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Everything posted by Supernova

  1. PLASTIC!!!!! I will give you plastic, I will show you them, when they die if I need to prove it, ahem, we need to talk young lady!!
  2. I bought my wife these flowers today, hope you like them, It is not a big bunch but it is the thought that counts I think. :) And NO Jill not from a petrol station.
  3. EH! excuse me young lady from up there in the Norf place, we down here, can speek proper Queens Engrish like wot you shuld do eh, snif we carrot crunchers EAT pasties, you lot up north, drink it out of bottles from France. And I bet you dont chew straw eaver.
  4. Thanks everybody xxxxxxxxxxxxx I know I am an old hehehe. Looks like Ben Her dont he?
  5. Great pic they look very happy, She is a pretty girl, sorry Lady, but He looks like he is about to cross his fingers. Cant wait till my nipper gets married.
  6. Cliffs of Moher, located a short distance from the village Doolin. Looking out of my window I can see ------------ A country, and smell garlic and onions. What can I see?
  7. I like to have a go at anything realy, but not spirits yuk.
  8. OK! it is the KEW GARDENS IN LONDON. NEXT please?
  9. oh yes !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. The Titanic resting place. Because it departed from my home town, about 15 mins walk away from my home, and I would love to decend to her resting place and see what is left of all the people from Southampton. How many egg yokes can you eat with out having a drink ?
  11. I will put a new tape in my vid cam and it will be for tottie sorry Toy films only, I promise.
  12. never!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and never will, with a crane like mine you must be joking. Will you ever vote again ????
  13. Yes!!! but forgot to get her phone number Have you ever seen a shooting ? I have, in Paris, but the plonker missed.
  14. Well I cant even speak American, ONLY- Engrish, Austwalian, New Zelandic, a bit of Jock, Welk and Irishiwasinmajorka. Oh and German.
  15. Yep you are right the big Red spot is on the other side in both pics, looks like a Hubble shot to me but I can compeat I cant have this, NASA ? Well they do try but we will show em
  16. All will be revealed very soon in the coming winter I must admit, I cant wait myself.
  17. The wedding was great and I did a bit on stage that got a laugh hehe, anyway I got a call from the top man in the Asro group and he was gobsmacked with my scope, 7 turned up and they are going to do a write up in the magazine and the front cover pic of the scope. It is becoming famous here and I think I could be left out a bit, but the plans for the observatory are moving up now they are all keen to help out.
  18. Now what ever gave you that idea, I know I crash it a bit now and then but um well I did forget, my fault.
  19. Hmm I could not beleeeeve it myself wot a plonker.
  20. The weather was absolutly fantastic clear sky, sun very hot 24c, and I got a bit burnt on my bald patch. The first problem was getting there the motorway was solid with nerds :mad: going to the beach to fry in oil. The lake was very calm, the second problem was the servos where reversed because I droped the transmitter last week and broke it, this switched the changover switches to reverse so I had to do some lakeside adjustments ahem . The first run went ok but it was very hairy because the new 3 blade prop gave awsom acceleration and I could not control it, so in for a prop change back to 2 blade. The ignition cut off I invented worked 100% so I was happy about that because after the brown trouser moment with the 3 blade prop, I was able to shut it off before it mounted the bank and created havoc with the sun bathing tottie the other side of the lake which I hardley noticed was there :rolleyes::cool: Any way I got one of the young lads to vid the next run with everything working as it should, started up launched it, got a few good high speed passes and I here a little voice say, excuse me, Bernie there is no tape in the camera. Yep I had left it at home SORRY
  21. It is finnished so its on for tommorow. And It all works with my invention as well ;);):D:D
  22. My Scope is now in its new home and I cant wait to see the developement this coming year will bring, I have just had a call to let me know there are 8 well known Astronomers coming tonight to see it, but I cant be there because I have to go a wedding reception this evening :mad::mad::mad: They are going to take some pics tonight with my scope and when I get them I will show you. It is going to be featured on the front page of there magazine. I am very happy. Bernie.
  23. The Toy is ready to hit the wet stuff this Sunday. Watch this space for the film, :D:D:D:D:D:D:D
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