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Everything posted by Cagal08

  1. Thanks Judy! We decided on a white belly caique instead of the black headed Caique. I may as well pay the xtra and get what I really want and personally I think the white bellys are more attractive. He is a DNA'd male and coming from SHADY PINES. Gloria has been raising Caiques for 30yrs and she came highly recommended. I will post the webcam as soon as Gloria gets it up and running on my clutch.<br><br>Post edited by: Cagal08, at: 2009/05/05 13:16
  2. I finally broke down and put a deposit down on a bird I been wanting for quite a while. The baby won't be ready and weaned until around July 16th but that gives me time to buy the proper cage and supplies. My new baby is a Black Headed Caique
  3. And here is one that I had the breeder send me with her hand next to her to show her size.
  4. Well the new baby is home and I didn't come home with the original one I was going to because this little 4 mo old 18 ounce little girl totally captured my heart. She is the best puppy, no whinning at night, she sleeps so good in her playpen and got a clean bill of health today at the vets and ofcourse everyone was so inlove with her. my vet asked me could I have found one any smaller LOL! Seriously it is hard to find lil doggie shirts that will fit her. She can litterally stand up in the palm of my hand. I am already spoiling her lil bootie and hubby is also so smitten with her but I think he is still in shock with how teeney she is Here is some pictures I took of her with her PJs on LOL! <br><br>Post edited by: Cagal08, at: 2008/12/22 23:09
  5. Yes I use them all the time and they are completely safe around birds.
  6. Are you now introducing any other type of soft foods and if so what and are you seeing him actually comsume any foods on his own? Do not over feed him his formula until he regurgitates some up because he could asperate on it very easily. 10 weeks old I still keep them on 3 feedings a day until they are 11 weeks then I cut back to 2 feedings a day depending on if the bird is indeed eating something on his own or this can help them eat more on their own but usually they will let you know when they no longer want feedings and when this happens do not force them to eat formula just let him be and he will not starve but will probably try picking more at pellets or veggies. When Roscoe reached 11 weeks old everyday I introduced him to fresh mixed veggies but he always picked out the peas and corn. I also soaked him weaning pellets and birdie biscuits which helped alot with the weaning process. By the way Welcome to the forum and congrats on your new baby <br><br>Post edited by: Cagal08, at: 2008/11/30 17:22
  7. Thanks Baxtersmom I been out again today buying her clothes and teeney stuffed toys LOL , I am just on cloud nine to bring her home...its going to be a longgggg 5 weeks!!!
  8. Got a new picture from the breeder of my baby we named her Sushi Isn't she adorable! Thats a mini shoe beside her...aweee I am so inlove:kiss:
  9. Oh Lyric I am all up for name suggestions. My 1.5lb yorkies name is Pebbles and My shihtzu's name is Mitzi Sue so if anyone has any names in mind for a special teenie baby chi I am all ears Thanks Lyric:cheer:
  10. Ok here is a photo when she is next to a lighter and chapstick to show just how tiny. Shes 3 weeks old here.
  11. Thanks MamaFawkes for the warning but I am fully aware on small AKA Teacups. My 17yr old yorkie is 1.5lbs Thanks bunches, Oh and we must see pictures of your baby Please!!<br><br>Post edited by: Cagal08, at: 2008/11/11 21:13
  12. Awwwe Thanks so much. I just cannot wait for the day she comes home...wow I am so inlove already :kiss:
  13. Nope they know exactly what to do with a Pomegranate and most birds love them but beware they are super messy LOL!
  14. Roscoe is a DNA male Cag and I finished handfeeding him and as of right now at 5.5 mos old he loves me and puffs up at my husband or anyone else but ofcourse I know this can change with time as greys can and do change who they tollerate at any given time but he is a hoot right now mimicking my laugh and says step up and you want to go outside...talking to the dogs LOL! And his favorite is screaming at his toys or me "rolls eyes"
  15. I didn't see anywhere else to put this so feel free to move it...so sorry if it is in the wrong place but I am so excited I just put a deposit down on a Micro Mini Chihuahua, she isn't weaned yet ( Only 2 weeks old) but OMG she is going to weigh 2lbs when grown and her color is blue/fawn silver...I have been so excited I been out buying her rine stone collars and bead collars and PJs and sweaters LOL I have to think of a name tho but here is my new babies picture
  16. luvparrots wrote: Thanks actually it is a Kodak CX6330 it is an old digital camera. I need a new one and could get lots better shots but Thanks
  17. LOL cflanny!!! I will be glad when he moults and gets in his new feathers because he has beat these all up. I try to tell him how rough he is on himself but he will not listen LOL I hope Santa brings me a new camera
  18. Here is another one I just got closer up LOL he loves flying to me. <br><br>Post edited by: Cagal08, at: 2008/10/10 16:35
  19. We bought our cage first and then contacted the breeder and I put a deposit down on my Cag and waited until he was 6 weeks old and then drove to the breeders house ( 4hrs away) and met her and her place and then Roscoe Since I finished handfeeding him because I have alot of expierence in handfeeding baby parrots I payed $650 and her weaned out price is $950.
  20. LOL efgriffith She is not even moved by the Cag and she lets my 2 rat girls ride on her back. She is a very docile girl and loves everyone and everything. Yes cflanny she is a shihtzu. Thanks everyone
  21. Congrats on your new baby...awe I love baby greys. Before you know it he will be home with you
  22. Thank you everyone We have decided to name him Beeper. I kept that certain sound they make when not singing in my head and it sounds like beep-beep-beep
  23. I finally managed to get a decent picture of Roscoe flying to me. I so need a new digital camera:blink: <br><br>Post edited by: Cagal08, at: 2008/10/02 02:31
  24. I decided I want another Canary. I had a Male red factor german roller for 12yrs and I loved hearing him sing every morning and boy was he pretty to look at. I found a show breeder that is coming to the Memphis Birdfair this coming weekend so I emailed her and her hubby is bringing some singers with him and I get to pick one I will post pictures when I get him home and settled
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