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Everything posted by rationalreasonz

  1. Hey great site I found a lot of places near by me that have quakers I wish they were in season now but it's not for another couple months = I have a cage and everything I need but the bird! lol thank you for your help
  2. I really want to get a quaker parrot but I want to find a breeder in NY does anyone know of someone? I would loove a blue quaker but not really sure how easy they are to come by. If anyone knows of where I can find one I would really appreciate it
  3. If I were in your place I would take the bird with me. I would be too afraid to leave him at home with someone he doesn't like. This may cause more stress than the long car ride. =( I would be worried to come home to a sick bird. Plus I think he will be every excited to take a long trip to a new place with his mommy. The only other option you have if you don't take him is finding someone he does like to watch over him.
  4. aww a girl congrats! Mine looks very similar to yours I don't know if that means anything but... *crosses fingers* I hope mine is a girl...
  5. aww don't feel guilty I couldn't afford a big one either at first. Your baby knows you love her either way. Just keep your eye out on ebay they have some really good deals on there. You can even build your own cage if you have the extra time. I have seen some great plans for cages. If you would like I can do some research and find you a nice one. I only bought the monster cage because I am at work most of the day so I wanted her to have her space, but the cage she had would have been ok if I were home most of the day, which I wish I were...= aaanyway, lol if you really wanted to get one of the cages you can even apply for a paypal buyer credit card you pay 20 bucks a month it has low interest and no interest for 12 months...
  6. yep how big was the one you got for 175? I love ebay for that reason. I work at a pet store and I know how much they pay for the item and then how much they charge it is like a 100% mark up I mean don't get me wrong if I had the money I would just buy it there but I don't. The way I see it the 500 bucks I saved on the cage can now go to food and toys and lots of other things for my baby like a great play stand I found..I must share that link as well I think it is great! Here it is: http://cgi.ebay.com/Parrot-Bird-Play-Stand-Perch-Gym-Large-Cage-Aviary_W0QQitemZ250220206126QQihZ015QQcategoryZ46289QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem I love this thing This is what I am going to get her next
  7. Liz, No that's not the one I have. Mine looks like a Yo-Yo but instead of the string it has two tracks side by side that have little marble sized balls that spin around, but that one is adorable too they love mind toys as the girl at my job calls them. Things that make them think. But I would say that that toy would be the same concept as the one I have http://cgi.ebay.com/Parrot-Bird-Wrought-Iron-Cage-40-x30-x69-WI40AS_W0QQitemZ250181836878QQihZ015QQcategoryZ46289QQtcZphotoQQcmdZViewItemQQ_trksidZp1742.m153.l1262 This is the link to the cage for all of those interested in it The seller is trust worthy and they shipped it really fast. I got mine in less than a week and I think that is amazing!
  8. My friend had been trying to get me to not buy the cage. She said it was too big and she would hurt herself but when I did research everywhere I looked they said the same thing, there is no such thing as too big. So I went with the biggest one I could find. I have 5 toys in there now and like 10 more out to switch every week. She loves everything. I have this toy for her that she has to spin these little balls around the circle and she plays with it a lot she will spin the ball and when it goes around she will yell woo hoo lol. She is so great and I love to spoil her. If anyone on here wants to get a new cage or bigger cage like I did I will be more than happy to send the ling from where I got it. Now that I see this big cage there is plenty of room for her to have a friend lol
  9. yeh, I was worried she would be scared but she loooved it she went from a 20x20 cage to this huuuge thing and she absolutely loves it. She is more talkative then ever and I am so happy. I got it for a great price to. Everywhere I looked they were 800 or 600 bucks but I got mine for 350 on Ebay and I am so happy with it
  10. I just had to share this with people who will appreciate it. I just got my gray a new cage today and it is so amazing. It is 38x48x64 and she loves it. My finace` just carries on about how big it is and how much space it is taking up. But when I put her in it today she started talking like crazy and climbing all around she loves it! It makes me so happy to see her happy. Now she has a huuuge cage with a playtop and all she she can climb around and get exercise. I thought I would share this with others who share this same excitement as I do seeing their birds happy. How big are all of your cages and how did your gray react when being put in her new home?
