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Everything posted by kittykittykitty

  1. Healing can take time but he is one special bird and so fortunate to be in your family.
  2. Please, prayers are vital, but Maggie and Jay need all the help we can give!
  3. Thoughts and prayers are with you always.
  4. Thank you everyone, My deepest apologies for not getting a note to Maggie and Jay sooner. I have no excuses. I was given a new android but not being tech savvy I did not know how to get the internet on it and the instructions weren't clear to me. I'm very sorry for causing so much concern. Thank you again.
  5. He REALLY is a keeper! ☺️ I'm in love!!! ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
  6. I really wanted to say please wait --several weeks, maybe months. Thank you.
  7. OH! Thank you for rescuing him! He is a love and will repay you many times over.
  8. You and your grey would definitely benefit if you would let the grey move at her own pace. I myself hate to see any animal. let alone a grey, being given potentially toxic chemicals. You might ask your avian vet about using Bach remedies.
  9. I, too, must honor their wishes. For those of you who don't know, these are two of the most knowledgeable grey people on the planet, further the most wonderful people you could ever know.
  10. I myself do not understand how anyone could be offended.
  11. I am going to repeat what you will see many times on this forum. Greys are unique and very special. They each move at their own pace. This is known as "Grey Time." It is much better to allow the bird to make the first move. Please give her more time and space! You will be rewarded with a much happier and friendly bird.
  12. Welcome. Thank you for rescuing this Grey. I'm not an authority but I know it is necessary to wait for the Grey to make the first move, that is move at Grey Time.
  13. I hope he left some for you!
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