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Everything posted by Supernova

  1. Try this at home. Camera only. Cannon G9, set on manual, ISO 80, 1/250sec, F4.8 No tripod. AND WITHOUT A TELESCOPE !!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry Judy its not full moon yet. Bernie
  2. :laugh: That is brillant Dave, and in such a short time. Karma to you my friend :laugh: Bernie PS, A copy will go on the wall of my observatory if thats ok with you.
  3. This is an oil rig [on a small scale] that is used to tie Tankers to in training for the captains, they use very small boats. The boat you can see the captain just in front of the funnel <br><br>Post edited by: Supernova, at: 2009/07/02 23:58
  4. Have a look at this and watch our Earth get smaller and the Sun get smaller and smaller. :ohmy: :ohmy: CLICK ON THE LINK, THEN WAIT. http://www.techdo.com/images/largest-know-star.htm
  5. 32C here in Southampton UK hot and very sunny and dry has been for 2 weeks now. :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: My ceiling fans are run by a V8
  6. Thanks all, Toni, the Moon is 250,000 miles away on avg and if you could see through the scope it looks like you are flying over the surface, the pics on the computer loose a great deal of clarity and sharpness. luvparrots, I will use a much greater mag with the next bach after full moon. Judy Full, moon is awkard with a big scope because there is so much light magnified it makes my eyes go funny :blink: but I will try for you. To get a good pic now aint easy because it is low down just near roof hight and in some daylight. Just wait till winter :woohoo: :woohoo: I am very glad you like them it makes it worth while:) :) Bernie.
  7. Here we go fresh of the scope, the conditions are not perfect so focus not easy. Not my best but there is still some daylight. Bernie
  8. Took this in the New Forrest, on my back, under the pylon. Thought it was an unusual view :ohmy: <br><br>Post edited by: Supernova, at: 2009/06/29 18:08
  9. IT is looking good tonight, so my pumpkin cannon is out now cooling off for tonights session so I will post the results later tonight, or tommorow depending on my fitness to stay up. Bernie.<br><br>Post edited by: Supernova, at: 2009/06/29 17:41
  10. Some from last year to keep you going :blush: Sorry about the weather. Bernie.
  11. Well in the good old world of Astronomy the cloud has won again :evil: The weather forcast has been saying clear spells but it is now 100% cover yet again. Not to worry the moon will always be there and as the full moon approaches we may see it soon. I am going to keep watch till about 10pm it is now 8pm So still time but I doubt it. :angry: :blush: Bernie.
  12. Tommorow night is looking good for more Moon pics, if it is better I will try to take some shots with my BIG scope for you all. They will show the other side eg the sea of tranquillity where Neil Armstrong set foot. It all depends on the cloud, so fingies crossed.
  13. Thanks everybody, I feel all :blush: :blush: now.
  14. Thanks Judy, Yes I am VERY lucky to be married to Elaine.
  15. Nice pic! I wish Ben would take to her harness.
  16. Just thought I would share my week/end with you all. Last Sunday my Wife, Tevish [my little doggie]and myself went for a walk along the Hamble River and found a quite spot on the grass bank. It was very sunny and warm with no wind, after Tev had finnished chasing all the wildlife away he sat beside us and as I had my acoustic guitar with me and their was nobody about I began playing the theam from the Deer Hunter [Cavatina] I have not seen the film but I love that tune. By the way that is not me When I had finnished Elaine, my wife had tears in her eyes And there where 3 people behind us listening and they clapped I felt so :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush: It was a lovely day by the river. I took this pic of the birds on the other bank. Elaine and Tevish. PERFECT :) :) Bernie.<br><br>Post edited by: Supernova, at: 2009/06/26 19:04
  17. Ben likes the camera. Ben at a safer distance :laugh:
  18. :laugh: I love to make everybody laugh if I can :laugh:
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