  11. Thank you soo much BMustee that is very helpful! I will just start slow clip a little at a time till I get it. I will buy some of that powder from my job to take care of the bleeding. But thank you SOO much
  12. Thank you. I want to get another gray where is your breeder located? How much does she charge...My gray is still young so maybe I can get her a friend to keep her company during the day while I'm gone I live in NY but I would travel for a birdie maybe I should talk to your breeder
  13. Thank you all I just ordered two of the kits from the DNA vet center. How long will it take to get the results once I mail it back to them? and can anyone tell me how to tell how short to go on the nail?
  14. Thank you for your help. I didn't think it would be $300 but that's what I have been told. The mail in test sounds good but I am scared to make her bleed or pluck feathers and have her be mighty upset with me. I am just afraid I will mess up and hurt her really bad, and no one wants to do that to their baby! Maybe I can find someone who knows how to do it and have them help me with the at home test. But thank you everyone for being so helpful I love this little community!
  15. Is there any way besides paying 300 dollars to find out the sex of my grey? I hear that females are lighter and their eyes are closer and they are smaller, but what can I compare her too? Everyone at my job thinks she is a female but I want to know for sure. I asked around in my area and everyone said its about 300 dollars for the test. Is there a cheaper way? Or can someone who has a male that has been tested send me a picture to compare if in fact those above statements are true. I have also heard something brief about an at home mail away test of some kind but I hear you have to draw blood and that makes me nervous. Thank you in advance for your help!
  16. Thank you for your advice it is definitely something I will give a try
  17. thank you for your messages I have included pics of her so you can see how adorable she is. She poses for the camera (dont mind me in the pic) I said give mommy kisses and you can see she did and then I said ok look at the camera and she turned, she is so cuuute! Here is the link where you can see her pics http://i65.photobucket.com/albums/h218/rationalreasonz/IMG_0539.jpg http://i65.photobucket.com/albums/h218/rationalreasonz/IMG_0538.jpg http://i65.photobucket.com/albums/h218/rationalreasonz/IMG_0537.jpg http://i65.photobucket.com/albums/h218/rationalreasonz/IMG_0530.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: rationalreasonz, at: 2008/02/27 04:00
  18. Thank you I will try this. it's not the poop that bothers me as much as her shoving her sharp talons into my face trying to climb up. She will either use my ear or eyes or mouth..and it is very painful lol. someone at my job told me she likes to be higher than me? or the highest place possible..but I just want her to sit on my shoulder and snuggle with me = I know its not that she doesn't want to be near my face or anything with her not liking me because when i put her on her play top perch she will fly off and come to me and kiss my face and then up sheee goes. I will continue removing her and saying NO NO NO lol but she really holds on to my hair and gets angry when i try to take her off... I wish I could hear her thoughts.
  19. Hello everyone, My name is Melanie and I recently got my African Grey about two weeks ago. Her name is Kika and I fell in love with her the moment I layed eyes on her. I work at a pet store and she was finally weened and ready to go to her new home with whoever would buy her, she was very mean to everyone at work at night when we would bring the birds out to give them fruits and veggies. She always bit everyone and made a fuss. I decided to try to hold her one night and she came on my hand crawled up onto my shoulder and licked me and said clear as day HELLO!! everyone was shocked because she had never spoken before and definitely never gave kisses. She then climbed onto my head and started making various clicking sounds and everyone knew just as much as I did in that moment she had to come home with me. Two days later I bought her and brought her home and even though it has only been two weeks I am so attached to her and love her so much I could never let her go. Every week when I get paid she is the first thing that pops in my mind (and of course my check doesn't ever really make it out of the store lol) She is very loveable talkative and adorable. I am a newby to grey's and birds overall but I am reading up on her and learning everything there is to know. I look forward to sharing thoughts and such with all of you
  20. My grey will not sit on my shoulder she will climb right up on top of my head and poop in my hair. She is really friendly otherwise and loves to come to me. But how can I make her stop climbing on my head and stay on my shoulder? I have tried hats it doesn't work she just climb onto the hat...what can I do!?
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