. He will throw an absolute hissy fit if you walk by his cage and do not acknowledge his little imperious self. Quakers are fearless and seem to think they are the size and ferocity of a Tyrannosaurus Rex packaged in a Tinkerbell sized suitably green body.
  2. I make chop when ever I have enough fresh ingredients. Mine often has a base of Kale, Carrots, beets (red or golden), sweet potato or pumpkin, radish, pomegranate, apple or applesauce, mango or papaya and when available some minced fresh Ginger and Tumeric. Sometimes I add Quinoa, spelt, oats and a handful of seed mix. Sprinkle with a little apple cider vinegar, coconut oil or red palm oil and feed out. Another idea to use any leftovers that have been frozen is to make an omelet or scrambled eggs with some chop stirred in and try feeding that to them still warm, sprinkle with Paprika or red pepper flakes for a more colorful presentation.
  3. Went to a parrot forum meet up at the home of a member who had been doing rescues for some time. We all chipped in to help clean cages, clean water bowls and feed out while enjoying the visit and Pookie and I hit it off right away. Hubby was not really on board but she ended up traveling back to Houston by car with us.
  4. Love is the reason for our joy even when sneezing. My poor brother was diagnosed with allergic asthma when very young and after testing we were told to get rid of the cats, the birds and his feather pillow. Mother told the Dr. one does not get rid of family members so my brother had to take the allergy shots instead. We did get him a non-feather filled pillow.
  5. Handsome in his tattered glory, love those loud exuberant Too's.
  6. Smart move and safer for you both.
  7. Pookie is into the kill the toy thing as well and she gets so angry when it comes back to hit her head.
  8. Graciemae should watch the utube video of Adam Rupp the beat box guy from "Home Free" she would enjoy his skills he might enjoy hers too. [h=3] [/h] Apr 26, 2015 - Uploaded by Tara Marie Ahn Santander Performing Arts Center Readin, PA 4/22/15.
  9. They play so rough all by themselves it is a wonder we don't find more examples of minor injury.
  10. They are called Guinea Fowl https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.homesteadingtoday.com/proxy.php%3Fimage%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fi1170.photobucket.com%252Falbums%252Fr540%252Fchipp89%252Fguineas.jpg%26hash%3D5e8f3b94fbcdfaed736c4cb9e68841a6&imgrefurl=http://www.homesteadingtoday.com/threads/367217/&h=640&w=640&tbnid=cjI7EFdBDDcTVM:&tbnh=160&tbnw=160&usg=__yY_XlA7FVgqOrHAW09nGph7bUbc=&vet=1&docid=t-2qXxaluemz_M&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjX97WOqMPTAhUlyoMKHbEVCtYQ9QEIKzAA They also eat ticks, rats and mice. Tehy are not super brite, they flock call and will lay an egg even when perched above your head.
  11. You are correct, only 3 zoos.
  12. Those long hold times really test your patience! Nikki bird greeted me from under his cage cover this morning with "Not here". Must want a day off.
  13. I have worked at four Zoo's Been married for 45 years Was born overseas
  14. He looks at ease, good thing. We have an older corner cage for our Elanora Too it is spacious inside and one of my favorite cages , fortunately the tray slides pout at the front. Got it second hand so not sure of the make or model. The top opens with each half of the roof folding aside and the front door is also a double door.
  15. When it rains it pours for sure, very nice to hear Olive is on the road to good health. Hope your X improves soon.
  16. I love that story sent it to my hubby at work to lighten his day, thanks.
  17. Speaking from the viewpoint that trust can be won over with patience I am happy that you are considering giving this bird a chance to share your life. If you need and air purifier keep it on the opposite side of the cage to where you will spend time to pull the dust away from you.
  18. Enjoyed the video and happy to see the Brat is back!
  19. So sorry she is so uncomfortable and you are in stress. Hoping for healing, they sure grab our hearts.
  20. Lovely view for Alfie, handsome bird too. Glad you are finding a balance that helps you both feel more comfortable. Most of my flock are cardboard termites as well!
  21. I walk the birds around the house showing them the windows, tap on the glass myself and give them their opportunity to touch or tap as they please. decals should work.
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