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And for todays entertainment...Cooping singing Old MacDonald had a bird. His version of course.<br><br>Post edited by: BaxtersMom, at: 2010/01/09 15:47
Thank you everybody. I am so happy they are being enjoyed. I still watch them over and over and over and laugh every time. I must dig through through the archives and see what I can come up next. Coopers always willing to make videos it seems.{Love-000200BF}<br><br>Post edited by: BaxtersMom, at: 2010/01/09 03:34
Oh yes, he is a Hoot! All day long, every day!!! He will be 3 years old in April. This one was DNA'd male when we got him so we know he is a boy.
Yes they do have an odor. Mine smells like Cumen. Not a bad smell, he just smells and when he gets excited it gets stronger.
Pearlyn, funny you should ask... I just read my last post on Bonkers back in October of 2008. My how things have changed in the past year. Bonkers is still the sweetest most loving, cuddly bird but ONLY to my husband. There has been drastic changes and he has turned into a real devil. :evil: He went through what I think was a hormonal stage last June and has never been the same with me or our little maltese since then. He was doing alot of nesting behavior and got really aggressive..I mean REALLY REALLy agressive. He went from being a sweet little thing that Never bit anybody to a dive bombing, beak opened fool. He would literally attack me and the dog. He got so bad for awhile, I got on here and asked and we ended up pretty much keeping him in his cage for about 2 months because he was so awful!!! Which was really hard for me because all our birds are out most of the time. To make this long story shorter I will just say the behavior did get better but he never got back to the way he was. I can't handle him anymore and have learned not to try. He loves my husband and my husband only. He still dive bombs my dog when ever he can and only dives bombs me about 2 times a month now:blink: Unfortunately he is in his cage more than he used to be but still out about 5 hours a day. It's really sad to me. I'm still not sure what happened or what me and the dog did wrong. :huh: I guess he has chosen my husband as his favorite person and has no room for any other humans. He gets along with Baxter and Cooper the amazon but just recently has attacked our eclectus when he got to close to his "territory" which is expanding as time goes on. His territory used to be his cage, then cage and couch, then cage, couch and playstand, then cage, couch, playstand, Coopers cage...pretty soon we wont be able to feel safe in our living room. I've asked around but I don't know what to do about this behavior...I need a birdie behavioralist bad. HELP!!!!!:pinch:
Thanks luvparrots and Judy. Cooper has been a real joy to us right from the start. He keeps me and my husband laughing hysterically several times a day. He is such a happy and fun bird and loves attention. He is the easiest to get a good video of because he is such a clown so I do have a few more. These were just some short clips..I will have to dig through my husband videos. He's sure to have some good ones. I will try this weekend.
Here's another short one from my myspace page...Notice how he just tosses his toy and acts like it's an accident? Ha!
Oh Good, it worked!!! I finally figured out how to cut and paste and this was my first attempt at putting a video on this site. This was just a short one but I promise to add more. :silly:
I just posted a very small video clip of Cooper in the Amazon room. I think it worked, too. Now theres no stopping me!!!! More will follow:woohoo:
Not sure if this works or not but I'm trying it out. It's a short clip of Cooper.
It's good to hear from all of you again, too and nice to meet a few new friends. It's good to see that Dan hasn't lost that sense of humor:P. Gosh I did miss that. I guess I did kind of drop off the planet. I will try to be on a little more. I can't wait to check all the changes since I've been away especially that amazon room. Any chance we can get an Eclectus, Conure & Meyer parrot rooms added on, too? :whistle: I'll try to round up a few pictures of my fids. It's good to be back.
You're right. Massages can be expensive;) That's why I got in the business. I have to be able to afford all the needs of the flock I have. :laugh:
Hey Everybody, Gosh, it's been forever since I've been online and there are so many changes and new stuff. It's great. I just wanted to touch base and say hi to all my old friends. I've been going to school, finally finished and am now a Licensed Massage Therapist. When I wasn't in school I was studying so therefore I had to take some time off. My flock is doing well. Baxter has really progressed and is really a totally different bird since I got him over 1 1/2 years ago. He went from a shy, non playing, keeping to him self type of grey to master of the house. His latest duties involve being our "Hall Monitor" He climbs from his cage, goes down the hall, stands in the doorway of the bathroom and just waits (for hours sometimes) till some unexpecting person decides to walk by and he jumps out at them. It's his favorite game now a days. :laugh: He also will peak his head around the door, just a little to see if anyone is coming. I think he thinks he is sneaking but we can clearly see that head poked out but we don't let on. I was thrilled to see an Amazon Room. My Amazon Cooper is such a talker and a singer. He is the clown and life of the party. Tigger my eclectus is still doing about the same. He learned a few more words but he's a quiet guy most of the time. Although he can shriek pretty loud a few times a day. Bonkers My conure..or should I say my husbands Conure just turned into a little terror for me and my dog last June when he was going through hormone changes (I am assuming hormones) He always loved my husband and that didn't change but he took a strong disliking to me and our little maltese. He was dive bombing us both for awhile, now he only attacks the dog...because I stay away from him. He will bite me if I even try to go near him. This is sad for me because he is the sweetest little bird to my husband and he used to be sweet to me. Does anyone have any idea why this behavior is lasting this long and should I assume this is how it will be from now on? It's been about 8 months now. :dry: At Christmas we took in a little plucker..a Meyer parrot. Thats why I checked in get some advice. I read a real good post with some great info, especially from Dave. This poor thing was just dropped off at a pet store on the front steps when they were closed. The people found him with a note but all it said was he or she was 12 years old. It did have a partner with it but they sold that one. We took this one and named it Nemo. He or she plucks it's belly, it's back and top of both wings. Nemo had down feathers on his chest when we brought him home but he plucked all them out in just a couple days and he's back down to almost a bare chest again...I do see a few downs coming back in though. I have been taking it in the shower with me and soaking him down. It's seems when I put the gel on him, it drives him nuts and he plucks more. I just put gel on him this morning and he's plucking on my shoulder right now and just dropping the little downs off. sigh... I think I am just going to use the Aloe Vera juice from now on. I've been taking it slow since I know he's not settled in yet and hope he will settle in soon. That's my story for today...I'm sorry, my posts are always so long. Anyway, I just wanted to say hi to everyone.
