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Everything posted by Supernova

  1. I will be back !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. my typing has speeded up a bit
  3. She is 5 years old soon and she is not clipped, she has been on Harrsons high potency course from a baby chick, she likes to play with my vet in a lottery to see who can get the most money.
  4. :oI am a new member here and I would like to introduce myself, my name is Bernie, I have an African Gray called Ben Her. She is my best friend, I dont know what else to say . Bernie.
  5. I know he plays a Les Paul and I am A Strat man with Ernie Ball 9s but it works for me so here goes with Parisian walkways. It reminds me of the days when I spent a lot of time working there. In Paris. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AGqN-k1jPVI&feature=related
  6. luvparrots wrote: Then you would love the Chinese ink painting I purchased in China a few years ago!<br><br>Post edited by: luvparrots, at: 2010/02/28 21:35 Can you post a pic here please:kiss:
  7. Watching the News today I noticed that Corduroy pillows are making good Head lines :woohoo:
  8. This was, well you decide. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I saw it when it was on TV and could not stop laughing.
  9. luvparrots wrote: Sorry, let the woman do it themselves then?
  10. I am beginning to think the winter is over now, the crocuses are breaking through Daffodils are in the shops, the Sun is out again, things are warming up and my Ameraillis is going to (hopefully) show 8 flowers this year. I am going to repot all my bonsai trees soon for another year. :) Bernie.
  11. Apart from the ones you know about eg boat, guitar I love my bonsai trees and garden plants also my pond wildlife, I also love the countryside walks near here, and in The New Forest. I have a great love of all the arts, paintings and classical music mainly Beethoven and I love rock music. But my biggest love in life is to make people laugh, that is what I do best and it is usually at my expense but who cares. I like to create things out of nothing and make things work when they get broken, if that can be called an interest but it works for me. I also love chinese painting with water colour inks on paper.
  12. JillyBeanz wrote: Excuse me lady :blink:
  13. I just love the way some men, REAL MEN take care of there ladies, They are not afraid to show that another man is not welcome near his wife.
  14. Just to let you know that F.A.R.Ting on the oil rigs on a friday nights is much the same after a pint of this Result---- :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:
  15. Yes it is her new clock and here it is at home It is dated 1790. Tevish just had to be in this pic:) Post edited by: Supernova, at: 2010/02/28 13:55<br><br>Post edited by: Supernova, at: 2010/02/28 13:58
  16. I thought you put boats in a port, but if you tried to drink one it would take years, In the arctic it would be on the rocks :woohoo:
  17. I will fart tonight even thou I am alone (with the window open)
  18. I think she prefers, ---- lack thereof But that is another story.
  19. The idea here is to give an answer. So somebody can easily guess the question. Should be intresting. Rules You must be honest and leave a clue or two. I will start. Answer. Bill Gates. He is a bit well off. He is into computers. He licks windows.<br><br>Post edited by: Supernova, at: 2010/02/24 18:51
  20. UPDATE, The mods have been done and it is ready to be busted again, but this time on video because my camera is fixed :woohoo: :woohoo:
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