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Everything posted by Trustdace

  1. edited by: Trustdace, at: 2008/10/18 18:40
  2. Nice photo Carolyn. Good job!B)
  3. The split peas are ok retronut and are very nutritious for yor grey. Continue to offer them daily. Something else you may want to offer are baby lima beans. I buy them frozen not dried though. I'm sure if you buy them dry it wouldn't be a problem either just rinse them in water before offering. Fruits: I offer Congo a mix od papaya, and cantaloupe melon daily. I also give it bananas, strawberries, and apples in moderation. Once a day I feed it a seed mix called Vitakraft which contains grains, sunflower seeds, pistachios, pumpkin seeds, and some other nuts. Hope I helped you out a bit.B)
  4. Nice photos of your Grey. I really like the one where it is eating vegetables. Good job!B) B)
  5. Here is Congo early in the morning trying to say her name.B)
  6. I wish I would have seen this post sooner because I would have definitely drove to Orlando for this event. The pictures are great! Thank you so much for the post and I'll be planning ahead for Oct. 2009.
  7. That's a cool photo. Kind of like a daredevil grey!B)
  8. :laugh: Here is Congo stretching out her wings. I took this pic when I was watching parrot videos on YouTube. In one particular video, there is a parrot in the background squaking like crazy! When Congo hears it she goes berserk!:laugh:
  9. I love the video Susan. Chloe is so cute!
  10. Thanks! I'm glad you guys find it amusing.
  11. Ok, ok, here goes the neighborhood!:evil: Post edited by: Trustdace, at: 2008/10/17 02:12<br><br>Post edited by: Trustdace, at: 2008/10/17 02:13
  12. Now there's a name I like ZZero. Very original and I definitely enjoyed your photos. Very nice playstand too. Looks like you're all set up congrats!B)
  13. A pic my daughter took of Congo. Congo's cage cover is one my son's old blankets. <br><br>Post edited by: Trustdace, at: 2008/10/16 04:40
  14. Another pic we liked from latest shoot.B)
  15. Well here is a pic my daughter and I liked when we were fooling around and taking pics of Congo. Right before I snapped the shot she puffed her feathers up and shook. Anyway we thought it was funny and wanted to share it with you guys. Post edited by: Trustdace, at: 2008/10/16 04:03<br><br>Post edited by: Trustdace, at: 2008/10/16 04:04
  16. Nice special effects on the photos. Nice looking grey.B)
  17. I have used Kaytee exact before for a blue fronted amazon I had and she did great. I feed my grey Zupreem harvest feast pellets and she loves them and seems to do real well. I think Kaytee is a solid product to offer your bird in my opinion.
  18. Beautiful name and Tag! Just looking at the photo's makes me want to pet her! Congrats!B)
  19. Excellent pics. You got a nice looking grey.B)
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