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Everything posted by rationalreasonz

  1. So how else can I make her eat? The only way she will eat is out of my mouth so if I don't let her won't she get sick from not getting the right amount of nutrients and only eating seeds?
  2. Kika is being very odd , I give her grapes and all different fruits and vegies but she will not eat them. She won't eat her pellets unless I crush them down into powder for her. But yet when I offer her something and she turns it down I put it in my mouth and start o eat it to show her it's good when I do that she comes charging over and eats it out of my mouth so I think ok she wants it so I offer it to her again but she won't eat it she backs up from it almost like shes afraid of it or doesn't feel like breaking it down. I am wondering if it is normal for her to only want to eat out of my mouth. I know it sounds gross but I let her do it because I am afraid if I don't she won't be getting proper nutrients. She eats her seed food perfectly fine and sometimes fruits but other than that she will only eat out of my mouth or out of my hand if it is really mushed up or has come out of my mouth....can someone please give m some advice this is making me nervous.. Thanks in advance guys
  3. That is a great pic She is beautiful. You should send it to be in a magazine like Dr. Foster and Smith's catalog or something.
  4. Congrats!! !0k posts means 10k people's problems you have helped solved, and that is an amazing thing!
  5. http://www.vetdnacenter.com/avian-sexing.html This is the place that I used and it was suggested to me on this site. I sent the sample of blood in and in less than a week had results emailed to me and then a few days later received the little certificate in the mail. It costs 19 bucks which is not bad at all seeing as the vet in my area was saying 300. But anyplace that anyone on here recommends is good, because everyone on here knows what they are talking about
  6. Ouchies..It probably wasn't funny when it happened but I bet it is now..or at least will be after enough time passes. "turkey" LoL, kinda cute.
  7. My Grey is so cuddly she snuggles right up to me and kisses and everything. I hope she doesn't outgrow it = this will make me very sad...
  8. well you all made me feel better that it is not a definite thing that Kika will hate me if I get another Grey. I think I will begin my search for a new baby Grey
  9. It looks cool but it could cause an issue with nesting. I know at night right now in my house it can get a little chilly so I wanted something for her to snuggle in. I took some soft fuzzy material and made her one of those cuddle sack things that I have seen for smaller birds. I made it big enough for her and she loves it. She goes in at night when I say time for night night and she gets all snuggled and cozy. I made two so that I can take one out to wash and put the clean one in so she always has it in there. Maybe you can do this for her?
  10. :angry: That poor bird = why someone would want to just give up there pet, any pet makes me sick. Most of this comes from someone wanting something because their friend had it or because they saw a famous person with it, then they get it and suddenly the fad dies out and they just toss it to the side. It's just so disturbing. These people should realize that animals are living things and having feelings and needs just like we do. = I wish I could drive up to that guys house selling his grey, smack the S*i* out of him and take the bird and give him a better life. This is why pet stores and breeders should screen who they are selling their animal to and make sure they are able to handle the pet. All they have to do is ask them a series of quick questions, not about their home or personalities (though this is still good to do) but about the animal they are buying. If they can't answer care questions and things they should know about having the animal then obviously they are not ready for it. Grr Melanie Angry! :angry:
  11. I didn't think that would happen with Kika either. I kept saying but she loves me. I thought her having another Grey would just make her happier. The idea of getting another is still in my mind and I definitely do want another one. They also said even getting a quaker and having it in the same room could cause her to not like me anymore either. I am starting to think people at my job don't know what they are talking about..maybe it is a good thing I am leaving on Saturday.
  12. They are telling me that my grey and the other one I will get will not want anything to do with me. That when you have more than one they just bond with each other and pay no attention to the human anymore. I don't want this to happen. I want her to still love me and come to me and come out and snuggle with me. = I want another Grey but I am not willing to give up the love I have with Kika.
  13. This is me and my hubbby sorry I took so long!
  14. I was chit chatting with folks I work with and the subject came up about me getting another Grey. They immediately started to jump on me about how it's a terrible idea and my Grey will become mean and hate me. They said having two of them is the worst idea and if I were to get another I would have to keep them in separate rooms. My mom had come to me the other night and said she wants to get Kika a friend, not to breed but just so she has someone and I got soo psyched about this and was going to post on here to see if anyone would have a Grey available within the next month or two. Now I am terrified my Grey loves me and she loves to snuggle and give kisses and she is great and now I am feeling like no one should ever have two grey's which is dumb. I guess what I am asking is..is this true? Should I put the idea of getting another grey out of my head? Thank you all for your help.
  15. Are grey's really are like children. One thing that comes to mind is putting her feet in my food, yanking my glasses off my face, throwing food on the floor. If my kid did this I would have to yell, but when Kika does it I find it funny (for the most part).
  16. SO cute when they sleep I love when I look over and see my baby sleeping one leg up all cute and fluffy.
  17. My grey is a female and she is only 6 months old. She is a great talker and I have had her a little under a month. She says I love you, cookie, wanna come out, here kitty kitty, bad dog (LoL), hello, bye byes, kisses, snuggle, and some others I am sure I am forgetting. I don't think there is a difference between male and females and how they talk. I don't know if females can mimic male voices but I do know that they tend to speak like the voice that speaks to them. If it is a male talking to them they will go lower in tone and such to sound like them.
  18. I had been searching the net with my friend (she wants a grey) We found this same exact ad picture and all. When my friend got to talking with the person who created it they just kept pushing for her checking act number. They said all she would have to do is pay to ship the bird. They refused to send any new pictures or customized pictures of the bird. She told us the bird was 4 years old and then when we questioned her from a different email address saying we were different people the bird was 2 years old...This is a scam and should be deleted before any unsuspecting person falls for it. I know I trust everyone on this forum and some newbie might think that this is real and get into some trouble.
  19. Very nifty, you should make them and then sell them on ebay or something, you could make some good profit off of them I know I would buy one!
  20. LoL I would love to have little grand birdies. That would be so cute I don't know the first thing about that though.
  21. Either way I would have been happy but I she was already saying good girl lol so I am just happy it worked out that way. plus her name is Kika which is a girl name and she already says that lol. Thank you all for sharing my happiness
  22. Well I came online to check my email and had a letter from the DNA testing center...and my beautiful baby is a...*drum role please* Female :D I'm so happy I know now! After the terrifying blood sample incident and everything I now know I have a baby girl!
  23. http://cgi.ebay.com/Parrot-Bird-Wrought-Iron-Cage-40-x30-x69-WI40AS_W0QQitemZ250181836878QQihZ015QQcategoryZ46289QQtcZphotoQQcmdZViewItemQQ_trksidZp1742.m153.l1262 Here is a link to a cage I just bought for my CAG Kika. It is perfect size nice and roomie and a very good price. Those cages are nice but the second one I think, is not meant for a grey. I highly recommend the link above, it is a great cage
  24. conrgats you must be so psyched right now .
  25. Awesome site I have seen it before. I wish they had prices on their birds online..They have Toucans!!! lol. Very cool site thanks for sharing.
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