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Everything posted by jdr

  1. jdr

    Hello All

    BMustee wrote: I need to take some recent ones and post them.
  2. jdr

    Hello All

    I haven't been here in a while. I just wanted to give everyone an update on Coco (our CAG). She is doing great and really talking a lot now (too much somtimes:laugh:) Bandit (our Severe Macaw) is doing really well also. Both our birds are a real joy to have.
  3. jdr


    Who would have thought there would be an earthquake in Illinois,and we would feel it in Alabama:ohmy:
  4. jdr


    wildmike556 wrote: I don't know,but we have had some pretty loud thunder lately that really didn't seem to bother Coco much if at all.<br><br>Post edited by: jdr, at: 2008/04/18 19:41
  5. jdr


    We woke up this morning at 4:36am by the sound of Coco (our CAG)thrashing around in her cage.She was very scared,but I couldn't figure out what the problem was.I found out a little later that Illinois had an earthquake at the exact same time that was felt over 800 miles away.My wife or I either one felt it but Coco must have:ohmy:<br><br>Post edited by: jdr, at: 2008/04/18 19:08
  6. jdr


    Is it a good ideal to keep pellets in the food bowl at all times? Just curious as to what most of you do.
  7. Coco has been making a lot of new sounds and whistles lately,but so far no talking that I know of.I have no ideal where she could be hearing these sounds that she has been making.
  8. judygram wrote: This is what I have been doing,but was not sure about it.
  9. Just,wondering Do you give your grey a bath with water,and then spray them with aloe,or just spray them with aloe only?
  10. jdr

    Bird Talk

    greenwinged wrote: I don't know if it's in the stores yet,I just got it in the mail yesterday.I know it's a lot cheaper if you have a subscription.Plus you get them earlier.B)
  11. jdr

    Bird Talk

    judygram wrote: Yes I remember reading a thread here talking about Harrison being in there,that's one of the first things I looked for when I got it. Good looking grey.Who is it here that is owned by that grey I can't remember? Post edited by: jdr, at: 2008/04/03 19:45<br><br>Post edited by: jdr, at: 2008/04/03 19:46
  12. jdr

    Bird Talk

    Sorry for the double post
  13. jdr

    Bird Talk

    The Blue and Gold became infected with Aspergillosis,the owner stated that the bird had almost no signs of illness.Even after being in the care of a vet for six weeks they still could not safe him.I may be wrong about the amount of time with the vet can't remember.
  14. jdr

    Bird Talk

    Got my first issue of Bird Talk in the mail,wow it got here a lot faster than I expected.I think we will like getting them on the mail better than paying $4.50 at the pet store:P I have got to say the story about the Blue & Gold was sad:(<br><br>Post edited by: jdr, at: 2008/04/03 18:48
  15. jdr

    pin feathers

    Thanks,you folks are awesome.<br><br>Post edited by: jdr, at: 2008/04/01 20:54
  16. jdr

    pin feathers

    Last night we noticed that Coco had another tail feather in her mouth.That's the second tail feather she has pulled out,but it was probably two weeks ago when she pulled out the other.I'm hoping maybe it's just a moult coming on.
  17. Can someone please describe what pin feathers look like? thanks
  18. I have Sirius,I really like it. Yes you can use it in the house or car,also you can get one that you can carry around.As far as which one is best i don't know.I did hear something about a merger but I don't know any details.<br><br>Post edited by: jdr, at: 2008/03/26 20:39
  19. Just wanted to make sure it is safe for birds.I googled Sisal rope and it mention hemp so I thought it might be about the same.
  20. Does anyone know if this about the same thing as Sisal rope?
  21. When making homemade toy what do you use for the chain.
  22. jdr


    Does your grey preen alot? Coco seems to preen more than my Severe Macaw.
  23. Thanks,very good read.
  24. jdr

    Car alarm?

    lovemyGreys wrote: Yes that's it.I'm glad you figured out what I was saying,I was starting to feel pretty dumb there for a second.That's a hard one to explain over the computer:laugh:<br><br>Post edited by: jdr, at: 2008/03/19 21:01
  25. jdr

    Car alarm?

    Oh I almost forgot she also does another sound,but I don't know what you call it..you know the sound you make when calling the dog not the whistle sound the other one.The ticking sound?
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