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Everything posted by Mistyparrot

  1. Misty is flighted and I encourage him to fly around as much as is possible but he obviously does not get to fly anyway near the way your pigeons do. Steve n Misty
  2. Misty CAG at about 9 years currently weighs in at 461 grams which is almost exactly 1lb in proper weight:) Steve n Misty
  3. I love hearing storys older Greys at last finding homes with people who actually care about them. Well done Murfchck. Steve n Misty
  4. Who needs expensive toys? Steve n Misty
  5. That makes me very angry. Our next move will have to be to write individually and directly to CITES. And keep writing! Steve n Misty
  6. I do the the the same with Misty as Nancy does with Sophie. It is an important part of our bonding and it is a lot of fun. Steve n Misty
  7. Dan has described exactly how Misty has progressed with talking with me. It is important to tell your parrot what you are doing in simple terms. Greys in particular will soon be able to associate words with names, labels, actions and events. Remember that although parrots are very intelligent they need opportunities to learn from observation and conversation. Just like human children. Steve n Misty
  8. I agree. Overdosing with supplements and vitamins must be avoided . However my way of doing it is very unlikely to give excessive amounts and although sunshine is the best source of vitamin D, in the UK that can be a rare commodity and vitamin D is important to aid the correct absorption of calcium. I give Misty less than 2.5 ml of liquid Osteocare ( A human dietary supplement) diluted into 150 ml of water and of this he drinks perhaps 10 ml. 2.5 ml contains about 1 microgram of vit D and 75 mg of calcium so you can see after the dilution the amount he gets is very little. In fact most of the calcium settles on the bottom of the glass. I started this because I had some concern with Misty's tail feathers. Three years ago he lost all his tail feathers. Possibly due to a home move. I took advice and started him on this supplement. Now all his feathers are in great condition and his red tail is near perfect as can be. Steve n Misty
  9. I have had similar "problems" with Misty. His diet is fine and although he has fresh water always available in his own water bowl I start his day with a drink from a tumbler of hot water and vitamin D with calcium( Not too hot!). Its become our morning ritual. Me with my "Coffee coffee" and Misty with his "Water". Although he has his food , nuts and fruit available all day he always preferes to eat when I do so his main meal is in the evening. I often give him a little pasta with cheese and vegges and some times a little fish. I use very little or no salt in any food we share. That is good for us both. He likes to get involved in any thing I do. I have to be especially careful if I open a drawer. He will fly the room like a bolt of lightning and dive right in! I have mostly got used to it and only occasionally have to put him in his cage but I usually wilt under the constant barrage of"come here!" and "Can I come out?" Still. We have only been together about 7 or 8 years so I live in hope that he will grow up one day and understand the importance of letting me get on with my work once in a while at least! His demands for head scratches are not excessive and is mostly when we are settled watching a bit of TV or listening to music. Steve n Misty
  10. Me too and I put it on our FB pages Steve n Misty
  11. It is odd but I have only just realised that Misty says "What" quite often. It is usually when I am doing something so I assume it is a shortened "What ya doin?" Steve n Misty
  12. Just wondering, does anybody know of any parrots called Polly? Steve n Misty
  13. Misty is a cheese lover. Woe betide me if I fail to offer his tribute when I am making a cheese sandwich ! Steve n Misty
  14. I adopted Misty already named. Although Misty is male most assume he is female but it doesn't seem to bother him any. When I was a boy what seems like an infinitely long time ago, I had a Golden Cocker Spaniel with a pedigree name of "Mistral of Ware" so he was of course called Misty. He was a wonderful dog and I am so pleased to have another wonderful Misty in my life. Steve n Misty
  15. Misty is mostly a jazz and classical fan. Sax and piano will set him off. Freeform jazz in particular. The beauty of freeform is it allows improvisation which is Misty's forte´ For all that Misty is not in the slightest bit pretentious.:cool: Steve n Misty
  16. I have just moved home so poor Misty has had to spend a lot of time in his cage as things got packed, moved and then unpacked. His near constant refrain ? It is of course "Can I come out?" Steve n Misty
  17. Great idea for a thread Ray P. Perceptive, Engaging, Smart, Loving, Musical, Poetic. Beautiful. Argumentative.Bossy.Adorable, Loyal.Pain in the neck Steve n Mistyparrot
  18. That is very good advice. My niece lost her Senagal to drowning like that! Steve n Misty
  19. Great news. There is nothing like a happy Grey to lighten your day:) Steve n Misty
  20. There is an expression I think of Irish origin for someone who talks too much is "Talking the hind legs off a donkey !" Steve n Misty
  21. Thank you Nancy. I do love talking about Misty to almost anyone! I must confess there are a number of two legged donkeys near where I live! Steve n Misty
  22. If you have a variety climbing perches of different sizes and kinds of wood with abrasive surfaces you should never need to trim Simon's nails as they will wear naturally. Parrots need to scratch around in gravel trays, climb and chew to keep nails and beaks in trim. Cage bars are useless for that and cage perches aren't a lot of use either. I make Misty climbing trees festooned with sisal ropes and that seems to work for him. I could be wrong of course. It may just be that my skin is so callused from sharp claws that I just don't notice any more! Steve n Misty
  23. I give Misty a selection of nuts like wall nuts, cashews, almonds and human grade roasted peanuts in shell. I buy them from Waitrose or Holland and Barret to be sure of quality. Of course it also means I can steal them when he is not looking. Steve n Misty
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