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Everything posted by Joolesgreyuk

  1. I love the updates on Spock and his shipmates, great pictures too. Looks like Spock could get used to this thanksgiving thing we do on planet earth.
  2. Thanks Sheila & Dave. I have only heard that the tee tree oil does as good a job of removing mould as the chemical alternative, I wasn't sure if it was safe to use around animals/birds. I just want to be sure that there isn't a better alternative before going out and buying some.
  3. Following on from an earlier thread regarding respiratory problems in birds. It does seem to me that our fids are particularly sensitive to airborn sprays and irritants. I keep my fids next to the patio door and window where they are able to get the most natural light and fresh air and where they can see the outside world. This month here in the UK we have had a phenomenal amount of rain after two dry months and about a week ago I noticed one or two patches on the wall next to the door where mould is beginning to form. Obviously mould would be very dangerous to birds as it is to humans and I will be tackling it asap. I have an anti-mould spray which I'm sure would be dangerous to birds as it is chemically based, however I have heard that tee tree oil does the same job just as well. What I would like to know is this: 1. Is tee tree oil safe to use around the fids? and 2. Is there another natural and safe alternative product? Thanks in advance and to those of you who have your fids in similar positions please check for damp patches on outside walls and around windows and doors.
  4. Thanks for sharing this Dan, isn't it so typical of them to be so suspicious :unsure: :blink:
  5. No I don't Janet, Beau is fine with me he just prefers Steve. It is Argyle that is agressive towards me.
  6. Thanks guys, yeah I don't think I would've minded had one of them took to the other family members but when it's both it does make you wonder if it's something you are doing lol
  7. This is a great post and one I've not seen before as I'm relatively new on here. Beau is small compared to many Congos and quite dark too. Yes I would say he's quiet and showing signs of being quite talkative. He's a bit like his owner - a crazy mixed-up kid ;-)<br><br>Post edited by: Joolesgreyuk, at: 2009/11/24 20:12
  8. With thanks to those who offered suggestions on "taming" Argyle, particularly Chris (ecodweeb) who gave lots of helpful advice, I thought I'd offer the latest on him. Well it's been about two weeks since I asked for advice and in that two weeks there have been positives. Argyle does seem to be warming to Jordan & Steve, he will allow Steve (not always but more often these days) to stroke his beak and feet through the cage bars, he will welcome Jordan home from school with a "hello", he also says this when Jordan answers the phone lol and he will dance with and for Jordan, HOWEVER it does seem to be me he dislikes intensely. It is rare he will allow me near his feet and even rarer I'm allowed near his beak! I was wondering if his behaviour might have been hormonal and that this could be the reason it has got a little better. TBH I'm beginning to get a little paranoid, why is it always me my fids reject? Steve seems to be the chosen one for both of my guys even though I am the one who feeds and cleans them.
  9. Keep up the good work Rhonnie, sound like you are doing all the right things. I know it's a slow process but you will get there.
  10. Lucky you Caroline, I have my eye on some new curtains too but they are quite expensive and I've only had these two years lol!
  11. OMG I have burned microwave popcorn with my fids around a couple of times - that is SO scary katana! It begs the question "is anything really safe in our homes?"
  12. Hi Neil, Jess is right, stepping up is the obvious one to start with and the best tools to use to get Snowy (or any parrot) to comply is her favourite foods/treats, progress from this to getting her to fly to you on command - again for a treat. I would say that about 12+ weeks is a good age to start the training process, wait until she can perch and fly and away you go.
  13. Aww Janet I know what you meen about Ana Grey "hovering", they become so confident and carry-out manouvres you wouldn't think possible in such small areas. Watching them hover and turn 180 degrees in flight is simply amazing and they learn so fast! You enjoy Ana Grey and don't feel guilty of your pride in her. B) I am feeling much the same with Beau as he learns sounds from the house and picks up my words and phrases, it is so cool and I think that atm I am the proudest parront in the south west.
  14. Aww you are spot-on Janet, I would give you karma but I already gave you some 10 mins ago :laugh:
  15. "Hmm Do you think I need my cheeks done? Maybe a eye-lift? Nah I'm just gorgeous the way I am"
  16. Ok Dan for your benefit: a janner = someone from Plymouth/surrounding areas/coastal UK a geordie = someone from Newcastle UK Sheila is a scouser = someone from Liverpool. When I say Beau is a janner I mean he talks with my accent. I'm one proud mum but I have to admit it sounds funny coming from a parrot lol.
  17. Oh dear Jill, that's like saying "what's a geordie?" Google it!
  18. {Feel-good-0002006E} It is sooo funny listening to Beau say "dance Beau" in my accent - It's like listening to yourself on tape - cringe worthy but at the same time I'm proud that Beau's a janner. Priceless lol. {Feel-good-000200BB}<br><br>Post edited by: Joolesgreyuk, at: 2009/11/23 21:06
  19. Ah a finger puppet! But they all fit you description. ;-)
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