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Everything posted by birdhouse

  1. The fids really do like bottle caps, don't they. Last night I was playing with one with Kura. After, I put it into her cage with her. She spent half an hour trying to use it to bring water from her water dish to her food dish. About all she had left was drips by the time she'd get there. But it was fun to watch.
  2. Maybe it would help if you gave Brutus at least one landing pad in every room. Set around some orbits, boings &/or stands & keep them loaded with rotating toys. Give him a reason to want to land on them & hang instead of the door ways.
  3. Post on the internet in places like Craig's List & 911 Parrot Alert on Yahoo & any other forums. You could also let us know where you are. I hope Shanti will be home soon.
  4. That sounds as wrong to me as if pet stores went to the SPCA to get cats & dogs to retail. This is a bird sanctuary we're talking about. And these are birds who have already lived through things with the resulting baggage. They need special handling & consideration, not to be sold to the next person who walks through the door with enough money. I really don't understand this.
  5. Greenly used Cubby in his photography until he needed more medical attention than Greenly was willing to pay. Instead, he profits $4650 from selling him for execution. Gentry gets his kicks chasing this animal (who has no known reason to run) up & down the block, in my neighborhood & kills him by the least efficient possible method. Then oops, fills out the paperwork incorrectly. How can anyone call all of this anything except barbaric?
  6. Me, too. Keeping good thoughts for such special folks. xxx
  7. I love the voice on that bird! That's a nice looking website, too.
  8. I second that. Sadie's about to get the greyt home she deserves. You've got a lot of knowledge from the other greys in your life & that's going to help you with her transition & baggage. This is great news! Congratulations!!
  9. I read "crazy kisses" as a shower of rapid kisses? If that's the case, you might try just being a little slower & less animated. Make lighter contact or only kiss his chest for the moment. He may just be getting carried away, now that he's comfortable with what you're doing. Kura's the only one I can do that with because she's incredibly gentle. But she get's a little rough when she gets excited & forgets she has such a big beak. We just stop whatever. I tell her she hurt me, then try again. She usually gets it & quits chomping. If she doesn't I stop because I know she doesn't want to play. If it turns out that Sully really doesn't want kisses, don't take it personally. It may just be a phase he's going through.
  10. Thank you for posting this & just now. I give my fids rattles & teethers & such for foot toys. But I never think to look at the bigger toys. Kura is definitely going thru adolescence. I need to find her things to keep her active & distracted from the hormonal behavior. Maybe something like this will help.
  11. LOL I feel your pain. The other day, I literally had the camera in my hand. Belle was sound asleep on the floor when I saw Phenix a foot away, lurking under the sofa with just his head in view, about to pounce. He couldn't have looked more devilish. By the time the shutter clicked, I got nothing but a sleeping dog. Not only was Phenix no where to be seen, but he got really ticked & wouldn't come out from under the sofa for quite a while.
  12. Greys, like humans continue to grow & learn their entire lives. Although stimulus & interaction can make a difference, they develop at their own unique pace. Gracie may not seem to say much yet, but that doesn't mean that she won't unleash a torrent at some point. She may be a closet talker for the moment. Some birds debut their vocabulary only after they're certain they've got it perfect. Just keep working with her & be patient... & be careful what you wish for. You might find the day will come when you miss this quiet phase.
  13. Everyone here loves them including the dog! If your fids won't eat dried cranberries, you might try re-hydrating them with some juice. We have a lot of mixed cranberry juice cocktails like cranapple, crangrape, cranorange, etc. The fids may enjoy the mixed flavors, too. Like >^..^<, we freeze them to have around all the time. My personal fav is steamed cranberry pudding with homemade caramel sauce & they make a very nice topping on a cheesecake. : ) ps... >^..^< ... Hope you don't mind, but I'm just going to start calling you "Face" from now on. It's just way to hard for me to type that right!
  14. Cody/Jody, he/she's still one very cute & happy looking fid!
  15. Me, too. Those are really nice photos. Thanks.
  16. Karcar posted a really nice hummingbird vid from this site. I found this when I was poking around 10/27 http://www.wimp.com/petcrow/
  17. This is the guy you want to have around for house keeping 10/22 http://www.wimp.com/usefultricks/
  18. That was so very sweet. Hummingbirds fascinate me. Must be kind of amazing to hold one & save it like that! The site is really interesting, too. I found a couple of other vids to share. Thanks!
  19. No, No, No! Don't be sad. This is a break through. You've found out that he likes to eat with you & he ate something new. All Good! They're just so stubborn sometimes & I know it's frustrating. Keep trying different foods made different ways. Once he starts to eat a few different things, he'll get a taste for more.
  20. It's very good to hear that Omar is okay. Hopefully, that won't ever happen again. I'm guessing it's a little less common than people breaking a bone. Yes, it's common, but... if that makes sense. And I think the same analogy can be made about multiple blood feathers vs multiple broken bones. I'm really glad I've only seen it once. Phenix severely ripped the web at the base my thumb. I shut down so as not to give him a reaction & I didn't get him to his perch fast enough. He jumped for it & just lost his balance. He wasn't flighted then & broke 2 new flights on the way to the floor. Between us there was blood pretty much everywhere. But we did managed not to kill each other & lived happily ever after. :rolleyes:
  21. Generously taste testing & offering his vast personal expertise on presentation. I'm shocked. I'm confused. Are you suggesting that the King was anything but helpful ???
  22. Ouch! Stop typing & go soak your fingers in some aloe vera gel. It's really the best for burn pain.
  23. It's wonderful to hear this. Even better that he included your hubby, under the circumstances. He really does seem like an exceptional & sweet bird. Which is all the more reason why he deserves such great home! I third everyone's "Good Job!"
  24. Awww, Kura used to do that when she was younger. It reminded me of the way an infant will grab you face, except with claws. LOL She really was pretty gentle about it, though. Now, she holds my finger & lays her beak against me. Sometimes she just stays that way, looking happy. Sometimes, I get nibble kisses, too.
  25. Phenix has always hated having his cage cleaned. Some days he's better than others but there's never been anything I could do to change it. I needed to clean up what looked like the aftermath of a food fight & I had a kind of full day. Figured I could catch some of the game & multitask. What was I thinking? I was excited because the Pats were having it their way. I wasn't in the Zen mode I need to calm Phenix, at all. When the commentator hollered that our guys made an interception, I popped up & swung around... right into Phenix. He flashed out & bit me just above my cheek at the eye socket where the skin is so, so delicate. I'm very lucky he was too surprised to get a good grab or he would have done a lot more damage. It still bled & hurt pretty bad. But it's healing nicely & I think the vitamin e oil will keep the scar to a minimum. Hopefully just enough to keep me from making the same kind of stupid mistake for the next 20 odd years or so...?
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