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Everything posted by Nychsa

  1. "Stop that!", "Leave it!" "That's no, no!" Almost all day long? You know, the last time I went through this, my son was 2 years of age! How are you doing with your two year old substitute? Love to hear the stories:
  2. Hannah_Rae wrote: No, first I put her on my hand and move her under the shower stream slowly. I make sure I dont' get her head. She'll get her head wet on her own terms. Once she's good and wet, I step in and then I put her on one of the platforms in the shower and she showers at her liesure then. I do however take the sprayer and give her a really good soaking all over so it does down to her skin. She particularly enjoys the massage pulse spray :laugh: I do have to say there may be a copy cat factor involved with this. Jiggy, my conure, LOVES water and the shower, and when Bella first joined us, she initially watched Jiggy go into the shower, so she may have just followed suite. I've seen both of them teach each other things. I'm quite sure if it weren't for Bella, Jiggy would still be refusing fresh foods. And Jiggy certainly taught Bella that new toys have one purpose: to be attacked!!!!! :evil: :evil: :evil: LOL ok - my 3rd edit here - you know, I'm wondering about the conure-grey combo. What I've ready about Greys is that they are naturally cautious, and prefer to stand on the sidelines and observe. Conures on the other hand seem to have NO fear! They have no concept of how small they are, and they seem to feel they are the center of the show at ALL times. So, I really think at least at hour house, Bella and Jiggy are feeding off each other's energies and things like showers etc.. are a bit easier to do. Hmmmm Post edited by: Nychsa, at: 2008/03/04 14:50<br><br>Post edited by: Nychsa, at: 2008/03/04 14:56
  3. oh what a riot Ronda!! Thanks for sharing! Re: potential future dances for Sweetheart - you need to get your kids to dance for her. My grand daughter taught both Jiggy and Bella to do the Tootti Tah dance. The birds seem to get into it when my grand daughter goes on and on about it!! They sit on their perches bobbing their heads around - Bella does the wing flap to go with it. Haley is trying furiously to get them to go around in a circle too, but we're not quite there yet! So, get the kids to do it! Sweetheart will be dancing in no time :laugh:
  4. What a gorgeous baby! You can just see the sweetness! Millet lover too! Thanks for sharing
  5. That's awesome that she's so playful after such a short amount of time with you!!! Thanks for sharing! I can't wait to see how she continues to evolve... I bet she's going to come up with some goodies :laugh:
  6. Hannah, no idea what the chirping is about, but about the misting - Bella HATES getting misted - she gets pretty darn mad about it. But she loves to get in the shower with me. Go figure! Maybe Juji would prefer the shower?
  7. For one more month we're in Maryland - then we're in Florida!
  8. Congrats!!! Totally looking forward to the pictures!!
  9. Thank you Fawkes! Of course to me there is no bird in the world more beautiful :laugh: But I'm sure we all feel that way about our babies
  10. My pleasure Judy! I don't think any other people in the world can understand what is going on in my heart when my little imp gives me a good work out every day! Even though she's such a little devil, I could not love her more!
  11. LOL Ronda! Don't be fooled by Bella! I'm not sure I would be able to handle a second one like her :blink: She's a little wild child! Every five minutes you can hear me saying "Bella knock it off", "Bella, leave that" - like right now - Jiggy is sitting peacefully on my monitor and my darling Bella, she's trying to chew on the curtains again (she has MASSIVE amounts of toys!!! She doesn't need to chew curtains!). And when I say "no" or "knock it off" she runs over to give me kissies or scratch her neck! :angry: She knows exactly now to twist to me anyway she needs me!
  12. Oh, are you kidding? Pictures are awesome! I'm pretty sure most people here love looking at them. Cheers! Terri
  13. LOL Tracy! She didn't make it time! I had breakfast done before she was able to get all the way up there! I did manage to find something to get her attention right now though - the "Baby Einsteins" are on TV - seems she likes to watch cartoons. No wonder she gets along with my grand daughter so well!
  14. Greetings Everyone, I've set the Sharepoint site up - but I'm going to be moving very shortly to Florida and I'd like to pick this back up after my move and everything is settled. If that works for you, we'll do it like that and I'll PM everyone who is interested in the project from now on rather then posting. Cheers! Terri
  15. Fermentation may be an issue - it is for people who have issues with yeast and mold - but one may not be a problem. I a scare the other day as well, Bella quietly snuck over to my wine glass and got herself a beakfull :blink: I panicked, aside from slipping on her table top perch, I think she's fine. Wine is fermented as well (but the alcohol is my understanding the problem with wine and birds)
  16. Yes, I got my coffee - finally after feeding the dogs. Unfortunately Bella was done with her breakfast, that means she wants to play with her favorite toy - me!!! :woohoo: So, she shreds her poopy pad under her table top perch, tries to reach for the TV controls and the phone, falls off her perch, flapping her wings like crazy, making sure all the shredding from her poopy pads lands all over the floor (did I mention I have to constantly clean now because I'm renting my house out and I need to show the house ) So, she crawls back up my leg, and is now working on my computer monitor! :evil: And when I tell her 'no, no' - she hurries up and gives me kissies. I think I'm loosing this morning! :silly:
  17. LOL thanks BMustee! Took me a while! No idea why I was having so many issues uploading pictures! Wait - the coffee is still in the coffee pot - I better go get some before I try anything else! :laugh:
  18. This should work now! Plotting her attack Telling the toy she's in charge! Attacking the toy Getting head message on Mom's foot while waiting for breakfast Need to get up the counter to hurry breakfast along Almost there! Post edited by: Nychsa, at: 2008/03/03 14:08<br><br>Post edited by: Nychsa, at: 2008/03/03 14:12
  19. Hmm, looks like the pictures are not working Yes, it's Monday morning!!! :laugh:<br><br>Post edited by: Nychsa, at: 2008/03/03 14:09
  20. We're still trouble shooting!<br><br>Post edited by: Nychsa, at: 2008/03/03 14:03
  21. Hmm Monday morning technical problems<br><br>Post edited by: Nychsa, at: 2008/03/03 14:03
  22. Good Morning Everyone! Well - my video endeavors have run into a snag - my son would like to buy a videocam for me (as he is the subject matter expert), but as son's go, the BMW salesman seems to have helped him understand his 'real priorities :huh: . If I run off and get one, he'll be crushed. So... what to do? Well, take lots of pictures :laugh: As usual, Bella is fit to be tied this morning and here she is in all her Monday morning Glory - first plotting her mischief:<br><br>Post edited by: Nychsa, at: 2008/03/03 13:46
  23. Wow that's a great deal Muse!! Well, end of March I'll be your neighbor - maybe we can go together one time!
  24. lOL thanks Dan - she is a character! Seh's getting pretty crazy with the acrobatics. I'm always worried she's going to fall on her noggen - which happened today when she got a little too carried away on her swing!
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