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Everything posted by Supernova

  1. My wife says I am a friday night fart.
  2. A little of what is to come, If I can get my flippin Prop done. Sorry there is no sound. just sing along. Another big kid just like me. Post edited by: Supernova, at: 2009/09/11 13:56<br><br>Post edited by: Supernova, at: 2009/09/11 15:30
  3. Doh! I made the gate wider just before I got the caravan. wot a pillok.
  4. You are all to kind, I will do some more soon. I need to get the big scope out soon, because winter is comming and the sky gets clearer in the cold nights. Dont worry I put my woolies on
  5. I love you ladies you are me babes.
  6. Supernova


    Here is Ben, saying, she would not like me to go to work today. She bites her claw and makes me feel bad about going. Bernie.
  7. I have, And they need to contact the firm in some other country somewhere in the universe and see if it was sabotage or a fraudulant claim or somebody trying to blag a free bit, then they may consider my claim for about £10 for a new bit. Oh my god, am I trying to be a bad customer. Well I am waiting and not for long I can tell you. I am *#ssed off. But still Happy DOH !!!
  8. The MOON will be ready for a good shot soon so watch this space !!!!!!!!!! [JUDY]
  9. The busted bit that I cant fix :unsure:
  10. JillyBeanz wrote: la,la,la,la,la, not listening. OK so I bent it But I am saying nothing about me hitting the gate post with my Caravan. UM Doh!
  11. WOW! thanks for all your support ladies, I feel happy.
  12. NA, I like ducks and the lake we use has none.
  13. What is it with you and Ducks ? Sorry but that is the closest I can get to a duck.
  14. OK, THIS IS THE CARP ONE THEY SUPPLIED My home made job. And some more pics of my TOY The 26cc petrol engine And all the repaired bits at the rear end. Well that was my day off and I am happy now, except for the broken driveshaft, and I will sort that bit soon. Bernie.
  15. An update on my TOY The bits have been repaired but the drive from the main prop shaft has broken. I have made a new stand for my TOY, if you ladies would like to see my pics then let me know here A very young man in a very old body. Bernie.
  16. kittykittykitty wrote: I know it was a stupid idea but I will grow out of it.
  17. I have the day off tommorow, so will work it. Bury the thing.
  18. JillyBeanz wrote: Thanks very much for the offer but paper will get wet
  19. The bank was in the wrong flippin place, it moved. And the Sun was in my eyes behind me and, and somebody was talking to me. :blush:
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