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Everything posted by Jayd

  1. Jayd

    Used cage

    Thanks, read the ingredient's in what ever you use. Besides Vinegar/peroxide, there is only one other disinfectant available, I forgot the name, Ask Danmcq , he knows... Thanks Jayd
  2. Jayd

    Decision Made

    Sir, I'm sorry you felt a reply like this was necessary. Most of us on the forum ,#1. research or have seen of know from experience to most questi9ons asked. #2. If you check, only a few breeders nation wide, clip before selling .[ you can research this on the net.] #3."Shes not a great flyer" you stated, this is exactly what I said! #4.We, right now have 4 parrots, that are problem flyers, Joe, a grey, flies like you state your baby flies, he's 6yr's old, poor muscle development. I feel it's sad that I will have to start stating in every post:"There are exceptionsBy everything you've said, Jay, I would guess that Ellie is now permanently physically and emotionally scarred...And last, I pray not even a inkling of this is true..." ". Sincerely Jay Side note: Please research!!!!!! There's thousands of threads and posts on this Greyt forum, We are blessed With Dave007 who has more Grey knowledge than anyone I've ever known...Who happens to be a foremost breeder...
  3. Jayd

    Used cage

    Get "Hydrogen Peroxide" and White vinegar, 2 spray bottles and clean rags. Wash the cage with water using a rag for the hard spots, then mist with vinegar. Let air dry, then spray with vinegar, and spray with Peroxide and let dry..... Rope perches, throw away, plastic toys, soak in vinegar and sun dry,[food, water cups etc] wood perches I discard and bye new.. Jayd
  4. Jayd

    Decision Made

    A young baby need's their wings the most, They learn balance, confidence and developed strength. A Grey is naturally clumsy. You could tell the breeder not to clip them. I'm sorry, I wouldn't by from a breed who put down such demands.Have you ever seen a baby parrot who had their wings clipped? When they do get their wings, have you ever seen them try to fly?, Clipping so young can stunt muscle development....Jayd
  5. I wish you the best. I can't help you....and much worst, I can't help your birds......Jayd
  6. Keep doing what Judy said, your bird is young, when she comes to you, watch her, see why she is falling? Her flying will get better. You may have to let her land on your shoulder until she can't fly better.....Jayd
  7. Hi, I have a question, is the bell really copper? If it is, you have no choice but to remove it immediately,copper is poison to parrots. The poison is accumulated slowly into their system. You should replace this with a safe bell, there plated and have the clapper deep inside wher the parot can't rip it out and swallow it..It is advisable to remove any item if you feel she is sexually attracted to it, continue to try and substitute something else for it. ,Welcome and thanks for joining this Greyt forum.. Jayd
  8. Flaky? I thought it was dandruff!!! I'm sure you know the glue on the laminate is poison.....as is rust...Thanks Jayd
  9. LOFRMAO..my excuse is "Senility" he-he-he...Thanks.......
  10. It is unusual to see yelling on the Forum, I'm sorry you feel you have to yell at me. What we usually do is use a bold font's, italics or an explanation point for emphasis. I know I've made that mistake myself... Jayd
  11. Jayd

    Decision Made

    This is true, but it is much harder to repair the mental damage to a Grey...Jayd
  12. Thank you, yes, she weights about the same as a medium Grey, around 470 grams, lol but eats like a pig!!!!!
  13. Sorry, I replied but my post disappeared. Yes, 3mo's is to young for "sexual activity". Parrots mature at different ages, they also age faster than humans. A parrot starts looking for a mate as soon as they fledge and leave the nest. Yes, regurgitating is part of the sexual bonding process, as companion in captivity this is force on them at a much early age, "Tiel's are ready to mate at appoxx 1yr old, a Grey at 4yr's a Amazon at around 12yr's etc. A Amazon starts at around 3yrs old with their sexual play, Greys, 2-4, etc This is the same as a human child becoming "sexual interested" long before they become mature! A"Too, will rub themselves on there owners arm, long before they become sexually active... Thanks Jayd
  14. I'm sorry, my post's, 3 of them have disappeared. I'll try to answer them in this post... Nancy: #1." regurg is absolutely bonding!" In the instances you describe, yes regurgitate is bonding to the person their attempting to be sexual with! #2. "I suggest to NOT go crazy, trying to decipher what they are telling you! Relax, and listen!" Thank you for the advice, I realize I'm not as experienced as you... #3. Were all very sorry, we hope all will be well.. Can I ask what this has to do with feeding? #4. "Freud", "Oral stage" differently then your using it!!!! "Wikipedia" isn't accepted as credible in Collages and University You'd be surprised at the knowledge of the members of the Grey Forums. Freud has nothing to do with the "Ways of Parrots. Thank You Jayd
  15. Jayd


