Three of our birds had been clipped for years before they came to us and never flew. It took a several months of feather regrowth a few months of standing in front of the sofa or bed encouraging the wing flap then kind of launching them to the bed or sofa with lots of vocal reward or encourgement. At first the flight resembled that of a rock now Harry Too flies like a jet fighter and can pull those wings in while passing through doorways, Fred Fred E2 can even fly when collared and wearing his jacket (he is a self mutilator) and Pookie CAG was over 20 years old when she came to us having never flown she was a bit tubby and a nervous plucker as well. Now she flies where ever she wants and if I don't respond to her "come here, Mommy come here" she just flies to me. Your Sennie will learn but I am certain he is clever enough to enjoy the taxi service as long as possible.