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Everything posted by jessdecutie18

  1. AbbysDaddy: I think it would do you well to explain things more fully before criticizing how others reply. I believe (maybe I'm wrong but I doubt it) that anyone on here as a bird lover, when they read you 'tossed her off you hand' with 'dammaged and clipped feather' to see what would happen and state that 'she sank like a rock time and time again' would be worried and have a raised eyebrow at those remarks. Jayd was obviously worried and asked what you meant, warning on the effect of birds 'sinking like a rock' no matter the surface. I'm glad that you want to give Abby a great life... and that she is happy to see you... but look that doesn't mean you know everything and the members of this forum really are here to help. Don't disrespect them. You don't have to agree with someone, but please listen politely. No matter how you think Jayd replied to you, I assure you it was with respect and concern for your bird. Also, there is a big difference in a clipped bird jumping off something to get to you, and being thrown. The bird is in control. Your statement of: "Weather that means "throwing" her or letting her jump off of what ever i feel safe to put her on. You all can well ..... never mind" is an offensive one to say the least. There are so many dangers out there, please don't feel you know them all. You arrogantly state "I KNOW my bird" well we learn new things about our birds all the time... you haven't even had yours a year yet have you? Please correct me if I'm wrong! I assure you that you still have much to learn! At least give some respect if someone says something is dangerous, as they are saying that with concern not to ruin your fun or something. The thing is I like you, like reading about Abby... I just don't like to see people disrespected, especially when they only mean to help! Surely members don't mean to make anyone feel like a 'bad parront'! I seriously doubt any member on here has the intentions to belittle another and upset them. Perhaps something someone is doing is not the best idea, or unsafe to the bird. Of course people are going to let them know! People learn through experience, and share what they have learnt on here. We have some very experienced people on this board and its great to hear their advice! Anyway, thats my two-cence... hope it helped some
  2. I would love to see a pic nice ones of Spock! Yoshi gets nervous being on her back... I've never seen her on her back unless she is snuggling on my lap.
  3. Yoshi is terrified of the Roomba vacuum cleaner I have for my wood floors! It's a small robotic device that moves on it's own and she is terribly afraid of it! I turned it off some time ago and attempted to show her that it's okay... But she just about had a heart attack in my arms... From then on I close her door when the roomba runs or she gets all nervous watching for it. If it comes anywhere near her cage she has a screeching fit and flaps away madly. It's the perfect time for me to take her outside for some sunlight in her harness Who can blame her, that noisy unnatural thing moving around on it's own and bumping into stuff! She is totally calm when I push around a vacuum or a broom...
  4. Your persistence with Spock and his recovery is great, and I love hearing about him! Glad he is regaining that weight and a special diet seems to be helping him on the road to recovery. Best wishes to you guys, as always
  5. I haven't been on here in a while, and I returned to some very thoughtful messages that made me smile It's nice to know I've been missed, and I am sorry! I hope I will be forgiven for my lack of posting... life is just busy right now. I love this forum though, so it's nice to come back and catch up a bit! Yoshi is doing well, two fully grown flight feathers and two poking out She still has several clipped feathers, so I hope they hurry up and fall out! She still flaps around like crazy, and I've seen her actually get a small amount of lift lately. No more terrible crash landings... this is all pretty good for having 4 flight feathers, two only half grown in She is trying! I'm proud of her She still yells when she wants us and we can't get to her just yet. The worst is when she is on her stand and is not content even with us just 5 feet away doing something. Honestly, this is usually when she wants me. She is obsessed with being with me all the time, and sometimes that just isn't possible... it's frustrating and we feel like we have tried everything over the last 4 or 5 months with not much success... don't know what else to do. When Yoshi isn't yelling for attention, she is a very happy birdie She loves to be in the shower with me! She gets a full soaking once or twice a week... but she still was yelling to come in the shower EVERY time I have a shower. She throws a fit if I take a shower without her. Well I bring her in with me, and she wants nothing to do with the water! She complains if she gets soaked more than twice a week... it seems all she wanted was to always JOIN me. So now, the last two weeks, she has been joining me in almost every shower, and if she isn't into getting wet she just sits on her stand, most of the time now even resting with her foot up, and talks up a STORM. She throws her head about and yells 'Peek-A-Boo' at the top of her lungs and shivers off when water splashes on her. Of course most of the talking is nonsense and she loves being a seagull most, squawking... that's actually the only time I hear her seagull impression anymore. So she has turned into quite a happy shower companion, and my showers have been getting longer, lol, as I am distracted by her antics! Yoshi had a day of tasty foods Friday... egg in the morning, chicken and corn, and pasta at dinnertime. She just loves to be included at mealtimes, although she makes a huge mess Soooo... also Yoshi has become a CRAZY dancer. She moves her head to music... like a maniac She is also falling in love with the camera, so I've had to sneakily capture videos of her lately She doesn't do it all the time, but I've managed to capture a couple pretty FUNNY videos lol
