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Everything posted by cf737

  1. As promised, more pictures! Darwin is 6 weeks old now and my is he growing fast! I've been to see him five times in the past eleven days and cannot get enough of him. The other day he ate his first piece of solid food! Well done Darwin! Here he is.
  2. I think this is a beautiful, vivid photo. I agree completely with twogreys in that macro photography does have some extreme limitations in focal length. I think you have done a stunning job here. I have been doing macro photography for a few years now. Here are two examples of shots I took that demonstrate the same depth of field but do not focus on the very front of the subject.
  3. Thank you all for your wonderful replies! I am going to see him again tomorrow - camera in hand, of course! Although the two months will be a long time to wait, I am very happy to have it. I will have plenty of time to get everything set up for little Darwin's homecoming, as Sallas mentioned. As long as pictures are welcome, I will have plenty and will keep posting them!
  4. That is very exciting news! I can't wait to see more pictures and hear how his homecoming is. Cute names! 8 weeks until my little Darwin comes home.
  5. Sorry....I'm having some trouble posting the picture!
  6. Well, it's been a long time coming with this tough decision for me but last week I made it final. I decided to go take a look at a few of the breeder's babies and took a day to do so. It seems I found the one! The second breeder I went to had nine babies (the most they've had in fifteen years!) - three Congos and six Timnehs. After my research I decided a Timneh was the way to go. I held the three youngest babies and although all of them were absolute sweethearts, I knew my baby as soon as I held him. He's just over 5 weeks old now and I will be taking him home in 2 months. I don't know how I'll wait that long! I've been to visit him 3 times in the past 5 days and am suffering from baby withdrawal. Sorry about the picture quality - my boyfriend didn't want to use flash! So here he is - baby Darwin. <br><br>Post edited by: cf737, at: 2009/02/03 04:48
  7. Hello all! Just as I promised, I have a bunch of questions for you. Any help would be greatly appreciated! 1. When I bring the baby home (in a couple months), should I let him come to me when I put my hand in the cage or should I go to pick him up? 2. What are your opinions on clipping their wings? 3. I've read lots about bathing them. Do I do this daily, even when he is a baby? 4. I've also read that lots of people can take their greys with them when they go on short trips. How early in the bird's life would this be possible/ recommended? 5. I have a parrotlet, Sprite, whose cage is currently on my dresser in my bedroom. Can I put the cage with the baby in the same room, in front of my window? The only other option right now really is to put it in the family room beside the kitchen - however I hear that the fumes cause problems. Any suggestions? I will be moving about 6 months after I get the baby at which point there will be plenty of room for his cage as well as Sprites. That's all for now. Thanks again in advance! CF
  8. I appreciate your support everyone! I am looking at a Timneh. A breeder close to where I live has six babies right now. She has encouraged me to choose a baby and help in the weaning process. Would you suggest male or female? Is there much of a difference?
  9. Thank you for the encouragement - I really appreciate it. The owners of a local bird store that I have visited a few times are not so encouraging, to be honest. I feel too intimidated to ask them questions which, in turn, makes me question myself and my ability to take care of an African Grey. It's nice to hear some positive words as I am very excited to have a potential companion bird. I have a few more questions, but first of all is this the place to post them? Thanks again!
  10. Hello everyone! It's very nice to meet you all! I'm really excited to have found this forum. I am thinking about getting an African Grey and have lots of questions. I am currently a student - however I have a ton of experience with pets. I have a little parrotlet, Sprite, whom I absolutely adore. I'm looking for something bigger and a little calmer than a Macaw or otherwise. I am planning on taking this next year off from school and with that, think it would be a perfect time to get a little bird to bond with. I'll have plenty of time to be at home and look after him/her. However, I need to think about more of a long term commitment. I was wondering if Greys can bond with two or three people. While I'm in class during the day, my mother would be at home to keep the Grey happy. After spending most of his time with me, would a Grey be comfortable in this situation? Any advice or opinions would be greatly appreciated! This is a very serious decision and I want to be as in-the-know as possible. Thanks again!
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