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Everything posted by MrsB

  1. Hey all, thanks for the feedback! I am really trying to be consistant and patient, and I have faith it will work out, it's just the meantime stuff I must endure! Judy-I am not so sure. I feel like I have done Mesa a dis-service now. I feel like she has picked up not only on his bad noises, but the behavoir that is drama when she is left alone now, the seemed inability to deal with it now, or amuse herself happily as she did before. She would ravage the same toy for hours till it was gone, and was thrilled to do so! I don't want her troubled over it. Plus, if the lady I got him from had of been remotely forthcoming or honest I would have been able to make an informed decision. She told me only about a few words and said that was it. Hrmph! She failed to mention the rest of it, of course.
  2. Hey all! Been off the board due to minor surgery and a crap load of other life stuff, so "HEY"!! Hope you are all well! I ruined my baby girl! I failed to heed my husband's warnings and brought another bird on board (no pun intended-Lol) Verde the Eclectus. Verde the Eclectus who is sweet and calm and loving. Verde the eclectus who had no rules at his last house, and a bird noise DVD to entertain him. Verde the Eclectus who makes the most horrid crowing and honking geese and owl and every other horrible bird noise you can imagine. Remember the (SP?) Nasghoule in Lord of the Rings?, he does that. Equally loud and as frantic as the UToo that we were sitting. Verde the Eclectus that makes said noises when you leave the room. And then he yells, "STOP IT!" {Feel-bad-00020068} My sweet little Mesa now does this all, only worse. My formerly quiet, talking/verbal communicating self-amused little girl is a brat now! She yells, "STOP IT" and stopped saying any of her other words. She makes every one of his hideous noises only she does them more frequently. She does not play on her own, she sits and yells. When we leave the room, she acts like he does now. She never even used to notice let alone care! {Feel-bad-0002006A} I am going CRAZY I swear!{Feel-bad-00020066} And what's worse is I did it to myself. OK, I just had to vent. Thank-you for "listening". Give me strength to endure it and the will to continue to be calm and try to correct it. PRAY that I CAN!!!!
  3. Welcome! Where in Canada are you? I come from BC. Congrats on your new baby! You are in good hands here, it is a terrific site!
  4. Hi! I am from BC, although now live in Colorado. I buy a plain organinc instant oatmeal, and then put organic baby food in it. Sometimes fruit, sometimes vegatables, or both. Plus I cook with Rice Milk instead of water for a little added oompf. Mesa also loves yogurt, and baby food off the spoon too. Your bean and grain mixture sounds great. I find Mesa isn't big on it, but again if I put a little baby food in it, she eats it a lot more readily. And you can add some Palm oil to the mixtures which is great for them. It sounds as if you have a good balance. I wouldn't give up on the pellets though. I was going to stop giving them to my Eclectus altogether b/c they can have issues, and my vet avised that if there were ever a natural disaster (depending where you live) and fresh wasn't available, you could fall back on the pellets. Plus, if something were to ever happend to you, accident or whatever and you weren't there to prepare food, someone else could just take over with the pellets and make do. It's a good idea, so I just make sure it is the best I can find, and offer a little bit to him. No colors though. Try contacting HARRISIONS, they will send samples to you free, tell them you want to try the fine size, that is what Mesa eats. They are really small and maybe that will encourage the baby to eat them. Keep us posted.
  5. MrsB

    Pinata Tragedy!!

