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Everything posted by jessdecutie18

  1. Charged my camera today, took what I thought were some cute pics Post edited by: jessdecutie18, at: 2009/08/26 05:37 <br><br>Post edited by: jessdecutie18, at: 2009/08/26 05:43
  2. Yoshi has been eating more and more of her own food each day for the week (almost) we have had her. Last night she still ate a fair amount of hand-fed food though, she is down to one hand feeding a day... Thing is, today I tried feeding her, a little later than usual too, and she had like 3 bites and then would have nothing to do with it. I've seen her eat a lot today though, including little bits of human food, and has food in her cage... Does this mean she is fed up with the hand-feeding? Should I try again tomorrow night and if she does the same stop it altogether? Thanks!
  3. Wow, sounds like you sure had a tough time getting your baby back! I'm glad you succeeded in the end! Let this be a lesson to us all
  4. Two things that I find odd with Yoshi that might not be so odd lol: We have had Yoshi almost a week now and despite all the different perches we bought him (rope, wood, cement, baby links (lol)) he is almost always just sitting on his empty metal food bowl. Two are filled with food and water, which I have never seen him touch his food bowl in his cage, it's still full of food. On the other side are two extra bowls, one with treats usually in it and the other empty... he sits there, usually poops a lot in it lol... his two smaller bowls on his playstand he uses all the time, and he always devours his food in that bowl... it seems he just wants to eat when he is out of his cage... I even put millet in his cage which he hardly has touched... Also, lately Yoshi is always preening his feathers and scratching around his head with his foot. He loves his head scratched and looks so cute cuddling up to my husband for a good long head and neck feather scratch. Yet the last two days he has been doing that almost constantly... is this just normal and he just likes the scratching or do I need to do something? Thanks!
  5. I'm loving all the replyes on this, I'm so glad I found this forum before I brought my grey home
  6. hmm... and lol about the honeymoon stage I'll get some pictures up soon
  7. I have to ask because I am seeing a lot of mixed messages here in regards to new babies comming home. After reading some of the posts about new young greys comming home and growling and being afraid and different then at the store, I was a little worried about when mine came home, trying to be prepared for anything. Yet I have to say we are still in the first week with our new Timneh (Yoshi) and since the beginning he has been the sweetest thing ever. Yes, in the beginning he was scared of his huge cage, and he hasn't touched his toys yet inside the cage, but he always was eager to be with us. By now he is really livening up, we have even introduced him to his play stand downstairs so that he can pretty much be with us no matter what we are doing. He loves his scratches, and has been trying some of our foods even though he is still finishing hand-feeding. Almost nothing freaks him out and he seems friendly to all visitors. I guess my question is, is this just different in every bird, or is this good breeding and socialization from the beginning? Yoshi is just over 4 months old... did it make a difference that we made a couple trips to play with him and learn how to hand feed him at the store before bringing him home? Thanks for your opinions!
  8. So Yoshi seems to be a happy baby Her third day, and she is now playing with one toy at least on her cage top, eating occasional foods, seemed to like the couple fruit loops I just gave her. We went to a barbecue today and brought her along in her carrier. She was called a cute bird and complimented and called smart, and we took her inside and a couple people held her as she would willingly step up to them... she seemed to like the extra attention I think she was tired from all that attention, she almost fell asleep on the way home in the car, and now she is chilling on one foot on her cage listening to 'Cars' movie and watching me. Yesterday, she had her first shower too, I got in the tub with her and misted her down, and she seemed just fine. Lots of flapping and getting me wet too, and only one escape attempt out of the tub, lol. She seemed to be saying "If I'm gonna be wet, you are too!" But yeah she is doing just fine. Has a little trouble climbing around her big cage still, I might have to get another perch or two. I love her already My husband sure seems to be fond of her too
  9. well I'm still at work but my husband is at home and sent me an email, apparently Yoshi is eating from her bowl Such a little thing but it makes me happy to know that he is eating.
  10. So I brought Yoshi, our new Timneh, home yesterday. Found out the lady had given us the wrong information, she/he is 4 months old, not two and a half... which makes more sense lol Yoshi is so cute! Had him in a pet carrier on the way home, and he did just fine. Got him home, talked to him a bit, passed him back and forth between my husband and I, then started putting him in his new cage on different perches and stuff... he didn't seem scared of anything, it's a big cage and already has plenty of toys and a wood perch, rope perches, and a cement perch. We didn't place the perches too high... Thing is, while Yoshi isn't freaking out or anything, he didn't touch any of his toys at all, and besides climbing the outer bars around the cage a couple times, he stayed in the same spot doing nothing. Haven't seen him eat or drink water. He is still handfeeding once a day though. I showed him the water dish, took a couple pieces of food out of the food bowl and he ate them from me just fine. Have a small piece of millet in the cage, which the lady said he likes, and he didn't touch it, but when I pulled a few pieces off and gave them to him he grabbed them happily. He was preening his feathers and stuff on my hand, accepting kisses and stuff. But I just put him in his cage and he stays there unmoving lol, just looking out wanting to step up. We went to bed last night late, had been in the computer room where Yoshi is, said goodnight. He was in the same place in the morning,against the front of the cage, balancing on a couple baby links. I got him out, cuddled, he was super squeaky this morning lol, squeaked at me and my husband, seemed happy to be out. My husband had him while I got ready for work, apparently he is biting my husband a little hard, and Mike (husband) says 'Ah, ah, ah, NO' everytime. Hopefully that will work? I'm not trying to bore you, just want to see others views on if I'm doing this right, lol. Apparently he has never been misted or bathed yet too... I'll probably start him out being misted in the bathroom sink? Well, any advise would be appreciated!