Congradulations! Zooz is gorgeous!
Judy, I am so excited for you!:woohoo: You are going to make an excellent mommy to Lilo. It's great he found a wonderful home to go to. I hope Sunny and Josey don't have too much trouble adjusting to a new member of the family but I'm sure they will be fine. Can't wait to hear how things go in the next few weeks as you guys get to know eachother and will be looking for those new pics you promised. Congrats!
It's already been suggested but you can post it on and in the bird/pet section. Or the found section if there is one. If someone responds just make sure they are the rightful owners and make them describe the beautiful grey to you. I had lots of responses when I put up the lost conure that we had, unfortunately the real owner never responded. If you cant find the owner and don't want the grey after some time. I am in the Dallas/Fort Worth area and would be glad to take him or her in:) Good luck. It's great the grey flew to such a loving home and you are so concerned about it finding it's rightful owner.
Congrats on your new grey. The others have given great advice. I too would start introducing new things right away but would continue on with the pellets as well. Some things your grey will like and some things might not. Greys are very cautious of new things and it might takes several days or maybe even weeks for of repeated offering for him to take to it. Persistance is the key here. I have tried and tried to get my Baxter to eat fruits but he refuses even after a year. He does like certain veggies and loves nuts. After dinner our flock gets our healthy human foods that are cooked like baked sweet or regular potatoes, our veggies, spaghetti, noodles of any kind. Please do read through the other posts to get familar with the foods that are toxic to them though as there are a few. Once you know them, it's not so scary.
Hi and congradulations on your baby grey!! How exciting. Judy gave some great advice especially about checking through the threads in the Nursery room for baby greys. You would probably get a much bigger response too cuz everyone loves to talk and help out others with baby greys. Please introduce yourself in the Welcome room too and tell us a little about you and your baby grey...It's name, how long have you had it, etc. Good having you here!
Oh that's a good one. I didn't realize how "artistic" greys were when I got Baxter but he can be quite artistic himself. :laugh: I liked you comment about you being clever with the paper on the carpet. They are always one step ahead it seems. Atleast they are at my house. :silly:
An example of why Quarantine is IMPORTANT!
BaxtersMom replied to lovethatgrey's topic in Health Room
When I got my second bird and announced it here on the forum that was the first thing I was told.."Quarantine! So I learned it here first, too. It may not get discuss here on a regular basis but I think most of members will talk about it when it's needed. -
Hi, I also have a conure..It's a Nanday, green body with black head/face. Mine goes through spurts of being noisy but he can also be a very quiet bird too. Usually, when he is screaming there is a reason for it. It might be he wants attention/ to be held or he wants a certain treat. For awhile he was on a screaming fit and we found out that it was an ice cube that he wanted. There are other little things like that, too, you just have to figure out what it is they want sometimes. I'm like Judy on the noise thing. Mine can be loud but it doesn't bother me. My conure also likes to ride on the shoulder. He is a very loving bird for the most part and just loves to be near a person. He loves to snuggle and cuddle up with my husband. He also loves to take showers in the sink. He is a real comedian most of the time. I've heard conures are a big bird in a little birds body and I think that fits mine pretty good. He likes to rule the roost even if he is half the size of my others. :laugh: They have lots of character and sometimes an attitude:evil: He's a real joy most of the time. He's hormonal right now and a bit cranky but I think that's almost over. I would say though that if noise bothers you, it could be aggrevating. If you accept that some birds will make some noise then you should be fine. And I feed mine the same diet as my grey gets.<br><br>Post edited by: BaxtersMom, at: 2009/07/29 20:26
Hi there, I'm not an expert and I have no experience with baby grey at at but it sounds like he is weaning himself off his formula ???I am not sure what age they actually start doing this, I've just always heard it's something they do on their own. Zazu is still so young. I think you will get a much more accurate answer if you post this question in the "Nursery" room. That is all about Baby greys. Members there have lots more experience with babies there and you will probably get a bunch of others answers from members that already have baby greys and have been through this. Please post it in there too. You will get much more help there and I don't want to steer you wrong. I do think it's good that he is still eating his Kaytee though. Sorry I couldn't help you more but hopefully I've headed you in the right direction...The Nursery:)
Congradulations Pat. I wouldn't have been able to say no either. He is beautiful and I think it's wonderful that you are taking him in. I can't stand to see a neglected/abused bird either and I know you will make a world of difference in his life. Karma to you.
Whats the weather doing where you are?
BaxtersMom replied to casper's topic in Off-Topic Discussions
92 degrees in North Texas. Hot, Humid, hard to breathe. Raining off and on. Blah day. -
Hi Pontiac, I just finished reading the black cherries post. I wanted to welcome you here too. Please go to the welcome room and introduce yourself and tell us about your grey. We would love to give you a nice warm welcome:)