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Everything posted by PrettyPax

  1. I have a cheap, but functional day cage for Pax that includes a grate plus a slide out tray. It can be a pain to clean it but what I really like about the set up is that the grate slides out with the tray. So when the inevitable time comes to scrub the grate clean at least I have easy access to it. I've seen other cages that have attached grates or multiple grates and those are the kind I would HATE to have. For Pax's cage it takes less than 5 mins. to clean both grate and tray. As Martha Stewart would say, using a grate is "a good thing" because it's more sanitary for the bird not to have to step in his/her droppings and discarded food.
  2. Burn After Reading - John Malkovich
  3. The Man Who Wasn't There - Billy Bob Thornton
  4. Oooh, I really love hearing stories like these. Thanks so much for posting it
  5. Hey All, I haven't posted in a while because I've been busy with house/kid/parrot sitting. These people have a menagerie of birds, including an Amazon parrot named Pikachu. Pax is with me and she's being such a good girl! Pik and Pax are in the same room, though their cages are several feet apart. They don't get too close to one another but answer each other's calls from across the room. Dayum those Amazons really like to screech! Both birds talk constantly. Pax isn't used to other birds, so this has been a really stimulating experience for her! When I get back to my place I will be posting some pictures from our little "excursion". Okay, it's time to put Pax to bed. Take Care. I hope everyone is having a good week.
  6. Yeah, it's a Congo alright. It has the black beak and the build of a CAG. THat is an interesting coloration on the tail. I've never seen one like it before!
  7. I'm very sorry to hear that, Steph. Definitely a shock! Please let us know how it goes with the breeder.
  8. Thanks for posting this, Danmcq. I have yet to get a humidifier , but it will be my top priority when I get paid next week. We live in Wisconsin where it is currently really cold and of course there is plenty of snow. I've noticed that Pax has been taking several months to complete her molt, her feet are rough, she's been sneezing a lot, and her skin has been flaking. The best I can do at present is to leave her in the bathroom with the shower running so that she can get her dose of humidity. Your suggestion to get a hydrostat is also an excellent one. Damn, I'm so sick of this weather! I can't wait until spring!
  9. I am so relieved to hear that you will report this breeder. I feel really sorry for these poor birds. Please keep us updated on the situation. Maybe you can still take in the little bird you had your eye on
  10. I haven't seen the new issue but I will check it out. How very exciting!! I can't wait to hear more about Mischief.
  11. I just finished the section about Alex telling Irene to "Calm down". Hilarious!
  12. L.A. Confidential - David Strathairn
  13. That would be pretty funny!! I don't know much about webcams though Next week I'm going to be house sitting for a friend with a very talkative Amazon. Pax is coming with me (of course ) and I can't wait to observe the bird banter. Pax better be on her best behavior.
  14. LOL! 7 years, huh? It's good to be prepared that's for sure. Another good recommendation is to make sure you have a decent vacuum. Parrots have the tendency to fling their food. My mom gifted me with a 20 year old electrolux and it's become my best friend after Pax's meal times.
  15. She's 15 months old now. She talks up a storm. Her favorite thing to say is "How are you?" I have a feeling she will develop quite a colorful vocabulary
  16. Pax says "Hello" now with an English accent. We live in Wisconsin actually, which is why it's so funny. You see, I watch a lot of Youtube videos of Greys with British owners and and I like to mimic what I hear them saying. It's just a matter of time before she starts saying "Bugger Off". I'm so proud of my baby.
  17. Yeah, that's totally awesome. I've used the rival/model technique a few times; usually when I'm trying to teach Pax appropriate responses to questions like "How are You?" She said "water" the other day too and since it was the first time I have heard her say it I was pretty excited. I then proceeded to hand her a dish of water and she wasn't interested. One thing we'll work on is using words in their proper contexts.
  18. I am in the middle of Dr. Pepperberg's book and it is such a fascinating read. I have learned a lot about the cognitive abilities of Greys. I am going to adopt some the techniques and work on teaching Pax to identify objects. Wonderful Book! I'm going to lend it to my mom when I'm finished with it.
  19. I haven't encountered this problem (knock on wood). What were the symptoms you noticed?
  20. Happy Belated Hatch Day, Keeko! What kind of a cake did you make him?
  21. If I had to guess I'd go with either "A" or "C". I'm not quite sure what you meant by "the lack of colorful fruits and flowers that exist in other parts of the world". Am I being obtuse? However, I think you've posted some awesome questions though, Dan. I didn't know Greys cried in orange.
  22. It sounds like you've made the right decision, Razza. I'm also a college student in a city, and luckily enough I am able to keep my CAG with me. Our flat isn't in the best shape, but we don't have any safety hazards. Pfew! I hope you're in a situation soon where you can keep Roxy with you!
  23. How's everything going with Roxy, Razza?
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