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Everything posted by Luvparrots

  1. Everyone be safe and happy this New Year's Eve!!!<br><br>Post edited by: luvparrots, at: 2009/12/26 22:11
  2. Everyone has their own reasons for clipping or not. My grey was clipped when I got her and I watched her struggle for almost a year before she was fully flighted. The joy of watching her fly to me is priceless. Please read the many threads here at the forum on this subject. Some greys change when their ability to fly is taken away. I would hate for Abby to become resentful and onery because she could no longer fly. I would hate to see her spirit broken.
  3. Happy Hatchday Bellino!!!! And many, many more!!!!!
  4. Glad to hear your airplane flight went well and that Earl enjoyed himself as much as you did!!! Happy Holidays!!!
  5. Just be patient. When Abby is really comfortable she will start talking and you'll be asking how to shut her up!!!! :laugh: Enjoy!
  6. Keep up your spirits and your hope that Sindbad will come home.
  7. I pray you will find Sindbad. Please don't give up hope. God bless you sweet little Sindbad.
  8. I don't have any information about the grill but wanted to wish you a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Be safe and happy!
  9. Thanks for sharing all these great pictures with us!!!! The beak on that Eclectus sure needs a trim!!!!:ohmy:
  10. Great pictures of Cocoa!!!!! I enjoyed seeing the palm nuts in their original setting. Looks like everyone had a great holiday!!
  11. Don't give up. That's a great idea about placing an ad in the local newspaper. Be strong and know that we are praying for you and Sindbad.
  12. I can hear the excitement in your post. I'm delighted for you. Can't wait to hear more about Francis and see some pictures when you get a chance!
  13. Thanks Penny and Dee for your kinds words. I truly love being a member of this Grey Family!
  14. Do you have any news about Sindbad? Has anyone spotted him?? Praying for good news and Sindbad's safe return.
  15. That's wonderful news trail_rider. Francis will whip you into shape in no time!!! :laugh: Enjoy!
  16. Thanks for posting this information for us Dr. Flock! I have read it and printed it and will keep it handy for future review. :kiss:
  17. Very nice thread, Penny. Thanks for starting it! Love Salsa's picture Jay!
  18. Your pain breaks my heart for you. I pray Sindbad is safe and will come home to you very, very soon. Keep looking and be strong. God bless.
  19. Ana Grey hangs upside down now and then also. I wouldn't worry about it. I believe some members have posted pictures of their greys hanging upside down. It's quite cute isn't it???
  20. Emma certainly does love the Alex toy. Thanks for sharing the video with us. I may look into it for Ana Grey. Merry Christmas Adina!
  21. So how did the lady get him back in? It must be pretty late where you are in Michigan. Perhaps you should wait until morning to let him out. Will he step up for you? That's how I get my grey back in her cage with the step up command and then return her to the cage. In your case a fresh day might be a better time to let your grey out and then he may want to go back on his own if you two aren't use to each other yet.
  22. Happy to hear that your travel and visit with the family is going well so far. What a great brother-in-law you have to have made Paco a stand. Enjoy your family and have a safe and happy holiday! Merry Christmas!
  23. Congratulations on Francis coming home. I would go by Francis pace. Is he use to coming out of his cage? If so, I would open the door and see if he wants to come out. Just follow his lead. If not just sit and talk to him and offer him some treats. Watch his body language and see what pace he wants to set. Enjoy!
  24. Thanks Jay for the enjoyable card!!!
  25. Thanks for the preening photos Jay! We would love to see pictures of Blue being preened Beau and Bean. Sounds oh so cute!
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