    First you call us hysterical, and then say we are overreacting. I really feel it is not neccesary to criticize us for taking zero risks with our loved pets. If there was any, ANY, slight, small, miniscule possibility that something MAY harm by babies, I'll choose to avoid it 110% of the time. And I greatly appreciate her saying to us at large, that while she did not know for sure, she suspected and wanted to let us all know. She never said (at least the email I got) did not say she knew anything for sure, as fact. And I am so very greatful to her for speaking out. And I would do the same thing. JUST IN CASE. Do you know to what extent our lives are spent making sure that their lives are safe, free of chemicals, cleaning products, no more air fresheners, Teflon, candles,etc. etc. etc? We do all err on the side of caution everyday, continually. I think that that is neither hysterical or overreacting.
  6. Dang girl, I feel for you! We had a UToo before, he would scream right infront of you so loud, I though my ear drums would burst. It is so terrible, I remember feeling like you, I didn't even want to be at home. hang in their, and lean on us here. So, go here: http://www.peteducation.com/article.cfm?c=15+1795&aid=1517 this is a good page. When Mesa gets too vocal, I tell her to shh, quitely, and say, "Mesa, be quite" if she keeps up, I go to her, say nothing and take her from her play tree and put her in her cage. Then I say it again "Shh, quite". And I don't go back for her until she quites. I wait five minutes and then go stand by the doorway where she cannot see me. As soon as she is quiet, even for a few seconds I go to her and praise her for being "quiet" and really heap it on, and then take her out and put her back to her tree. Surprisingly, she is catching on faster than I thought she would. It's not 100% though, we'll just keep working it! :blink: We recently got my little man, A 5 year old Ekkie. He is pretty quite, but he will make an obnoxious noise, and then he'll say "Kramer! Stop it!" or "Kramer" in a rude, disgusted, tired voice. He'll make the noise again, and then tell himself off again, "STOP IT" or "shut up", or "Do it again..." like a warning. He must have heard it a lot. (I changed his name to Verde, so Kramer is his old name.) I cannot for the life of me find where I read it, but this one lady said that she kept a small cage, like a sleeper cage, no toys and small in another room. She would "warn" her guy to quite and whisper to him. If he kept up she would quietly take him and put him by himself in this cage for 15 minutes. Then she would take him out and reward/praise him and put him back out in his regular area. She said it took a few months and it was tiring, but it eventually worked. Now she has to only mention quiet and he is. When we're talking 50-60-70 years of potential quiet, it's worth it. And look at my post Foraging Foot Food in the Food Section, they are easy and they take the birds a lot of time to work at. Maybe that would distract her. Even if you only put one or two things inside of them so she could eat them/forage all day without getting too much nuts/seed etc. My birds and friend's birds cannot resist. Again, sorry you are going through it. We are all here for you to listen, sorry we can't come birdsit to get you a night out-LOL. :silly:
  7. Ok, so yesterday I drug all three cages out onto the driveway and scrubbed away. Man, that was a big undertaking. It took me 3.5 hours. It was sunny and a bit breezy. While I cleaned one, I rotated Verde & Mesa in the others so they got some sun time. Today, I went for toe surgery (just with freezing and in the podiatrist office) and a cortisone shot in the other heel, so I am on pain meds and sitting still for the rest of the day. Not very exciting.
  8. Hi Wendy! I am from BC, but now live in Colorado. I love seeing my "homies" on here. Where in ON are you? I lived in TO for a couple of years. I see you actually joined a long time ago, but I wanted to comment on how cute that little TAG (Zarah?) is in your pic! What a love!
  9. As requested! Plus, she thoroughly enjoys punishing my Kleenex Box! I can do hair and makeup whilst she unleashes her fury on these items. Plus, she likes to argue with the other TAG that lives in the bathroom, she yells, beaks and growls at her, not very friendly at all-LOL Trying to escape with it!! That is her toothbrush in the background, just to clairfy-not mine! Another great idea. Post edited by: MrsB, at: 2009/05/05 22:20<br><br>Post edited by: MrsB, at: 2009/05/05 22:21
  10. MrsB

    Pinata Tragedy!!

    I don't think it is hysteria, and personally I choose not to take the chance. I think it is about money when suppliers get pissy b/c someone has spoken out. I would do the same exact thing if there was even a small chance it was from something I suspected. They did send the bird's blood and the pinata and we will know eventually, but I'm not taking the chance. I tossed the pinata.
  11. MrsB

    Pinata Tragedy!!

