Glad to hear that the second day was much more successful. Rangi just needed to find his way around and to figure out everything. Next time will be so much more fun for him. Did you get the name of the guy who is writing a book? It would be interesting to read and see if Rangi and Kea are stars!!!
:laugh: :laugh: That is amazing!!!!! Dayo is really smart and getting the hang of how things work and what their uses are. Good job Dayo!!!! I love it!!!!
Ana Grey has played on her Atom and seems to like it!!! I may not cover it as Ana Grey has had no problems with gripping the sides without vet wrap.
<br><br>Post edited by: luvparrots, at: 2010/04/04 20:35
It has been very quiet lately. I assume it is everyone getting ready to enjoy Easter with family and friends. Will miss you Julie! I have always loved the set up on this site it seems so warm and friendly. I will miss the atmosphere here, so I hope it really won't be too different!