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Everything posted by GorgASS

  1. i'm so glad jeepers wasn't able to get outside!! i was worried about willis geting out too till i made a full length net to hang in the hallway between the livingroom and the front door. my kids are in and out all day long and i didn't want to take the chance of something happening to willis. he was also flying to the kitchen every 5 seconds, and landing on top of the fridge or the curtain rods or the tops of the cupboards or some other place i couldn't reach him. so i'd have to get a chair and get him down, only to come back in the livingroom and have him fly right back to the kitchen! most of my days (for a while) were spent getting willis from the kitchen lol. i didn't like him in the kitchen without me cuz there's so much he could get into, but he wouldn't stay in the livingroom. the net solved that problem too. so now he's blocked from the door and the kitchen. keep in mind he can get by it if he really wants to, but it does stop him for long enough to close the door and then some. i feel so much better after i put that up! lol.
  2. i just did the holes for the suction cups this morning. i don't have a dremel, so i ended up using a utility knife and a scissors to make the holes lol. it started out as a tiny little hole and i kept scraping it to make it bigger. then i just forced the ends of the cups in there. when i couldn't get them out by pulling on them i figured they must be pretty tight! lol. i don't have a pic yet cuz my camera battery died in while i was on vacation and i haven't found which bag has the charger yet. willis went on it for a little while, only to fly off it shortly. he seemed a bit leary of the vet wrap so it's stuck on the window in the livingroom right now so he can get used to it before i stick it (and him) in the shower! he doesn't like showers with a spray bottle, so i'm hoping with a perch to sit on (instead of the shower curtain rod) in the shower he will want to get wet. i've tried just about everything to get him to like baths with no luck...hopefully this will work! as soon as i get a pic i'll post it
  3. i just made this and it took me all of 10 min (and that's pushing it). i still have to add the suction cups, but it's only cost me $5.55 so far...GREAT idea!! thanks for sharing! karma to you
  4. i know what you mean...the other day my bf asked me what was going on in the world of birds when i was on here...he's also doesn't understand why pple post some of the things they do (like what their birds eat, etc.) so i had to try and explain it and why i like reading what other pple are going thru/doing with their greys. he still doesn't understand but he accepts it...he has bmx racing...i have the bird forum lol
  5. thanks all you guys! i'm getting more excited about going. i bought my 3 and 5 year a camera (the 9 year old gets one tomorrow) and they are having so much fun walking around snapping pics of everything! it's so cute cuz the camera is so kid-friendly and wasn't very expensive. i'm gonna miss the forum i'll be away for 2 whole weeks!! unless somewhere has free internet down there lol (let's pray)
  6. tycos_mom: there's a list of things willis can't have laminated next to his cage lol. my dad said i should have it up there since there's so many things that could harm him (like onions) that you wouldn't think of. and i'm glad it's there cuz ya never know when i leave for 10 min and someone decides to feed him something... i'm sure once i'm there i'll have fun, it's just thinking about it that sucks! we're going to sea world for 2 days (and eating with shamu!!) then to gatorland, magic kingdom and animal kingdom...so i know i'm gonna gave a blast at sea world and gatorland (sea world is awesome!!) i'll def. have to post pics when i get back!