    I contacted my supplier, she said that hers come from Malaysia, and then they are tested here, but when I posted that to another group, someone jumped on me and said that everything that comes from Malaysia (toy wise) is horrid and she would never buy any toy that was made there. So, who knows? Maybe best just to skip the pinatas? Do we have American made toys somewhere?
  12. From another group, and Eclectus almost died from a store bought Pinata the other day. Apparently it was made in Mexico, and they do not have the same standards for formaldehyde, no standards there at all,so it is used in manufacturing paper. Not so here in the US. So everyone needs to check where there's was made, and if you don't know, toss them. They have sent the Pinata for testing, so we'll know more later. This poor baby has been in the vet with toxic poisoning and not able to eat, and her crop is described as "red and angry". It has been a traumatic ordeal. They think she will recover, but we'll have to see.
  13. Mesa clowning around! <br><br>Post edited by: MrsB, at: 2009/04/29 03:49
  14. MrsB

    Poop Q

    Ok, I'll keep an eye out. That is good to hear Dave. I agree with that morning poop! She won't go in her cage, so when I pick her up, I wait for it over the paper. It is a bomb! :sick: It is like that after afternoon nap too. It could be maybe now that she is home, she has only been with us 5 weeks, and I believe her diet was mostly pellets (Roudybush ) before. She is on Harrison's now, and 90% of her diet is fresh vegatables, fruits and mashes of many varieties. So, maybe it is as it should be now. Thank-you all!
  15. MrsB

    Poop Q

    Mesa's poop has been brown lately, whereas it was more green before. And it's been brown for about a week, and I haven't changed her diet at all. Any thoughts?
  16. MrsB

    New Ekkie!

    Thank-you as always! He continues to be relaxed and interactive, favoring me but still interacting with everyone. He showered with my husband yesterday and today. He is molting so I wanted him to shower, and he really enjoys it! Erika, I am taking him to the vet on Wed. morn, but this is what I am thinking; I saw a few pictures that show a bigger size, do you think maybe he could be Red Sided and not SI? And birdboard is the other site I belong to, they have a lot of Ekkie moms and dads, and so much to learn. I am so exhausted today, {Emotions-00020074} I was up early both days this weekend, and painted their bedroom (cageroom? Lol) ORANGE BTW! Wow! I LOVE IT. I need to do a second coat on that today, then I will post pics. I had so much cleaning to do with his stuff, and plus his tree is comprised of plastic perches, so I had to vet wrap it all, then drill for toy holders. His other mom said (did I say this already?) he was not interested in toys, but he only had two! Old, and boring (no offence to her) so I have replaced them with new toys and he plays for sure! And his perches in his cage desperately needed replacing. He had only manzanita, so I have re-organized his cage and perches. Too much. Lol. So, today I am totally junked! I also have a back injury and it has been killing me all weekend, hello Vicoden-lol! I think I will go nap on the couch now... It is probably a good idea that I stop "talking" b/c I see now it has become rambling! Zzzz! {Communicate-000200D7}
  17. MrsB

    New Ekkie!

    His "mom" told me he was an SI, and in conversation while we were visiting, she even asked if I had ever seen a VOS, that they were much bigger. I am going to take him to the vet anyway, so I shouldn't even bother. Here is the link to the page I got weight from. It says average for an Eclectus, but does not indicate sub-species. So...? http://www.birdsnways.com/wisdom/ww67eii.htm I will call the vet tomorrow and make the appt. and he can fill me in. I definitely think that Verde is wider too. Hrmmm.. But at 380g he's not even at the low end range, which is 388, and the average is 430!? Vet, vet! Lol He does this "honk" too...I wonder what is "natural" sound and what is learned. He is doing a high pitch something right now, sounds like "What?" but very high. I love it!
  18. MrsB

    New Ekkie!

    Thanks Erika...Tigger is so cute!!B) As the morning progesses he says, "Step up", "No", "Don't!", "what?" "what are you doing?" and some noise similar to that of Donkey! Lol...He speaks very clearly too. I think he looks much bigger than Tigger...What does Tigger weigh? I just weighed Verde, and he is 380g into the morning. I guess that is lighter than average from what I read. He just seems so round to me. :side:
  19. MrsB

    New Ekkie!

