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Everything posted by shelly_quin

  1. There doesn't seem to be much on for parrots, like shows etc in Scotland, so i was wondering if there was any members here who would be interested in having a parrot play date type meeting... My parrot used to socialise with another grey, but the owner doesnt have the time to do this anymore. I just think it would be nice for the birds to socialise with there own kind... I for example would love people to come to my house with there feathered companion, or to trips to the Botanical Gardens... Adanna loves going there when it gets nice... X
  2. Ok.. While i fully agree that paul should never have taken Yoshi outside without a harness... I thinksome of the comments here are a little harsh.. He loves that bird, really loves her... So if he has chose to get her wings clipped then its his choice.. I have said to him i personally wouldn't do it.. But i had also told him a while ago t stop taking her outside without a harness...I know he will NEVER take her out again without one now though, i guess he is just trying to cover all the bases on his part, more than likely out of guilt! He is a first time grey owner like myself, and like everyine he makes mistakes, but like i said, he was very lucky to get her back.. I really didnt expect it at all... For anyone that thinks yoshi is my bird.. shes not, Adanna is mines.. Judy etc knows my bird as i have been a member here for a while, and Adanna has never flown away, or had wings clipped and is as spoiled as they come..Shes whistling away to Dido's white flag as i type x
  3. yeah i think he has learned his lesson... He is taking her to get chipped next week, and possibly feathers clipped! I have read a lot of stories that dont end in a good way so he was a lucky guy! thanks again all x
  4. After a million calls to fire brigade etc...I eventually got someone to agree to try help... She was found this morning at the top of a 60 ft tree in a golf course... Poor wee thing was that scared she couldt even move.. Luckily she got spooked and flew onto a 2 storey house roof, and her owner was able to coax her down with a ho nob after about two hours! Lesson to be learned here i think... That is no matter how much you think your bird loves you, they get spooked easily... so i guess he will be using his harness from now on! Thanks for all the messages everyone! I was soo upset, cause yoshi is adanna's friend, and they have little play dates... couldnt sleep last night with worry! x
  5. Yoshi doesnt really like people that much, apart from paul and a few of his family members... hes just said to me that he will look again in the morning, i suggested he leave her cage outside with treats in it etc, but he doesnt seem to think it will work! if it was me, i wouldnt leave until i checked everywere :S:S hanks again all x
  6. Thanks all... i have reported her on the sspca and pdsa... An he will call all vets in i area the morro... I feel sooo sad for him... i know how i would feel if adanna went missing.... :( before anyone says it, i know he shoud have had a harness on her... ive told him before, but now doesnt seem the right time to say it to him :S:S x
  7. My friends grey has flown of outside his house.. Apparently a little gust of wind swept her up when she was trying to fly back to him... Her name is yoshi, and shes a congo african grey, shes four years old, and has a red and silver bangle around her ankle! She isn't chipped, and will be sooo scared without paul (her owner) i will post a picture here in the hope that anyone has saw her, or in the glasgow area could look out for her or parrot like noises... Poor wee thing isnt used to the outdoors :S:S:S thanks, Michelle and Adanna
  8. thanks for the replys everyone yeah fluffy is a great looking kitten, troublesome though hahah! Adanna and her seem to get on ok, we really bought the kitten for her anyways The other kitten pictures here are lovely xxx
  9. Just a little update for everyone.. had the kitten a few months now, coming up three actually.. Adanna and her get on most of the time, adanna even calls her over in my name, when the kitten comes through, adanna has a little nibble of her foot lol :L nothing sore, but its funny to watch! she now has a name, Fluffy.. i know its not the most original, but i think it suits her! Im posting a few pics of her now so you all can see michelle,Adanna and Fluffy x baby fluffy
  10. Sooo... i have decided to devote a little more time to actually training baby parrot (adanna).. and love this parrot! The trainer stephanie has obviously devoted herself to training her.. What i was wondering is... has anyone ever came across really good training material? Not step up/down stuff, or anything for behavioral priblems. Just speech/talking really. She says a lot already, but i see other greys that say things on command, and think it would be great to try teach baby that... any help...? im based in the uk
  11. I know this is a long shot.. Im in edinburgh... have you tried all the vets etc? You got any pics of her and i'll pass them around... im not sure how far they could fly.. So Edinburgh might be a bit far fetched.. Have you checked all the trees around you? asked neighbours to keep a watch? or is ther maybe neighbours with bird tables for food? she may be hiding, scared of everyday things I hope she comes home, i have heard of birds being reunited after a year missing.. dont loose hope! xxx
  12. lol.. yeah i know what you mean, greig, my bf wants to call her floozie.. but i dont like that lol.. so we are just trying to get something we both like, sayin that, i do call her fluffy, and i think she suits it. :L On another note, i was sitting with the kitten tonight, and she was sleeping on me, adanna flew over and sat on my other hand, so i was kissing and cuddling her, she walked down a little, and looked at fluffy, and i said to her 'careful' as thats what i say to adanna so she doesnt get hurt.. well adanna bent down to the kittens back, and started gently grooming her i said to greig tht i think adanna was being agressive cause we werent giving her the chance to show she can be nice.. heres hoping this is a first in a list of many nice things x
  13. if she lays a egg it will be unfertilised.. so no chicks im afraid! Tycos mom is right.. its not good for them to lay.. it takes far to much energy and vital nutrients and vitamins from there little bodys.. Try a alternative to the newspaper whilst she is shredding for nest building..