  11. Yeah, guess I won't worry yet We put the perches low already I'm excited for tonight! Will definately take some pics!
  12. All this negative stuff I'm reading from you guys about clipping there wings is worrying me... I posted before about the fact that my baby's wings were trimmed last Saturday before I had a chance to object, and I probably wouldn't have objected anyways, as I have read a lot about clipping being a good idea before I came to this forum. I asked her how long till they grow back, she said a few months, but she seemed surprised that I was considering not clipping them. She said I'd change my mind when I saw behavior problems and agressivness, and when he flies somewhere high. She assured me that he had his first flight, as did his brother, before she clipped the wings. Should I let the wings grow out? It's debatable...
  13. So after work,this afternoon, my husband and I will finally be able to bring our baby home! Very excited, we spent a long time yesterday working on his cage, scattering numerous toys and perches throughout. We are waiting for the results of the blood test to say the name for sure, but we have decided on 'Yoshi' if it's a girl and 'Bowser' if it's a boy He is just over 2 months old, down to one hand feeding a day, which my husband and I will be taking over until he is completely weaned. We bought him $100 worth of toys in his nice cage, and are going to buy a playstand for him as well. Any tips for us, and for the bird's first couple days in our home? Any comfort foods we should give him? Is he supposed to be having baths yet, or being misted with water? Or is he too young? I've been reading lots of stuff, but any advice you guys can give me would be nice Thanks!
  14. So I was looking at some of these toy ideas... some sound fun, sure, but I had to raise my eyebrow at a couple. What do you guys think? Do you do any of these ideas with your babies? http://www.birdsnways.com/birds/ideas.htm
  15. So, being the nerds we are, my husband and I have set up a 'Birdie Media Center' for our baby when we are out... what are some of your birds' favorite movies or T.V. shows? Looking for ideas of what my bird will like most? Thanks!
  16. So I got to see my baby today! Went into the store, the lady knows me now, let me get my baby out of the cage and everything She said I could hand feed him (not sure of the sex really yet), which I've never done before... he sure made a mess, flinging food around everywhere! Sooooooooooo cute though Returned home with bits of dried food on my shirt and poop on my pants Found out his birthday is June 11th, so he is like 2 months old. He's stepping up pretty well, kept passing him from me to my husband and back. Realized my husband and I both say 'Ewwwwww!' when he poops, lol, so maybe he will pick that up. Getting a DNA test done to find out the sex... thinking about the name Yoshi... but not completely decided yet. My husband has a musical instrument application on his phone, and he kept hitting the symbol and drums on there, and the Timneh perked up and focused on every one of those noises, it was so cute My husband went to put him back in his cage, and the Timneh tried scrambling up his arm to stay out. But now he is back with his brother... and I'm unfortunately not there anymore Hopefully not long now! Lady said less than two weeks till he is fully weaned, so we will see. Here is a picture, only took one but will take more next time! Had to talk about my baby <3 Thanks guys for all the help you have given me so far! <br><br>Post edited by: jessdecutie18, at: 2009/08/14 22:31
  17. So I will be getting a baby TAG next week, just weaned... his newly bought cage is pretty big, plenty of room for toys and wing flapping and fun, but just how clumsy are these guys? I've heard they are more clumsy than other parrot species... Question is, should I put a towl or two on the bottom of the cage for the first week or two in case he falls from his new home's perches and toys, or is that being silly and he will be just fine. I used to have a Quaker and he did just fine in a new cage... but I've never had a grey before... Just want him to be safe!
  18. The bird store owner clipped her TAG babys' wings Saturday, but she assured me that they have taken their first flight already. How long before the wings grow back?
  19. Sallas wrote: That's cool I really liked the first book
  20. So I'm about to be purchasing a baby Timneh African Grey... now what do we name him!? My husband and I are computer and gaming nerds, so we wanted something nerdy. I've heard that naming birds with the 'y' afterwards makes it easier for them to say their name... is that true? Like Lucky, Tommy, Lily, etc... it's hard thinking of nerdy names with the 'y' ending though. What do you think? Any list of name sites you like? Thanks!
  21. Not sure of the exact age... she told me but I think I was too focused on the baby I was holding to pay complete attention Will be going back to see them in a couple days, and will ask the exact age and get some pictures I'm glad about the red feathers being okay too
  22. Lol, will have to try some of these foods!
  23. So I'm very excited. We found a local bird store, with hand raised African Greys. Although I was thinking of getting a Congo, she has two Timneh babies available and after holding each one of them with my husband we decided on a Timneh. They were soooo cute, so friendly, a little scared as it was their first time out of the nursery, first time being put out in the actual store. I'll be going to see them again next Tuesday, and apparently they will be completely weaned in about a week or two So not long now! Sooner than I expected, and this lady only lives 30 minutes away while the other breeder I was talking to lives 3 hours away. Easier to go see my baby! One question though... one of the Timneh babies has some red feathering around its feet in the front, while the other has a totally grey front. I heard something about random red feathers being a bad sign... there are only a couple so I'm guessing I'm being paranoid but thought I'd at least ask. Ordering the cage tonight from Ebay, and getting a playstand and toys next Tuesday from the store when I go see the birds This week sure is going to go slow
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