2 insightful studies.
I appreciate the way this part is defined.
“Relinquished parrots are parrots that have been given up by one or more owners for any
reason. Relinquishment may or may not involve the exchange of money. However, the
transaction of a parrot from a breeder to wholesalers or retailers for the purposes of resale
is not considered relinquishment. In addition, the transaction of a parrot from a breeder,
wholesaler or retailer to the first owner is not considered relinquishment. Any subsequent
sale or surrender of the parrot is considered relinquishment. Other terms used to describe
this population of parrots include: previously owned parrots, surrendered parrots,
unwanted parrots, homeless parrots, abandoned parrots, re-homed parrots or displaced
and I find this part to be quite insightful,
"What we should be more concerned with are the relinquishments that are based either
entirely, or primarily on behavioral or compatibility factors. Relinquishments of this
nature are due to a breakdown of bond between the owner and the parrot which might be
avoided. Both of these categories involve some aspect of the parrot’s behavior, or its
care requirements, which was unexpected, unwanted, or unattainable by the owner at the
time of relinquishment."