  14. just a little update... had the kitten about ten days now.. her and adanna are slowly getting used to each other.. Adanna has gave the kitten a warning nip.. But we are keeping our eyes on her.. Adanna doesnt appear to like her very much though lol. The kitten isnt interested in her though. Fluffy (temp name) is growing well, and already is full of beans, despite her being just over four weeks when we got her.. Guy sold her far to early! Shes full of beans though
  15. your kittens are lovely.. i wanted a rogdoll, greig wouldnt let me cause the hair yeah adanna is ok, a little hesitant the day with her, but not scared really... no name as of yet.. still deciding, will let you know when i do
  16. Adanna and New kitty... still no name lol New kitty... *got our kitten. shes at home with us.. Adanna doesnt seem to be bothered about her.. same with the kitten Adanna has touched the kittens nose with her beak, all good so far they sit on greig at the same time
  17. bad news... the lady we paid a deposit to advertised the kitten for sale again yesterday evening.. Didnt even contact myself or greig.. When greig emailed her (as the number she gave him wasn't working...) she emailed back and said she was worried that the parrot might eat the cat, so didnt want to sell to us...No call, no email, no text.. guess we were meant to figure it out ourselves.... She knew we had adanna before we even took money out and handed it to her.. The kitten has went to a new home now .. Never mind... greig went to her door at 4.30am this morning to collect our deposit back.. and woke her up lol.. Im sooo angry.. the people that should have been worried were us.. we have a pricey bird in our house.. and a cats more likely to attck adanna ot of instinct than adanna is.. christ, adanna is scared of her own shadow lol.. Hopefully getting a russian blue... hopefully <br><br>Post edited by: shelly_quin, at: 2009/07/05 12:20
  18. Thanks Talon.. yeah i have heard similar stories that if the parrot is there first that they show the kittens whos boss.. Just dont want adanna totally bullying the kitty Adanna is really greigs pet, hes her special person, so he will be making sure that he lavishes adanna like usual, as well as playing with kitty (name to be decided later hahah) Adanna is really protective of greig, when we row, she actually hisses at me lol...
  19. thats her.. the strange guy is the person we bought her from
  20. Hi.. just a quick post... My other half has been going on about a kitten for years now, but i have always been unsure of it cause we have adanna... Now we have finally took the plunge, and bought a six week old begal x... she will be coming home next monday, but what i wondered was is anyone has had bad experiences with getting a kitten and having a African Grey? I know that it will need supervised, but want to know anyone elses experiences, good or bad... Thanks, Michelle and Adanna xx
  21. Hi... its sunday morning, and adanna has just woke up.. I removed the kaytee chunky yesterday from her cage, and today her poop is back to its usal greeny white sludge i think it might have been the kaytee, but will give her it back tommorow after her morning poop and see if its still green lol.. Thanks everyone
  22. yeah.. i might actually just take her dried stuff away until monday and see if that does anything... she usually throws the red/orange dried stuff though.. i'll take a sample to the vets on monday, shes her usal happy little self, so i dont think its anything serious
  23. yeah shes got a vets app on monday, so i'll see what it is then.. yeah been using this site for a few years, so in no doubt about the expert replies lol.. although we are all experts.. just need our own questions answered sometimes lol.. thanks
  24. how sad! Its always hard to read that a parrot has got loose! No one is perfect, and i truly believe your doing everything to find her! How long has she been missing now? I hope you find her safe and sound! xx
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