    Thanks Erika! I do remember you saying that Tigger does that at bedtime. I am not sure what he was up to, b/c it wasn't bedtime, but I'll figure him out. I havn't heard a "roar" either! Which is good, I think! Lol He does a noice which is exactly like a crow, how wonderful! :pinch: But no roar I think. Also, he says his old name, and he says, "Stop it!" and "Jesus!" B/c his other mom used to say that to the dogs a lot we are told-Lol. He said "Hello" today, and was saying others but it was so quick we didn't catch them. What does Tigger say? Do they have the ability to continue to learn new words? Thanks for asking about his other mom. She did pretty good, a little watery as she walked out the door. She sent me an email and thanked us for giving him such a great home and family, and that is helps knowing that he will have a better life here. I promised regular updates too, and told her she is welcome to visit anytime. She was glad for that. It is still a bit surreal for me, b/c I was still not convinced she was coming. The whole CL thing made me so leary, even after we went to visit at their house. I just didn't trust. It is weird to be with a strange bird again, I already know Miss Mesa so well, that I look forward to knowing Verde like that too. He hasn't had any new perches or toys, so I swapped some things out tonight, he seemed to enjoy being on a different perch, and I hung some vegetables and he had fun picking at them. I can't see that he missed a beat at all. He was in a basement with low light before, and now he is here, with so many windows and much space, I think that makes him feel better already. Oh, about his beak-can you see? What do you think? Plus, do you have pics of Tigger? I have no frame of reference for what Verde should look like. He is molting a little on his head, but all else looks good. I am going to try and weigh him tomorrow. He looks a little "round" to me. Thanks again Hon! So glad to have you. {Feel-good-00020069}
  20. MrsB

    New Ekkie!

    Hello!! We're here! It has been a busy day!:silly: Verde is home and settling in so well! He came to us with very messy, dirty perches and cage and playstand (I told his mom that was OK, I would clean everything) so man did I! My hands are nasty from all the bleaching and hot water etc. Anyway! So, he went to me right away off his mom's hand, and is eating, and eating....and yes...eating. Lol. :laugh: He seemed to want to "beak" me through his cage, maybe a little cage aggresive, Erika? Is that an Ekkie thing? But while I was making dinner in the kitchen he kept calling to me, so I thought I would invite him out and see how it went. He readily accepted!! So, he is on one side of the kitchen where he can see us all, but from a little distance and he is eating, and watching and doing so well. I had planned on leaving him be for a few days, but he really wanted out. So! There you have it! I will keep you all posted on how he is doing Thank you so much, for remembering today was our day, and for your support and enthusiasm! So appreciated! xo OH! I forgot the pictures, Lol... <br><br>Post edited by: MrsB, at: 2009/04/26 01:39
  21. Gret Sig Pat!! Thanks for that, Verde comes home tommorrow...
  22. Welcome! I secomd those questions, fill us in
  23. Welcome to you both! My baby Mesa is ten months too...you will love it here!
  24. Welcome Pam & Kiki! {Feel-good-00020114} I am a relative newbie too, and I LOVE this place! You will too. There is endless information here, and so much guidence from those that are so kind to share all that they know. It sounds like you have a very busy life/house already. Wow. Superwoman! I am a new Grey mama as well to Mesa, and it can be overwhelming, you are in good hands here. I find you have to take 100% of what you read online, and find the average. Again, WELCOME!!
  25. MrsB

    New Ekkie!

    Saturday! Woot! :woohoo: We went and spent two hours with him tonight, and had a great talk with his "mom". He is calm, cautious but friendly. Stepped up onto myself and my husband. Spoke a little, was kissing his mom and being lovey with her. Just a sweet little man! My little man!! Looks very healthy, and happy. No plucked feathers or anything that would indicate a problem. I didn't want to push her on anything and she suggested Saturday I was so happy. Yay!
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