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Everything posted by shelly_quin

  1. i also read the other post he made about taking max outdoors... Im totally lost for words here, and not in a good way i hope max is safe, and that he eventually comes home though
  2. i think i may go for another CAG.. Yes we are finally going for it, its no extra work, i hope she will be fine, i dont want her getting sad! We are looking at it in the way that she will be a little friend to the new parrot all help needed though xxx
  3. well, after three years of having my darling little adanna whos a cag, we have finally decided to get another parrot... Can anyone tell me what breed adanna might get along with more? I was thinking about another CAG but i dont know how adanna will feel. This parrot will be mines, and we will love it just as much as we love her Any ideas folks? Going to start looking for a new baby next week.. Michelle and adanna xxx
  4. we were pondering this exact question when we got adanna, but in the end decided against it, because if we were to clip her wings, then she got into some type of danger, then she wouldnt be able to fly to safety, and i personally think its cruel, flying is as natuaral to them as walkng is to you and i... But only you can decide whats best for your own bird, sometimes its not practical to have the wings un clipped, and besides, the fight feathers will grow back
  5. Adanna shares her house with me, and my boyfriend, and hopefully another little baby parrot soon
  6. yup.. pretty much sounds like a new noise that its heard, and likes lol... They do that a lot, just wait until he/she picks up your mobile phone ring tone, or your doorbell lol.. Then you will really go nuts haha.. I find some noises adanna makes cute, others, like the screech she is doing just now drives me mad
  7. I dont really think there is a exac age for a congo to start talking, they all do it in there own time, but the standerd time is prob about one year old. Although in saying that, adanna was saying hello at six months, aswell as lots and lots of whistling... Kinda miss the whistles now that shes older.. she done a mean wolf whistle :L
  8. This man ooks like he will be sadly missed by all.. People that dedicate there lifes to make others better are worth there weight in gold
  9. You are saying the right thing with the big hand in the cage... I would just say that ots nice that they want to stroke him, but he gets nervous as he is unsure of other people, and maybe after seeing him regular and chatting away to him, he might decide to come sit beside you and be sociable... Also explain that a parrot bite isn't nice lol :P
  10. Thats a shame thats its started biting.. As the ohers have no doubt said, maybe a change in enviroment, amaount of time spent in cage, or even food could possibly make the bird grouchy. Just try to think is there anything different you are doing? Is it getting enough sleep time? I wouldnt show fear to the bird though, as that will just give it the green light to keep doing it....
  11. awww i love little baby parrots.. Im useless with names though, Adanna's name was picked afer two months of my bf looking through african names, and he decided he loved that one, cause apperently it means fathers loving daughter lol... Im slowly but surely thinking of getting another grey... xx
  12. How can you say you hope dan never suffers a loss.. Its clear his bird escaped, and also clear that he moved heaven and hell to get him back. I share his thoughts on this, leaving a door open is just asking for trouble, and as a bird owner, you should have known this! That poor bird ill be out there somewhere, scared and hungry, and possibly dead! Getting a new bird so soon was shameful, almost like max didnt exsits. You cant rely on other people to call you if they see/hear max, you should rely on yourself, knock on doors, keep posting flyers, anything.. But i supose you have your new grey now, so that will ease the guilt a bit! Out of site, out of mind!
  13. Adanna starts to get sleepy around 9pm, depending realy on what time she has woken up.. She usually wakes up about 8am. I try to cover her with her blackout sheet around ten pm, then just keep the noise to a minimal. Although during the wekends, she just usually stays up till i go to bed, and gets u when i do, fresh as a daisy. I know some people might not agree with that, but when im not working during the weekend, i love t spend as uch time with her as i can
  14. Adanna does that now... my bf started it by just picking her up when she was sitting on the sofa, and turning her round so she was laying on her back, she does it does by climbing onto his hands, she loves it, she will actually sit on his knees o her back letting him stroke her tummy, and she will sit like that for about five mins, totally forgetting where she is lol. I would say that your grey must fully trust you before it will even entertain you doing this with it...
  15. every sunday adanna has wholemeal toast with bolied egg minus the yolk... Its her fav usually during the week she just eats her fruit and veg, along with her kaytee chunky dried.. Although in all the time i have had her, she hasnever once eaten a banana, i ry her every few weeks with them aswell, think she just doesnt like the mess it leaves of her feet and beak lol
  16. sooooo cute, just makes me want another baby grey alll over again
  17. i hope some people want to do it! I can honestly say i think it would be a top day lol
  18. Hi all... Know this is a long shot... But i was thinking of trying to organise a meet for member s and there greys... Ideally somewhere in scotland, i would arrange a venue etc for it...It just seems ike a good thing to do, and then we can meet who we speak to in person Anyone fancy it?? Message me.. Michelle and adanna
  19. hi... yeah i agree with dan... By the times you stripped it all and sorted out the rust u would have have been quicker, and better buying a new cage.. Ebay has a lot of bargains besides if you get a new one, u know it will be totally rust free, and can keep the cage in good condition yourself
  20. quick update... The small patch that was bald now has loads of lovely new feathers., so it turns out she wasnt plucking.. What a relief that is m xox
  21. Just changed all my pots and pans after reading one of the first threads here... Who knew that something we all use on a daily basis is such a risk to our birds?? :ohmy:
  22. my 3 year old CAG is having her beak 'moult'.. I take her to the vet for most things, but with her beak, i let it run its course, i also help her by picking of the old white bits.. I know this might sound stupid, but will a whole new top layer of beak eventually come? Her beak looks really un-even at the front.. In previous posts i have made, i have always said that she is in perfect health. And she just had her mot at the vets... Know it might be silly, but thought i'd ask lol michelle & adanna
  23. adanna is three years old... we try our best with her, and sometimes get it wrong... but no one is perfect :P
  24. i know :P Adanna is totally perfect to us... yeah it is shallow, but i know some people just want CAG's cause people think better of them with a decent bird... Never mind spending the time with them, helping them develop and grow?? thanksfor all you replys xoxox
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