  7. i'm almost crying thinking about it...*sigh* i've also asked my dad to stop by while i'm gone. Willis just loves my dad and i'm not sure why. ever since i got willis the only other person besides me he really likes is my dad...(dad said he 'threw up' when he was petting him once while i was gone, but willis is pretty young so i don't think he did, plus i didn't see anything) i think willis can tell that dad's an animal lover and good-hearted. my bf's like that too, but i wonder if willis might be a little jealous of him (we're working on getting him to like my bf more...it's working slowly) so thanks judygram for your re-assurance, i'm just so nervous! lol but at least i have an excuse to call and see how willis is doing everyday (afterall i have to talk to my bf everyday right lol)
  8. i leave on vacation in 6 days for 2 weeks, and i have to leave willis at home with my boyfriend willis doesn't really like him, but he doesn't hate him either, and they get along better if i'm not in the room. so i'm writing all the things he has to do to take care of willis down so he won't forget to do anything, and i just want to make sure i'm not forgetting anything. obviously i have to feed/water him and change his newspaper (all the obvious stuff), plus to weight him, etc. my cousin has to watch him cuz my bf is gone 2 of the days, so it's very step-by-step instructions, and i'm also including tips for her (she's only met him a few times, and he did let her pet him, which he doesn't let just anyone touch him so that's good right?) like he'll do just about anything for an almond, and the 'i'm gonna poop' butt wiggle. i also have his vet's # and to call me if they have any questions. i just feel like i'm forgetting something! i don't know if it's because i am or if it's because i'm just so worried about leaving him. i almost don't want to go cuz i can't take him with...just thinking about leaving him for 2 weeks makes me want to cry i don't want him to be mad at me for leaving him. can anyone think of anything i forgot? *sigh* maybe all i need is a 'he'll be ok without you for 2 weeks' i'm just so worried
  9. for those of you that have emergancy kits ready to go... luvparrots: you said you have a kit ready to go with pellets and nutraberries and everything. do you rotate the pellets so they don't get old or how do you make sure everything stays fresh?
  10. i just wanted to make sure nothing was wrong with him!! thanks!
  11. when do greys start to regurgitate? i know they do it when they love you, but when do they start doing that? willis (about 5 months old or so) has been doing the head/neck bob thing the a few times when i play with him, but nothing comes out. i thought he was kinda young to do this, but just wanted to check before i call the vet...thanks!
  12. it's actually doing pretty good...it's late right now so he's sleeping but i'll get a pic tomorrow lol. he hasn't destroyed it too much cuz he's not in his cage much, altho he has crawled back in it a few times...just to play with this toy!
  13. so i just got back from the petstore today (willis needed some more treats but of course i came home with a few more toys lol) i bought him a folding bouquet by planet pleasures (it was like 15.99 or something) it's HUGE!! i was a little afraid of willis being scared of it simply because of the size but put it in his cage anyway. of course he was out of his cage when i put it in, but he actually went back inside to play with it! he loves it!! since it's a completely shreddable toy i don't expect it to last long, and since he loves it so much, i decided to go on ebay and see if i could find it or something similar for cheaper. i ended up looking at toy parts (as per usual) and i found the palm leaves or whatever is used to hold everything (and in diff. colors!!) so i bought a lot of 12 for $18...not bad i think! i figured i'll make some oragami flowers out of paper or something and find various things to stick inside of it...i'm pretty excited!! anyway, here's a pic of willis' new toy...
  14. my willis bit me yesterday. not hard enough to draw blood but hard enough that it left a mark and hurt. (my 3 year old scared him while i was petting him, not his fault) i told him no bite and showed him what he did and told him he had to be nice...i swear he knew what i was saying...his little face had the saddest 'i'm sorry' look, it was so cute! lol
  15. my willis bit me yesterday. not hard enough to draw blood but hard enough that it left a mark and hurt. (my 3 year old scared him while i was petting him, not his fault) i told him no bite and showed him what he did and told him he had to be nice...i swear he knew what i was saying...his little face had the saddest 'i'm sorry' look, it was so cute! lol
  16. i just bought willis a travel cage. it's awesome!! a little big for carring around with you but it's great for longer trips. i also have a smaller 16x16x20 (i think) that i use for the short trips, it's easier to carry and smaller to fit in the truck lol. but def. too small for him to be comfy in for an extended period of time. here's a pic of my bigger one...it's like 15-17 lbs or something so it's not heavy at all! http://www.greyforums.net/component/option,com_joomlaboard/Itemid,27/func,view/catid,5/id,142195/ it's about 1/2 way down the page
  17. my willis is mostly potty trained. like someone said before...put him in a certain spot and tell him to poop or go potty or whatever. and watch for the signs that he has to go (the butt wiggle) and pick him up and put him in the place you want him to go and tell him to poop, then give him a treat or lots of praise when he does. that's what i did and it working so far. don't get me wrong, willis does have accidents where he doesn't go where he's supposed to but a good 95% he does. it didn't take too long either...maybe a few weeks before he got the idea, then another few before he would fly to his potty spot instead of going where he was. like i said he doesn't 100% of the time go where he should, but i'm sure if you could get him to go in a place most of the time your mom would be a lot happier! hope i helped and good luck!!
