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Everything posted by greenwinged

  1. Thank's guys! Big help! B)
  2. greenwinged


    Does anyone know if you can feed a bird a chestnut. I have 6 bird 2 macaws, cookatoo, amazon, a grey and jardine. Thanks!
  3. I have a cookatoo and a grey, both are plucker's. Our Grey was a re-home 4 year old plucker( his ownwer before his died). We done everything we can think of and he still plucks, but not as bad in the begining. Other than that he's a great pet. He does fine with our 2 small dogs, and our other birds. For cage as the bigger the better! and about stainless steel cage none of our cages are stainless steel and we have two macaw's, but that really up too you. And you wanted know about other material playgym and tree out a good thing to look into also.
  4. here my advice,( at least it what I would do) for the next couple of days just leave he cage open( watch him b/c of the whole wing thing) and see if he could out, if after a couple of day he dosen't go get him. Well, that what I would do.
  5. All that great Pchela sound like you got a awesome bird!
  6. an adult could be easy becouse it may be over the "teenage" year, there they get more nippy! my first and only grey is a re- home plucker, and I wouldn't change that for the world, but I would not recommed get a pluckers! Timneh V. Congo! Timneh are a bit smaller and less likly to be a one person bird and I heard more playful! Baby have that cute factor I know, but that doesn't mean you get a better bird if it a baby when yo get it. Just look around and let the bird pick you! P.s.This O/T but what is your senegal parrot like?
  7. I've read female can be more aggresice than males. But I don't what true it is I've never had one.<br><br>Post edited by: greenwinged, at: 2008/04/12 19:17
  8. This if for lovemygrey..lol. edited by: greenwinged, at: 2008/04/10 23:35
  9. REX30, I know what that means! Your bird was the 313 bird breeder to your bird first breeder.
  10. Ten thing you may not know about me. 1.) I have 2 sister and 1 brother(All who's name start with "M" mine however does not) I'm a middle child. 2.) I have Hypothyroidism 3.) I hate milk 4.) I have had 2 surgery, one when I was three week old, another when I was ten. 5.) my room is the size of a lager closet, you think I kidding... I'm not. 6.)I love classic movies/show! 7.)I'm dyslexic, but knowone figure it out till the ninth grade,but back, when I was 11 thinking I was SO behind the other kids. I started to read more books, and slowly over time taught my self to read. 8.) I can use both my left and right hands. 9.) my favorite color is blue. 10.) I have a really, really, good mermory! my first mermory is when I was almost 2.
  11. Hey, Daniel! welcome and I like to say finally I don't think I'm the youngest person of the forum!!!
  12. how do I found I out what the number mean of my birds ring band?
  13. I'm sorry to heard about you lost! I don't know if another bird is a good idea or not? Sorry! If you do get another bird you for something you've always wanted!
  14. most parrot have the intelligence of a two year old, the grey is closer to a 4 and 5 year old.
  15. Chad, the beat way I can explain he, is that he like an old man. He just sit back and watches all the other bird and even where birds done doing whatever, playing, eating, ect... He'll do it! He dosen't like pon the play gym wtith all the other bird but he go at it in hia cage, he a big talker, he favorite word is "sorry" and will go on anyone shoulder but will bite you finger before you can blink. But he a good bird an never leaves blood. Chud will only cuddle with my dad, will I can pet his head for a bit! He can eat a peanut in a second flat and it pretty cool to watch him do it. If he not on his cage or the play gym he step up fine. IF he on either of those two thing he will play bite you finger and something he can get you good! but most of the time he stop and start laughting! All in all he a great and loved bird:cheer: Post edited by: greenwinged, at: 2008/04/08 00:51<br><br>Post edited by: greenwinged, at: 2008/04/08 00:52
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