  6. Mine was $30 after tax... so yeah that is a good deal!
  7. Yoshi's beak also gets pink on top occasionally... I believe when she is very warm or active. I don't think it's anything to worry about, and neither is the scratching. Lots of birds scratch at the corners on their cage like digging, Yoshi used to do it all the time. Now she only digs when trying to squeeze herself into a tight spot, like under the couch cushions (lol, she still loves to hide out in there )
  8. I don't know much about that but I do hope this helps those sores go away! Poor birdie! Good luck to you!
  9. Wow looks like you guys had a great time! I love some of those pictures of Alfie
  10. Lol how funny... Paco seems like quite the character!
  11. I'm sure you didn't see this comming back then huh? Sounds very cute and would like a video!
  12. If Yoshi isn't that interested in the food, she will just take a bite and let it drop... but any of her favorites she holds and savors. They are funny aren't they?
  13. Nice... can't wait to see the stand!
  14. I might just have to do that! Lol
  15. lol reggieroo yep! Mike thinks I'm crazy for coming here so often. Just last night Yoshi started playing with a toy I made her that she hadn't touched before. I was excited "look Mike, she's chewing on one of the beads of her new toy!" and Mike's like so what? They just don't understand lol
  16. Ooh a camping trip sounds like a lot of fun! It's been way too long since I've been on one
  17. Very good post! YOSHI The Good: She is just so lovable and does so many things that brighten up my day She is very trusting of me and will let me do anything to her with little more than a whine... it's great to be trusted and a big responsibility! The Bad: She is very much an attention hog and has a high pitched yell that drives my husband especially crazy... it sure does hurt your ears if you are in the same room but busy and she decides you aren't paying her enough attention! I buy her several toys to distract her and that helps, but does not solve the problem! The Ugly: Between me and Yoshi, I can't say there is an 'ugly'. I understand that when she does something it's for a reason. She isn't evil. I'm a pretty calm person with a good amount of patience. BUT the ugly has to be between Yoshi and my husband They have a good friendship and can do great together, but when it comes to Yoshi being naughty if my husband tries to put her in her cage it's WAR. She attacks, yells... my husband gets frustrated and isn't calm enough with her. It's a big mess. If I put her away when she has been bad, she grumbles a tiny bit, but other than that goes peacefully. My husband gets bites and doesn't want anything to do with her usually for the rest of the night. Me, on the other hand, even if I'm upset at something she has done, 10 minutes later all is forgiven and I go to get her. Of course she is eagerly waiting to get out of her cage again and jumps on my shoulders and lowers her head for scratches and kisses... who couldn't forgive something that lovable?
  18. So today I took Yoshi on our most successful outing with the harness yet we went down to walk by the water near our house... And Yoshi loved it! I struggled getting the harness on her... I get it on just fine but then it takes me forever to tighten it and Yoshi gets upset and starts to put her feet through it... But eventually it was right and away we went! Sorry I forgot the camera so no pictures unfortunately but I'm sure there will be a next time! She sat on the dock... We saw dolphins and pelicans... She seemed a bit nervous of all the big pelicans! We passed a couple people who all thought Yoshi was neat A couple people remarked on her pigeon like body... And then we passed this father and daughter, probably about 5 years old, and the father says "look she's got a parrot!" to which the girl looked and shook her head "that's not a parrot... Parrots have lots of pretty colored feathers." Aww poor Yoshi! I think her feathers are pretty lol so the girl was not impressed! But yep... Lots of fun with the harness. Just keep trying it guys because it really is worth it!
  19. Lovely pictures Is she pretty content in the cage for a while or does she start chewing on it and digging to try and get out?
  20. Nothing like a shower in the warm sunshine for birdies
  21. Well Im 20 now so hopefully I have a lot of years ahead of me with Yoshi... But if anything happened to me Yoshi would most likely go to my Mom. I know my husband wouldn't care for her like I do, he gets irritated just by how much I talk about her and I post more here than I ever tell him lol.
  22. Aww why did you have to find him a new home if you don't mind me asking? Yoshi is a little over a year old now and we go back to see the lady who hand raised her every month or two. Yoshi definitely recognizes her as she is immediately friendly with her... She takes a while to warm up to anyone she hasn't been around much. It's interesting though as she likes the breeder still but her main bond is with me for sure. If I move away Yoshi soon panics as she doesn't want to be left behind. She's my baby I expect they will remember you for a long time, but as you both age and the years go by the memories fade... Just like with everyone. This makes me think about the Quaker parrot I loved so much but had to give away before I left for the Air Force... That was about 4 years ago and I haven't seen him since so I doubt he still remembers me but you never know! 10 years is a long time though... So I'm guessing you will be a fond memory for a long time
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