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Everything posted by bandits_mom08

  1. I was wondering if anyone has purchased a cage from birdcagemart.com? I found a cage that I like and the first place I found it they wanted $270 for shipping. It was a cage made by A&E cages. I got into contact with them and they told me to try this site. They are not charging shipping and the cage appears to be identical to the one they wanted all the shipping money...they would both be shipping out of New Jersey.
  2. I am currently looking for a bigger cage for Bandit...I have gone thought the whole thread on cages and there are some great ideas on here!! Thanks! I was wondering though...with the timnehs do they do ok with 3/4" bar spacing or is it to big? I put Bandit in one when she was young and it didn't go well. She was playing and some how got her wing caught in the horizontal bars. (No injuries I was home to go to the rescue!). This very well could have been my fault as she was young and the toy may have been to close to the side of the cage...any ideas?
  3. Awsome pictures!! You have very beautiful birds. What kind of bird is Mocha? Beautiful.
  4. Thanks for the information. we run a swamp cooler but I have never heard of an ionizer. Our swamp cooler doesn't give off a fresh smell, as you say it should have has no smell, and it doesn't. Thanks again!
  5. Bandit has some of the white spots also. They are pretty small but they are there. I am interested to know what these are also.
  6. I just want to say that I think this is the best thread ever!!!
  7. I am so glad I am not the only one who goes through that. Bandit thinks she needs to help me also. Every night after our shower she thinks she needs to sit on my shoulder while dressing. I have found that if I am in a hurry she gets locked up in the horrible cage. She is never too happy with me for doing this.
  8. Our routine when I get home from work is to go let Bandit out of her cage so we can spen time together. Dinner then cuddles. One night I got home late and didn't let her out. (my husband had her out most of the day, thankully). It had been a long day at work I went up stairs took a shower and when to bed. As I am lying there I hear, "The grey Bandit needs help with a jail break." I feel incredibally guilty and get up to let her out. She repeated this as she heard me coming down the stairs. Naturally I spent about an hour with her as I am fighting to stay awake. Oooh what we do for our birds!! My husband taught her this phrase in the time frame of a couple weeks. It makes me feel terrible every time she says it. And it happens to be only when she is in her cage and wants out.
  9. About a month ago I noticed Bandit's water had food in it. Like she was taking it and dropping it in her drinking water. I started watching her more closely when she ate and she takes her Zupreem and dips it in her water and then eats it. I had to laugh at her. Some times she will drop it in there, push it around and then eat it. It is the funniest thing ever. Does anyone elses bird do this? Is there possibly something missing from her diet causing her to do this? If this is not un normal it is the funniest thing ever and makes me laugh when she does this.
  10. It is so awsome the Vree is whistling now!! I bet that made your day!! I am happy to hear the physical therapy and acupuncture are going well. Thanks for the updates. Thoughts and prayers are with the two of you.
  11. That was a good and informative artical. Thanks for sharing that with us. I learned a lot about feathers!
  12. <br><br>Post edited by: bandits_mom08, at: 2010/03/07 06:57
  13. That is sooo great to hear!!! Sounds like Vree is making a slow but sure recovery. I can't tell you how happy I am for the both of you. I can't imagin what it is like having to go through something so dramatic for the both of you. Thoughts and prayers are with the both of you. Keep on climbin' Vree!!!
  14. So glad to hear Vree is doing well. Hopefully the physical therapy with help him. Hope all goes well tomorrow!! Thoughts and prayers for the both of you.
  15. I found some cat toys at a local pet store. They are made of rubber pieces with a bell inside them. Bandit loves them. I do have to take the bell away when she gets to it but she still loves to chew it. The great part about it is there are 5 balls to a pack for about $2. The other thing I found Bandit loves is the caps off plastic bottles. After I have a water of soda I rinse the caps off and put them aside for her. She is currently, for the past week, trying to climb the side of her cage with the cap in her beak to get to her perch, almost succeded but not quite. It is entertaining to watch! Our tax guy gave us a foam cut out of the US we didn't know what it was for so we gave it to Bandit. She loves chering that also.
  16. Thanks for the update. That is so awsome that he is doing so much better. Glad to hear he is wanting to chewthings up. I would take that as a good sign. If you have a Walmart near they have very cheap towels that Vree could chew up and there would be no Glad to hear he is doing well!
  17. Wow, I just read about the accident. It is great that he is doing so much better already! My thoughts and prayers for a full recovery.
  18. Thank you for the input. I don't have an air purifier I guess I will be investing in one of those and a humidifier. how good would either one work in an open floor plan? She spends the majority of her time in the dining room. That is where her cage is. Thankfully the smoke cleared not more than 2 days after this post. all is well with Bandit.
  19. We have a lot of fires burning in our area. Thankfully the smoke isn't too bad at our house but we can still smell it. I was just wondering how that can affect Bantit. It doesn't seem to be bothering her right now. the fires have been burning for about a week and she seems ok. just was curious how this could affect her. thanks.
  20. thanks everyone. I am still in the process of learing the new sofware for my camera. it is proing difficult. I will see what I can do at some point. I can't figure out how to resize pics. talk to everyone soon
  21. It has been some time since I have been on here. Since then Bandit has had her first birthday (5-20). She now talks up a storm. It started with her saying "come here Bandit" and "come on, come on". now her vocabulary is growing and growing. She can mimic my stepson answering the phone. I think he would answer the phone "hello" and then tell her "be quiet Bandit" she now says "hello be quiet Bandit." It just makes me so happy that I see her learing. It is so exciting. thanks for listening to me ramble on I had to tell some one who understands.
  22. there are web sites that will tell you the type of bird for each size of harness. www.drsfostersmith.com is one.
  23. I had always wanted an AG. I don't know what it was that intrieged me so much but as a kid I was never able to aford one. I have had love birds and cockatiels in the past. In July of last year I was over at a friends house 'cause another fried was back to visit for a few weeks (she move to washington). Of course there where many people there and one of them was a friend of hers that rescues and rehomes all kinds of animals. That day she had a baby grey, she was still hand feeding, that she had gotten from a breeder 'cause he was unable to sell her. She let me hold the baby and I fell in love. She said she was trying to find someone that was willing to love a grey that was mising most of her toes and that the bird liked. When I held her that day I had never had a bird take to me like that. she made a loud shreek when the lady came and got her to feed her. This lady told me if I was willing to give her a good home that after she was weened that I could have her. I went and visited her a couple times and played with her. at the end of august I was a new parent. She has changed my life. I definantly eat better and she is a joy to have around.
  24. Thanks for the input. I completly forgot about asking about the microchipping they even had a, I believe, 25% off on that. Other wise the visit when well. She is a good wieght (I can't remember what exactly it was.) He wants me to switch to Harrisons instead of zupreem he said it's better for her. I figured I would give it a try. What the heck. I didn't know till tonight that the only place I am able to purchase it is at the vets office. Or I think I can get it online.
  25. I don't know it this will help you with the veggie delima but it seemed to help Bandit with any new food. I had a problem with getting Bandit to eat fruits. I found that if I eat it she thinks she needs to also. It took some time to get her to eat it in her cage (about a week) but she did it. I hope that helps.
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