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Everything posted by jdr

  1. jdr

    Car alarm?

    I guess I would have to say that it's more like a siren,but really not all that loud,and not a high pitch sound.<br><br>Post edited by: jdr, at: 2008/03/19 20:42
  2. jdr

    Car alarm?

    Well,it's probably not as high pitched as a car alarm.more of a whoo whoo whoo. So you think this may be a sign that she may start talking pretty soon?
  3. jdr

    Car alarm?

    Coco does this sound that kind of reminds me of a car alarm.The thing is I don't thinks she has ever heard one before.She was in a room with other birds so she probably picked it up from one of them.It is a neat sound,and she does not do it too loud,I'm just glad to hear her making sounds.Maybe she will be talking before too long.
  4. I started using a water bottle for our Severe Macaw because he did this.He loved to flip it over and spill water everywhere.I'm also going to get one for our grey.The bottles are much,much easier all the way around.
  5. Thanks to both of you for the advise.Plucking is one of my biggest fears with greys.I guess I read too many horror stories,it is acually the main reason I back out of getting one when I got my Severe Macaw instead.I have always wanted a grey so this time I just went for it.
  6. So it's not too early for the first molt?
  7. She is about nine months old.She was on top of her cage and I was watching her she was preening.Then she just reached back and yacked it out.So after a minute I put her back in her cage and she starts eating and then playing.
  8. Coco just pulled out a tail feather.Could she be starting to pluck?
  9. Does anyone here use the Ionic Pro air purifier?I was just wondering if it's safe for birds?<br><br>Post edited by: jdr, at: 2008/03/17 19:57
  10. Where can I find this?<br><br>Post edited by: jdr, at: 2008/03/17 13:46
  11. Thanks, I think I saw on their web site that you can get 12 months for like $14. Much cheaper either way
  12. I have been thinking about getting a subscribtion,I have been paying like $4.50 in th local pet store.Do you really get them a couple of months in advance.
  13. And of course the other helpful folks here also
  14. I think it's good that we have people like you here.Thanks for the help.
  15. jdr


    Yes aloe vera juice.Do you think it would be ok to use it on my macaw.Thanks for answering my dumb questions.You and several others on here have been a big help.
  16. jdr


    Do you use aloe for every spray bath,or just if there is a problem? Also all I could find is 99.8% is this ok?
  17. Is it possible to transmit it through things like toys that come from a pet store if they have an infected bird at the store? What I mean is just from the toy being in the same store.<br><br>Post edited by: jdr, at: 2008/03/12 17:52
  18. Just wondering how many of you worry about this? Does a bird have to be exposed to this disease to get it,or can it just happen.
  19. jdr


    About what age do Greys usually have their first molt?Just wondering.
  20. judygram wrote: Yes it does look like a chicken scratching.
  21. Coco,been going over and facing the corner of her cage and scratching like a dog or a cat.Why is this?It seems like I have read about this somewhere,but I can't remember why this is.
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