    I'm sorry but if you get to know me, I always try to add a bit of knowledge to my posts... The safest way to be [almost] sure that something is "Safe is to only by from a "Bird Safe Store"... http://www.avianweb.com/heavymetalpoisoningbirds.html
  16. I just ran across this Thread, it's wonderful, Thank you Ray You are "Stuck"..
  17. Hello my friend, We always love to read your post's....Jay and Maggie
  18. I'm sorry I disagree, regurgitating is strictly sexual, it's part of a mating ritual, plain and simple be it human, bird or other...For the parrot sanity, the safest way to handle this is to tell them you love them and walk away and act as if nothing happened...The word "affection" is in close proximity and associated with "sexual" and "offering of love. When I was really sick, Spock would fly to my shoulder, touch my cheek with his foot, and say "I love you Pa-pa".
  19. Parrots come in all variety's, some are Bi, some are Hetro and some are Homo.
  20. When I suggest to a non bird person to get a different bird then a Grey as a 1st large parrot, is because there are more once owned Grey's available than any other parrot! The reason for this is because most [most, not all] people are not aware of whats involved in owning a grey. Read Ray P. thread in the Amazon Room, he points out how well they can live together, as well as most of the other people do. A main reason Greys are giving up on is because They sometimes "Bond" with one member of the family and then after a year, 2 yr's or more, leaves them for a differant member of the house hold. Or how about not being able to bring a new chair into the home because they freak out, oh yea, you change your hand soap, and they no longer come to you and you don't know why. I'm not saying don't get a Grey, I'm saying, know what your getting.. Thanks Jayd
  21. A parrot need a shower 2-3 times a week, their powder is as bad for them as it is for us, this includes winter, no drafts. Dave has some good ways of misting and showering your parrot, What we do is Water, Aloe, Water.....Thanks Jayd
  22. There's a differants between being a "Parront" and a Parent"... Judy, your advice was "Right-On" Jayd
  23. Please forgive me. From your post, I'll assume you've "Hand feed a number of baby birds, I will also assume you had a number of training sessions with a "CAS" OR Vet or Breeder. With all your experience I'm sure you've familiar with a Gavage tube? Please read me correctly "It doesn't matter "What" age a parrot is, they a can asperate as easy as trying to take a breath!!! Being you were so sure of yourself there was even a greater chance of you making a mistake! The biggest fear any experienced is to have a baby die in there hand! I didn't renew my CAS License this or last year due to illness, Besides breeding 'Tiels, We were "Surrogate Parronts" do you know what that is? For years we would take in 21+ days old baby's or rehomes/rescues for nothing but the cost of their food and needs, we would hand raise them till they were fledged,[flying and weaned in case you didn't know.] Our re-homes and rescues we would give away for free except for their expenses. [if the Rescue was stable] Up until approx 2yr's ago, we cared for 42 fid's, at our expense... Can you tell us how a parrot aspirate? Can you please tell us what can cause a parrot to aspirate etc, please do...[not from a book but from them dying in your hand, a book is not experience... I realize I don't have the experience you do, and I'm glad your so confident. I was wondering? What kind of " medical person" you are, Avian or Human? Sincerely Jay d
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