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Everything posted by Greywings

  1. All our birds are rehomed or rescues and each is a different story and personality but I don't think I could love them or enjoy them any more if they were hatched here. The added joy of watching a shy or abused bird come around to a happy balanced personality with improved plumage is hard to match.
  2. I did not realize what was going on with them please send them best wishes and strength.
  3. Poor little girl being passed around so much it may take her a while to realize she is with you to stay. Your other feathered beings will help her learn what good food is and help her feel a bit more at ease with the flock sounds they make she might be able to relax. Congratulations on your new sweetie.
  4. I would ask if they have done a skin scraping to look at or done a culture to see if she might be fighting a little yeast or bacterial infection if not you may want to look into that. You can also sanitized her perches every few days in case there is something there.
  5. Trying more for fit and less sofa time. Only have a soda on the weekend and trying to drink more water. I have lost 12 pounds in the last few months.
  6. Sweet story and very true to life, they are not only smart but excellent observers.
  7. I knew a Dr. that would place the phone on the sofa in front of the television and the infernal marketers believed thaty had some one listening. One of my friends pretends she is a lonely old lady and chats them up about grandchildren (non existant) politics silly rules at the bank ect. they usually hang up as she just keeps talking over them. I love the smoke alarm.
  8. That information may save some birds Dave!
  9. What a relief to find he was just all cozy and sleeping.
  10. Hard to say about your with out watching you make it. I use very little corn meal in mine and I make huge batches for the Sanctuary birds on the weekends - baking for over 100 birds. To make it moist I soak the pellets and any dry ingredients like an organic 5-grain cereal mix, dried unsweetened coconut shreds ect. for about 10 minutes in unsweetened Coconut juice and what ever other unsweetened unsalted juice I have around, then stir in 8-12 eggs chopped fresh fruit & veggies all dark green, red, yellow or orange. I add some Red Palm oil Tapioca flour, Garbonzo bean flour, powdered or fresh shredded Ginger, red Pepper flakes and dried Safflower blossoms for flavoring. Lastly I add some cornmeal chopped Walnuts, almonds and if I can Pine nuts this makes a very nutrient dense moist birdy bread that I bake on Parchement paper on cookie sheets. In the winter I add some shredded Mozzarella for the extra fats as these birds are out of doors. Fruits & Veggies I often use are seasonal Papaya, Mango, Apple, Peaches, Pomegranite, Kale, Peppers, Mustard Greens, Turnip and Beets tops and bottoms, Banana you get the idea.
  11. They can get puffy eyes when stressed that return to normal when at rest. Kind of like being squeezed in a cartoon.
  12. Good work and good ideas this is a problem solving community.
  13. Welcome back form the "other Jill" good to see you and hear about Harvey the Grey't.
  14. You can hang those rope perches from any point in the cage to any other point, they do not have to gos one side to the other. What ever the Vet does or cannot do I know Cody has found a wonderful home.
  15. It is a blessing for the foundation indeed it also does make a kind moment for us all.
  16. After doing the research I have wire brushed some cages and spray painted with Rustoleum Hammered finish. Then left outside for 5 days to air. The manufacturer recommends these steps to make a safe finish for the birds. I have had no problems with the results and have had both Greys and Cockatoos housed safely in them. Do the research and call the 24 hour help lines on any paint you may be interested in to be certain. If you are in doubt then do not use it, always best to be safe.
  17. I just emailed you an excellent contact to give you some assistance.
  18. She is adorable and does look a bit like a Peach Front to me as well just don't see the blue showing up yet. Enjoy that little gem.
  19. Try building ramps (you can use cage wire or wood or even cardboard) then can cover with Vet wrap giving him some non slip purchase to assist him getting to flat perches using some pieces of untreated pine 2x4 you can cut to length. You can also get some untreated baskets in smaller sizes to give him some supported rest areas he can also chew, cheap and easily replaced.
  20. Our flock enjoys Ginger, Dried Safflowers, Red Pepper Flakes, Rosemary, Tyme and a little black Pepper.
  21. Can you tell us what Sunfood is please? Kiko has a fun name and I think you will see him become more at ease over the next few months as he adapts to your home and you personality and as you adapt to his.
  22. How sad and difficult all this is for you and even for us sharing his story on the board. You do have the comfort of giving them both happy lives and knowing you did all that medicine and heart knew to do for them both. Take some time to heal that hole in your heart and hope to see you back on board later, your advice for others who may face some of these same challenges would be most welcome.
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