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Everything posted by ecodweeb

  1. I have a large silverish female and a small darker male. The male certainly speaks in a lower tone, but has a very limited vocabulary. The female grunts and gurgles and has a massive vocabulary. It's like looking at Eminem and Queen Latifa when they stand next to each other. Easily 100 grams difference in weight, she's his complete length (male's beak to tail tip) just beak to butt, not tail feathers!
  2. Might be worth asking a local botanist for their opinion on the plant.
  3. hang in there. talula screams when we came around at first and now she hangs out on our shoulders (only while sitting) for extended periods and coos.
  4. This sounds a lot like Phoenix tho he was 4 perhaps 5 when removed from the office setting and taken in by the lady who gave him to her sister who then sold him to my partner, and he's had him since at least 1999. Time. Patience. Treats. Don't wear gloves, take the bites in stride. Love and time are my only suggestions. The rest falls into place.
  5. Mine can't fly so it's never been an issue.
  6. ecodweeb


    If you can fly with him, go US Airways. They allow parrots in carriers to be checked guests in the cabin. Given the time of year, I'd strongly advise you NOT check him as baggage under the plane.
  7. a geography lesson in every post. now that's my greyforums.net!
  8. Acappella wrote: That was going to be my initial captioning for it!
  9. Neither of mine despise the laptop, they're kind of content being left alone on the back of the sofa.
  10. I don't have a appt with the vet till the new year for either of my guys but I will ask him. My logic echo's danmcq's: the candles themselves will weaken the respiratory system of the parrot making older age more difficult, such as they stop talking. I recall reading a sad story of a roommate who used bleach to mop the tile floor of the parrot's room and the bird never spoke afterwards, due to the bleach's effect on the lungs. I've also been seeking out beeswax/soy canldes for the house as I expect this winter to be a doozy.
  11. Just like a child "No silly, this is dinner time." They're capable of distinguishing between times of day.
  12. I'm not trying to play devil's advocate here.... So don't shoot me. Phoenix lived with mom, who smoked two+ packs a day, indoors, for at least 6 years. I've wondered about the health impact this will have on him in the future. He seems to get winded when I hold his feet and let him flap his wings (he's clipped, so this is exercise). But he seems to recover quickly. He doesn't speak a lot but when he does it's clear as day. It's not that I don't believe that scented candles (I'm a WoodWick's fanatic) can cause harm, the question is when and how does it manifest? I can't seem to find that answer. It's not like teflon, which kills them within minutes. Is it like with humans? It'll kill you... at some time? It may be 2 years or 52 years? How do we know they will live to be 60? Do the smarter ones die sooner (see: Alex, Dr. Pepperberg)? I don't mean to upset, but I do have these burning questions I can't seem to get answers to.
  13. Yes, at least my boy makes this noise. I'm rather certain I've heard the girl make it but she could just be mimicking the boy. I am sure they all have some kind of meaning, but I don't know what it is.
  14. I'd keep him in close company. Hold him, perch him next to you while eating. Dr. Irene M Pepperberg (wow I use her as a reference a lot) had an assistant update their AlexFoundation Twitter page that Griffin and Wart were watching an Indiana Jones movie and Wart was scared of the snakes scene. So I'd say he'd enjoy both dinner and the movie. He'll also probably enjoy the attention from everyone else as he'll be the life of the party.
  15. Possible answers (pick one that works): They fling poo like monkeys Aliens Ghosts/Spirits He's getting out of the cage while your gone via the food bowl
  16. http://www.bird-cage.com/amazon-cages.htm That page says: "There's really no maximum size cage for your Amazon, but there's no need to get a gigantic cage. As for minimum size: don't get a cage smaller than 30" wide, 20" deep, and 30" tall. " 40x25x62 is certainly better than the suggested minimum.
  17. Oh, my greys make this noise. I'm not sure what is is or what it means, but both of them make it. I think it's some kind of coo. wind blowing?
  18. I hope this is a good idea... I read somewhere (here?) that one solution to this would be to make him feel as if he has a choice in things. Let me explain. If he won't come out of the cage when you ask him to, tell him you'll get Mr. Towel. take him out with the towel (cover his body and set him down somewhere LOWER than you so he has to step up, this may backfire if flighted) and then scold Mr. Towel.... My greys are both very famailar with Mr. Towel from the vet and when my male gets hormonally moody in the winter and won't step from his cage top, door or swing in his cage to my hand I just say "Mr. Towel" and 8 out of 10 times the foot pops up, and if not I just pickup Mr. Towel and the foot comes up. You've got reason to be wary of the bite but also I feel that bites come with the territory of having a grey. One of mine is trained to go back into the cage on command, the other I have to pickup. She has bitten me many times in our 4 months together, usually when I ask her to step up to go to bed at night. She's a little defiant diva. I hope it all works out for you. Something has certainly changed in his mind, even if it isn't evident to you. Once you can figure out what it is you can work to move beyond it. Also, as nutty as it sounds, try frying up tofu cubes with hot peppers. I bet he'll like that, the tofu should help to curb the winter time hormones. Should, it worked for Dr. Pepperberg and it has made improvements with my stubborn little boy. Also if he's not seen the vet, I'd advise him go in and have the beak trimmed at the least. The vet may be able to check for any diseases or conditions that may be bothering him. I'm with you as my female is 10 an she is a plucker from an abusive home. She screams and ducks/huddles down when anything flies above her head -- the window wipers in the car, your arm, a cat jumping over the sofa... leading me to believe she's been struck in the past (and thats part of why she bites). If I have to take it for the team for her to trust humans again, I'm ok with that. You're a dad of what sounds like many kids, so you've got what it takes to stick this out! Karma for the man also if your scared of him he is picking up on that, he senses it, and he'll manipulate you with it. perhaps you need to be more ... agressive.. or at least strong willed and consistent with your picking up/interactions with him. Example: talula used to bite cuticals. Then I decided to use a topical numbing agent on my thumb (what she would bite) and let it soak in for a while (to ensure she wouldn't come in contact with it) and then started to work with her... she's chomp down on the thumb, it bled, but I didn't feel anything. I kept saying that won't work bad little girl. She's since not bitten me on the thumb. She has bitten others, but thats because they went "ouch"... if she gets a reaction from you, she'll keep doing it. they're smart like that.<br><br>Post edited by: ecodweeb, at: 2009/11/18 21:01
  19. I just bought some Aloe Vera Juice from walmart, it comes in a gallon jug and resembles apple juice in color to me. A pale amber. I've not had it clog up the bottle yet but I don't doubt that it could if there was aloe chunks in it. not impossible to think one or two bottles have some debris left over, it is a mass produced item.
  20. I find that my male likes music and the female like cartoons. The obvious solution was cartoon network / boomerang on the TV while gone. added bonus: seems like people are always home. TV is on and you keep hearing a woman saying "Hello?" and the boy rings like the telephone. I think most would say it's a not a bad idea, how helpful it is... don't know.
  21. Wow Sheila I didn't know you had a wild caught grey who was that old. Whats his temperament like? Is he approachable/holdable? I've never met a grey older than 24.
  22. Can someone tell me more about this product?
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