  18. when was her hatchdate? if i remember right adaya and willis are about the same age, and i swear he's been trying to say hello the past few days. his hatchdate is jan 16, 2009, so he's only like 5 months old
  19. when was her hatchdate? if i remember right adaya and willis are about the same age, and i swear he's been trying to say hello the past few days. his hatchdate is jan 16, 2009, so he's only like 5 months old
  20. when was her hatchdate? if i remember right adaya and willis are about the same age, and i swear he's been trying to say hello the past few days. his hatchdate is jan 16, 2009, so he's only like 5 months old
  21. the link toni provided was good...karma for you...but i have a question about it. it said there should be a minimum of 10 toys in the cage at all times. doesn't that sound like a lot? like he wouldn't have any room to stretch out if he wanted to...just wanted to know what you guys thought!
  22. one concern that i do have is it's been really hot the past few days here. it's not bad in the house but even in the shade outside it's pretty warm. i know what willis will do if he gets too hot (hold his wings out etc.) can i spray him with a spray bottle to cool him down? i assume that's what i should do but just wanted to make sure lol! he's been really good traveling with us so far. he came with to oshkosh, and we stayed in a hotel overnight. it ended up being a bit too chilly for him to be outside with us at the race, so i kept him in the truck (the kids were in there as well, coloring) and every so often i would go check to make sure it was still warm enough in there. after we got back to the hotel he was out of his cage the whole time, and did really good! i did end up handfeeding him that night just because it was getting late and you could tell he hadn't ate very much that day, and i don't mind handfeeding him once in a while. when we took him to la cross yesterday he was very quiet (i was surprised) once we got to the track, but i think that's cuz there was so many pple and kids that wanted to come see him, and it's still a new thing for him to be around so many pple at a time. he didn't eat much (again) but i really think it was cuz he was too busy looking at everything lol! and i was very glad to have no one call him a pigeon!! i actually had a couple come ask me a bunch of questions cuz they were thinking about getting a bird but didn't know what kind to get. i got a lot of compliments on him B) i think he's doing really good traveling with us so far...i'll let everyone know how he does camping. one thing that i wonder about tho is am i exposeing him to too much? he seems fine around all the pple (i haven't taken him around pple on his harness yet...i don't think he's ready for that yet) i just want him to be able to come everywhere with me all the time! (i even seat-belt his cage in in the truck, my bf looked at me like i was crazy lol)
  23. it's 20x20x29 and weighs like 17 lbs. or so...it's really not heavy at all. it's a little bit awkward to carry, but it does have two handles for carrying that aren't on in the pic cuz it wouldn't fit in between the couch and his cage with them on. if i would set 2 of these travel cages on top of eachother they would be just about as big as his normal cage! my bf was giving me a hard time cuz it's a 'convenient travel cage' lol. i will admitt it is a little big to be convenient, but i wanted something big enough that if we were gone for a few days, he would be comfortable. and i still have his 16x16x20 cage that i can use if we're just gone for a few hours. i actually used that one yesterday when we went to the bmx race in la cross (like 2 hours away) it's got thinner bars but it works for short trips! this weekend we're going to rockford, il for a bmx national and we'll be camping for 3 days, so willis will be in his cage most of the time except when we're in the tent (or if he's on his harness, but there's TONS of pple there so i don't know if i want to have him on his harness much...he still is uneasy of pple) so i'm glad i have this huge travel cage. sorry...i think i may be rambling, but my bf makes fun of me for how i treat willis (like he's another one of my kids) or how i'm on this forum all the time lol, and i know everyone here will understand and not make fun of me for being this way about my willis
  24. there it is with willis on top of it!
  25. well i got my cage on thursday like i was supposed to...man is it big! lol i knew how big it was going to be (20x20x29) but man it looks bigger when it's all put together :lol: i'm thinking about using it as a coffee table, just so i can keep it in the livingroom.
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