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Everything posted by Supernova

  1. Try this one, Discribe the things you see out your imaginery window, anywhere in the world, and the idea is to guess what place you are looking at eg Capital, River, Catherdral, Building, Lake, Scene of a film. Anywhere in the world. I will start. Out of my window I can see ---- A river with roads both sides and a Very tall metal tower, there are gardens around the base and lotts of tourists eating bread and cheese and drinking red wine. What can I see.
  2. I AM DOING IT NOW IT IS MY TURN ----------- Tonight and it is very hot in here.
  3. You northern lot could not speel til we tout yu toe so stpo beaing so smug
  4. It works ok on the chat window but not on the posting
  5. I am having a problem, (no comment Jillybeanz):rolleyes: When I try to check my spelling using google speel chok the whole text disapears and I cant retreve it. I am not complaining just an observation. Nerbie.
  6. hahahaha nice one Lyn. My toy is back home now, a little assembly to be done then weeeeeeeeeeeeeee orf we go.
  7. What else can I say, to add to this ? Penny you are AMAZING
  8. My Gray can use my credit card at the vet and add zeros better than yours.
  9. The cat? (the antichrist) Tigs is fine thanks babe! he is going for a spin soon.
  10. OI! I am dysloxic not you. Nerbie.
  11. Jill I am simple and young !
  12. I will try to ME my self Jill. hehe.
  13. Nice clip I wish Tev would do that without barking so much, he has a trailer, but he needs to bark at everything that goes by.
  14. We need more Smellies oops sorry smilies.
  15. BTW the avitar is the new Toy I am building, it is a bit bigger than the Flame boat and will have a new modified, powerfull engine. The Flame has 2.4 horse power this new one will have 7hp and is only 3in longer, but that will be for next year ish but I intend to finnish it sooner. Nerbie.
  16. The ice was on my front door roof, I forgot to edit it out, yep we just chuck em in we build em strong and reliable.
  17. Man in a resturant, Waiter there is Volcanic ash in my soup!!!!!!!!!!!! Waiter, Yes Sir, It is a no fly zone!!
  18. Check this out. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CEYoU5BhGl4&feature=related :D:D:D:D:D
  19. Just a couple of clips I filmed last year, I am holding the camera, not racing. Bernie the new boy.
  20. I am ok, bit of man flu thats all, I think I have been rumbled.
  21. Thank you all, that is very nice, I will try to be my old self, and be a good boy.
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